Key Vocabulary for Earth Science by SOL Number ES02: The Nature of Science Analysis Constant Control Control Group Experiment Experimental Group Graphing Relationships: Direct (Positive), Indirect (Negative, Inverse), No Relationship Graphs: Bar, Circle, Histogram, Line, Scatter-Plot Hypothesis Independent versus Dependent Variable Inference Law Metric System Observation Scientific Method Theory ES01: Maps and Remote Sensing Basic Mapping Skills: Arctic/Antarctic Circles Equator International Date Line Latitude Longitude Map Key Map Legend Map Projections: Mercator, Conic, Gnomonic Map Scale: Verbal, Fractional, Graphical Map Types: Bathymetric, Geologic, Hydrologic, Physical, Political, Thematic, Topographic North/South Pole Polaris (North Star) Prime Meridian Time Zone Tropics of Cancer/Capricorn Topographic Maps: Contour interval Contour Line Hachure Index Contour Slope/Gradient Topographic Map Topographic Profile Remote Sensing: Electromagnetic Spectrum Frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery Sonar Wavelength Layers of Earth: Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core ES04: Minerals Crystal Crystal System: Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, Triclinic, Hexagonal Gemstone Mineral Minerals (Common): Feldspar, Quartz, Pyrite, Mica, Halite, Gypsum Mineral Composition: Carbonate, Halide, Hydroxide, Native Element, Oxide, Silicate, Sulfate, Sulfide Mineral Properties: Cleavage, Color, Fracture, Hardness, Luster, Streak Unique Properties: Chemical Reactivity, Double Internal Refraction, Fluorescence, Magnetism, Odor, Phosphorescence Ore Mineral Ores: Bauxite (Al), Sphalerite (Zn), Hematite (Fe), Magnetite (Fe), Galena (Pb) Silica Tetrahedron ES05 Rocks Igneous Rocks Bowen’s Reaction Series: Continuous and Discontinuous Reaction Series Continuous Series Minerals: Plagioclase Feldspars: Calcium- and Sodium-Feldspars Discontinuous Series Minerals: Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Biotite Mica High Silica Minerals: Orthoclase Feldspars: Potassium- and Aluminum-Feldspars, Muscovite Mica, Quartz Extrusive (volcanic) Igneous Rocks Intrusive (plutonic) Igneous Rocks Fractional Crystallization Partial Melting Igneous Rocks (Common Representatives): Felsic Intermediate Mafic Ultra-Mafic Intrusive: Granite Diorite Gabbro, Peridotite/Dunite Extrusive: Rhyolite Andesite Basalt Glassy: Obsidian Obsidian Scoria Pumice Pumice Igneous Rock Composition: Felsic, Intermediate, Mafic, Ultra-Mafic Igneous Rock Textures: very-coarse grained (Pegmatitic), coarse-grained (Phaneritic), Fine-grained (Aphanitic), dual-grained (Porphyritic), glassy (Amorphous) Magma Composition: Rhyolitic, Andesitic, Basaltic Phenocryst Vesicular Sedimentary Rocks Clast Size: Gravels (Boulders, Cobbles, Pebbles, Granules) > Sands > Silts > Clays Clastic Sedimentary Rocks: Conglomerate/Breccia, Sandstone, Siltstone/Mudstone, Claystone/Shale Chemical Sedimentary Rocks: Limestone (CaCO3), Rock Gypsum (CaSO4), Rock Salt (NaCl) Organic Sedimentary Rocks: Limestone (Chalk, Coquina, Fossiliferous), Coal Formation of Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Burial, Lithification (compaction and cementation) Sedimentary Rock Features: Bedding, Cross-Bedding, Graded Bedding, Fossils, Ripple-Marks, Sorting Metamorphic Rocks Factors Affecting Metamorphism: Temperature and Pressure Metamorphism Metamorphic Grade: Low, Medium, High Metamorphism Types: Regional (pressure due to Tectonic activity), Contact/Thermal (high temperature due to magmatic intrusions), Hydrothermal (loss or addition of minerals to native rocks due the activity of very hot water) Metamorphic Rock Types: Foliated, Banded, Non-Foliated Metamorphic Rocks (common with parent rock): f=foliated, n=non-foliate, b=banded Parent Metamorphic Product(s) Shale Slate (f) -> Phyllite (f) -> Schist (f) -> Gneiss (b) Limestone Marble (n) Sandstone Quartzite (n) Granite Granitic Schist (f) -> Granitic Gneiss (b) Porphyroblast ES06: Natural Resources Renewable Resource Non-Renewable Resource Fossil Fuels: Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum Advantages: high energy density, relatively cheap (currently) Disadvantage: environmental damage during extraction, pollution released when burned, release CO2, a greenhouse gas, when burned Alternative Energy Resources (Advantages and Disadvantages) Solar Power Wind Power Hydroelectric Biomass Geothermal Nuclear Power Conservation Reduce Recycle Reuse Virginia’s Natural Resources: Coal, Natural Gas, Aggregate, other construction material, etc. ES07: Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes Plate Tectonics: Continental Drift Hypothesis Proposed by: Alfred Wegener Main Idea: Approximately 200 million years ago all of Earth’s continents were part of a super-continent called Pangaea. Over the intervening 200 my period, Pangaea, broke apart and the continents drifted to their present locations by plowing their way through the bedrock of the seafloor. Supported by: Complementary continental outlines; Fossils of identical terrestrial plant and animal species can be found on now widely separated continents; Stratigraphy and structural geology of the continental rocks and mountain systems; Paleoclimatic Data -Evidence of major climate shifts over time Problems: No plausible mechanism for the drifting of continents could be found Seafloor Spreading Proposed by: Main Idea: Harry Hess, et al New oceanic crust is produced at mid-ocean ridges by the extrusion of basaltic magma. The warmer, less dense, newly formed crust forces the older denser crust up and outwards away from the MOR. When the older, denser crust encounters younger, less dense, oceanic crust, or the much less dense continental crust, it is force beneath the less dense crust in a process known as subduction. The subduction zone can be marked at the surface by the presence of a deep-sea trench. The subducted plate is then partially melted and recycled by the heat of the earth’s interior. Supported by: The presence of the Mid-Ocean Ridge system; Symmetrical pattern of magnetic reversals about the MOR; Continental crust is ~20 times older than the oldest oceanic crust; The presence of deep-sea trenches at active continental margins; Seafloor sediment increases in depth as you move away from the MOR; The age of ocean crust increases as you move away from the MOR Theory of Plate Tectonics Proposed by: Plate Tectonic Theory is a synthesis of the Continental Drift Hypothesis and the mechanism of Seafloor Spreading. Main Idea: The Earth’s lithosphere (crust and upper mantle) is broken into twelve major and several minor plates. The lithospheric plates “float” and move independently on a semi-molten part of the lower mantle called the asthenosphere. Mechanisms: Convection currents in the asthenosphere Ridge Push Slab Pull Plate Boundary Interactions Convergent: Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Oceanic-Continental Divergent: Oceanic, Continental Transform Plate Boundary Features( w/associated boundary type): c= continental o= oceanic Folded Mountains (c-c convergent) ex. Himalaya Mountains Rift Zones (divergent) Mid-Ocean Ridge (oceanic divergent) ex. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, East Pacific Rise Rift Valley (continental divergent) ex. Great Rift Valley of eastern Africa Subduction Zone/Trench (c-o and o-o convergent) ex. Peru-Chile, Aleutian, Marianas Volcanic Island Arc (o-o convergent) ex. Japanese, Aleutian, Philippine, Sumatran Volcanic Mountain Range (c-o convergent) ex. Cascade and Andes Mountains Earthquakes (all boundary types) Additional Terms: Asthenosphere Convection Cells: Divergent/Convergent Convection Current Isochron Lithosphere Magnetometer Paleomagnetism Semi-molten Earthquakes: Forces within the Earth: Stress: Compression, Tension, Shear Strain: Elastic and Ductile Deformation Results: Fracturing (Joints/Faults) and Folding (Anticline/Synclines/etc.) Fault Type: Normal Cause: Tension – Thinning of the crust Movement: HW moves down relative to the FW Feature: Rift Valleys and Fault Block Mountains Associated: Divergent Boundaries Fault Type: Reverse Cause: Compression – Thickening of the crust Movement: HW moves up relative to the FW Feature: Over-thrust Mountains Associated: Convergent Boundaries Fault Type: Strike-Slip Cause: Shear Movement: Horizontal Feature: Large Scale Faults (ex. San Andreas Fault) Associated: Transform Boundaries Locating an Earthquake Epicenter: Triangulation Epicenter Focus: may be deep, intermediate, or shallow in depth Seismometer/Seismograph Seismogram Difference in Arrival Time (aka: lag-time, S-P interval, ļTarrival) S-P Travel-Time Plot Epicentral Distance Measuring Earthquakes: Earthquake Magnitude = objective measurement of seismic energy released during a seismic event compared to background; measured on the Richter Scale: Based on powers of 32 Earthquake Intensity = Subjective determination of the amount of damage, death, and destruction caused by a seismic event; measured on the Modified Mercalli Scale (12 steps represented by a roman numeral Earthquake Hazards: Amplification, Liquifaction, Pancaking, Tsunami Regions of High Seismic Activity: Circum-Pacific Belt and the Mediterranean-Asian Belt Additional Terms: Fault Plane Fault Scarp Foot Wall Hanging Wall Mohorovicic-Discontinuity (aka the “Moho”) P-Wave Shadow Zone Volcanoes: Formation and Characteristics of Magma: Magma Magma Types: Rhyolitic, Andesitic, Basaltic Magmatic Intrusions aka Plutons: Batholith, Dike, Laccolith, Sill, Stock Lava Volcanic Features: Caldera Cone Crater Fumarole Vent Volcano Type: Shield, Composite/Stratovolcano, Cinder-Cone, Fissure, Caldera (“super-”) Volcanic Products: Lava Flows Gases Tephra: Dust, Ash, Lapilli, Bombs, and Blocks Volcanic Hazards: Pyroclastic Flows Lahars Location of Volcanism: Convergent Boundary Volcanism Divergent Boundary Volcanism Hot-Spot Volcanism Additional Terms: Atoll Guyot Magma Chamber Pillow Basalts Ring of Fire Seamount Volcanic Island Chain ex. Hawaiian Islands and the Emperor Seamounts ES07a, 8a: Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Mass Movement, Soils Weathering Types of Weathering: Mechanical (Physical) Abrasion (leads to rounding of sediments) Frost Action Root Pry Exfoliation Chemical Oxidation Hydrolysis Acid Corrosion Formation of Carbonic Acid Reaction of Carbonic Acid with Calcite Formation of Acid Rain Erosion/Transportation Agents of Erosion: Running Water: See ES 8, Surface Water for details Wind: Saltation Erosional Features: Ventifacts Depositional Features: Dunes (ex. Barchan, Parabolic, Transverse, Longitudinal) Wind Breaks “The Dust Bowl” Glaciers: Formation of Glacial ice Types of Glaciers: Alpine (aka Valley), Piedmont, Continental (Ice sheets and caps) Erosional Features: U-shaped Valleys, Lateral and Medial Moraine, Crevasse, Arete, Horn, Cirque, Col Depositional Features: Ground, End, and Terminal Moraine, Kettle, Kettle Lake, Esker, Drumlin Gravity: Cause of mass movements including glaciers Competence: The largest sized sediment an agent can carry; determined by the kinetic energy of the agent. For Wind and Water primarily determined by velocity, for glaciers primarily determined by mass Deposition: Occurs when the competence of an agent drops below the size of a particle the agent is currently carrying. Mass Movement: Types of Mass Movement: Creep Flow: (includes mud-, debris-, and earth-) Slip (includes slide and slump) Fall Avalanche Soil: Humus A-Horizon/Topsoil B-Horizon/Subsoil C-Horizon/Partially Weathered Bedrock D-Horizon/Parent Rock/Bedrock Residual Soil Soil Texture: determined using the percent of sand silt and clay Soli Texture Diagram Transported Soil ES08b-f: Surface and Groundwater Surface Water Water (Hydrologic) Cycle: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Run-off, Infiltration, Transpiration Drainage Basin/Watershed Major Watersheds of Virginia: James, Rappahannock, York, Chowan, Roanoke/Staunton, Clinch, Holsten, Shenandoah/Potomac Drainage Patterns: Dendritic, Radial, Rectangular, Trellis, Braided Stages of Stream Development: Young, Mature, Old Types of Stream Erosion: Down-Cutting Lateral Cutting (Erosion) Head-ward Erosion Stream Piracy Characteristics of Streams: Alluvial Fan Competence Cut-Bank Delta Discharge Meanders Oxbow Oxbow Lake Point Bar Bank Stream Head Stream Load: Bed, Solution, Suspended Stream Mouth Stream Profile Groundwater Aquifers: Aquiclude Artesian Well Confined Aquifer Permeability Porosity Recharge Recharge Zone Unconfined Aquifer Water Table Zone of Aeration Zone of Saturation Karst Topography: Dissolution of Limestone by Carbonic Acid Caves/Caverns Sinkhole Sinking Streams Spring Dripstone Formations: Stalactites, Stalagmites, Dripstone Column Wells: Drawdown Cone of Depression Saltwater Infiltration Human Influences on Streams and Aquifers Agricultural Runoff Storm water drainage Increase in sediment load Sewage Industrial waste ES09: The Rock Record and Geologic History Geologic Timescale Divisions Eon (Time): Cryptozoic (Hidden Time) Represents 88% of geologic history Phanerozoic (Visible Time) Represents 12% of geologic history Era: Hadean- Period immediately following the formation of the Earth Archean-Permanent atmosphere forms as well as oceans; bacterial organisms appear Proterozoic- First multicellular organisms appear, most organisms possess only soft body parts, all ore marine in nature Paleozoic- First fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles, and mammals appear, Pangaea forms near the end of the Paleozoic triggering the Permian extinction (90% of all species go extict) Mesozoic – “The Age of Dinosaurs”; birds appear near the end of the era; non-flowering plants are replaced by flowering plants; Dinosaurs go extinct 65 million years ago after an asteroid strikes the Earth Cenozoic – “The age of Mammals”; mammals radiate and occupy the niches left by the extinction of the dinosaurs; modern humans appear approximately 200,000 years ago Period: A divison of eras Epoch: A division of periods Relative Dating Principles of Geology: Uniformitarianism Original Horizontality Superposition Cross-cutting Relationships Inclusions Correlation Faunal Succession Unconformities: Disconformity Non-Conformity Angular Unconformity Fossils: Types of Fossils: Per-mineralized: dinosaur bones, petrified wood Actual Remains: Chemically preserved (i.e. Bog Bodies) Frozen/Freeze-Dried Remains (i.e. mammoths frozen in permafrost/ice, Andean mummies) Fossils of Presence/Trace Fossils: footprints, animal borrows, coprolites, gastroliths Casts Molds Absolute Dating Carbon-14 Daughter Isotope Half-life Parent Isotope Radioactive Decay Radioisotope ES7a: Physiographic Provinces of Virginia Coastal Plain Geology: unconsolidated sediments overlying crystalline basement rock; formed as the Blue Ridge and Appalachian Mountains weathered, eroded, and sediment was deposited along the coastline. Topography: Nearly flat and very close to sea-level Important Natural Resources: Aggregate for Construction (mainly sands and gravels) Piedmont Geology: Underlain by igneous and metamorphic rocks; the igneous rocks are the roots of a volcanic island arc formed at a subduction zone prior to the continental collision that formed the Appalachian Mountains Topography: Rolling hills that gradually increase in elevation as they approach the Blue Ridge; separated from the Coastal Plain by a steep drop-off characterized by rapids and waterfalls known as the Fall Line. Important Natural Resources: Aggregate Blue Ridge Geology: Composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks; the oldest rocks in the state Topography: A high ridge of distinct peaks; run along a NE-SW axis; Very narrow north of Roanoke, but become a broad upland to the south. Important Natural Resources: Ridge and Valley Geology: Comprises an extensive series of sedimentary rocks that were extensively folded and reverse faulted during the late Paleozoic era when Africa and North America collided. Topography: Has many long parallel ridges and valleys and extensive areas of karst topography. Important Natural Resources: Crushed limestone and aggregate Appalachian Plateau: Geology: Mostly horizontal sedimentary beds that are slightly tilted towards the west Topography: Highly irregular terrain due to the uniform weathering of the sedimentary beds and the formation of extensive dendritic drainage. Important Natural Resources: coal and natural gas ES10: Oceanography Chemical and Physical Properties of the Oceans: Bodies of Water: Oceans and Seas Currents: Cause: Wind and Density Differences (due to differences in salinity and temperature) Types: Surface, Thermohaline, and Turbidity Currents Oceanography Oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic Ocean Water Characteristics: Temperature, Salinity, Density Sea-Level Tides: Causes: Gravitational pull of the sun and moon Lunar and Centrifugal Bulge High and Low Tides Ebb, Flow, and Slack Tides Tidal Range Extremes: Spring and Neap Tides Thermocline Waves: Breaker, Crest, Refraction, Surf, Trough, Wave Height, Wavelength The Marine Environment: Coastal Features: Erosional Landforms: Bay, Beach, Headland aka Promontory, Notch, Sea Cave, Sea Cliff, Sea Stack Depositional Features: Barrier Islands, Bay-Mouth Bar, Lagoon, Spit, Tombolo Protective (man-made) Structures: Breakwater, Groin, Jetty, Sea Wall Coastal Currents: Longshore Current and Drift, Rip Currents Types of Coastlines: Emergent Coastlines Causes: Drop in sea-level (eustatic drop), tectonic or isostatic uplift of coastal crust Features: Wave-cut Platforms, Marine Terraces, Straightened Coastlines Submergent Coastlines: Causes: Rise in sea-level (eustatic rise), tectonic or isostatic subsidence of coastal crust Features: Drowned River Mouths, Estuaries, Irregular Coastlines Seafloor Features: Continental Margin: Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, Continental Rise Ocean Basin Features: Abyssal Plain, Hydrothermal Vents, Mid-Ocean Ridge Seamounts, Trenches Marine Sediments: Muds and Oozes ES11, 12: The Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate The Atmosphere: Development of the Atmosphere: Degassing Photosynthesis Respiration Layers of the Atmosphere Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere: Ionosphere Exosphere Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere Conduction Convection Radiation Factors Affecting Insolation: Heat Capacity (esp. Land versus Water) Color (light versus dark) The Spherical Shape of the Earth Axial Inclination and Latitude Greenhouse Gas Concentrations (i.e. methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide) Earth’s Radiation Balance: Moisture in the Atmosphere: Evaporation versus Condensation Humidity (Absolute, Maximum, Relative) Dew Point Cloud Formation: Condensation Condensation Nuclei Lifted Condensation Level Lapse Rate Latent Heat Cloud Types: High (made of ice crystals) -prefix =CirroEx. cirrus, cirrocumulus, stratocumulus Mid-level (prefix = alto-) Ex. altocumulus, altostratus Low-level (prefix N/A) Ex. cumulus, stratus Other Prefixes and Suffixes: Strato-/-stratus = Layered Nimbo-/-nimbus = Precipitation Cumulo-/-cumulus = Fluffy or heaped ex. stratocumulus ex. nimbostratus ex. Cumulonimbus Types of Precipitation: Rain Freezing Rain Sleet Snow Hail Meteorology: Weather versus Climate Air Masses: Continental versus Marine Polar versus Tropical Air Mass Modification Coriolis Effect Local Winds: Sea Breeze Land Breeze Santa Anna Winds Chinook Global Winds: Polar Easterlies Prevailing Westerlies Trade Winds Jet Streams Global Pressure Belts Tropical Low (the Doldrums) Sub-Tropical High (the Horse Latitudes) Sub-Polar Low Polar High Formation of High and Low Pressure Centers Movement of Air around Low and High Pressure Centers: Cyclonic, Anti-Cyclonic Frontal Boundaries and Weather: Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Occluded Front Weather Data and Maps Instrumentation: Barometer Hygrometer/Sling Psychrometer Anemometer Thermometer Doppler Radar Ceilometer Radiosonde Weather Satellites Maps: Station Model Isopleth ex. isobars, isotherms Storm Systems and Severe Weather Events Thunderstorms: Air Mass Thunderstorms Mountain Thunderstorm (Orographic Uplift and Rain Shadows) Sea-Breeze Thunderstorms Frontal Thunderstorms: Cold Front versus Warm Front Stages of Development: Cumulus Mature Dissipation Updraft versus Downdraft Lightning Downbursts: Macro- and MicroHail Tornadoes: Super-cell Thunderstorms Mesocyclone Funnel Cloud Tornado Alley Fujita Scale Hurricanes/Cyclones/Typhoons: ITCZ Stages of Development: Tropical Disturbance Tropical Depression Tropical Storm Hurricane Eye Eye Wall Spiral Rain Bands Storm Surge Saffir-Simpson Scale Other Severe Weather Events Flood Heat Wave Drought Cold Wave Blizzard Heat Index Wind Chill Factor Climate: Climatology Normals Climate Zones: Polar Temperate Tropical Orographic Uplift/Rain Shadow Effect Koeppen Classification System Microclimate Heat Island Ice Ages El Nino Seasons Maunder Minimum Precession Greenhouse Gases ES03, 13: The Solar System and Cosmology Motions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon Basic Astronomical Terms: Aphelion Apogee Axial Inclination (Tilt) Axis Orbit Orbital Eccentricity Planet Perigee Perihelion Period of Revolution Period of Rotation Revolution Rotation Satellite Eclipses: Solar: Total, Annular, Partial Lunar: Total Partial Seasons: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring Starting Points: Solstices: Summer and Winter Equinox: Vernal and Autumnal Lunar Phases: New, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent Tides: See terms in ES10 The Solar System Historical Models of the Solar System: Geocentric: Ptolemaic and Epicyclical Heliocentric: Copernican Important Contributions made by: Nicolaus Copernicus – Developed the first heliocentric model Tycho Brahe – Developed instruments that could measure the positions of stars, planets, etc. very accurately. He recorded vast amounts of data on the position of the moon, stars, planets, and sun over a thirty year period. Johannes Kepler – Developed the three laws of planetary motion using the data of T. Brahe Galileo Galilei – First person to use a telescope to extensively observe and map celestial objects. His discovery of the Galilean Satellites of Jupiter proved that objects can orbit other celestial bodies besides Earth. Isaac Newton – Developed the Law of Universal Gravitation and applied it to Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion Inner (Terrestrial) Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Outer (Gas Giant) Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Other Objects in the Solar System: Ice Dwarf Planets (Kuiper Belt Objects) ex. Pluto Asteroids: Types: Metallic, Stony, Mixed Located: Primarily in the Asteroid Belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter Comets: Types: Short Period, Long Period Composition: Rock, Dust, Ices (Frozen Gases) Located: Long-Period comets originate in the Oort Cloud Short Period comets originate in the Kuiper Belt Structure: Nucleus, Coma, Tail Additional Solar System Terms: Astronomical Unit Ellipse Foci Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation Orbital Velocity Retrograde Motion Retrograde Revolution Retrograde Rotation Characteristics of Earth’s Moon: Features: Highlands, Impact Craters, Mare (-ia), Ray, Regolith, Rille Composition: Similar to Earth’s Mantle but iron and water poor Synchronous Rotation: Period of Sidereal Revolution and Rotation are equal We always see the same side of the moon from Earth Mechanisms of Formation: Four proposed over the last 60 years Captured Satellite: The moon formed elsewhere in the solar system but was captured by Earth’s gravity when its orbit came too close to that of Earth. Rotational Formation: During a very Early molten stage of the earth’s formation, the fast rotation of the Early earth caused molten material to be lost from the Earth. Some of this material remained in orbit and accreted over a period of several hundred thousand years Simultaneous Formation: The Earth and the moon accreted at the same time Impact Theory: The moon was formed as a result of the impact of a mars-sized planetoid with the Earth shortly after its formation. The debris created by the impact accreted and formed the moon. Stars Formation: Solar Nebula and Accretion Theory: Accretion Accretion Disk Nebula(-ae) Proto-Solar Disk Solar System Hydrostatic Equilibrium: the balance between thermal pressure and gravity which determines the volume/size of a star The Sun General Characteristics: Energy Source: Fusion of Hydrogen to form Helium in the core Color: Yellow Spectral Class: G2 Age: approximately 4.6 billion years old (middle aged for a star of its mass) Structure: Core Solar Envelope: Radiative Layer Convective Layer Photosphere Solar Atmosphere: Chromosphere Corona Surface Features: Coronal Holes, Granulation, Prominences, Solar Flares, Spicules, Sunspots, Classifying and Characterizing Stars Constellations: used to easily locate stars 44 Ancient (Primarily in the Northern Hemisphere) 44 Modern (Primarily in the Southern Hemisphere) Asterisms: Recognizable parts of much larger constellations ex. Big Dipper (part of Ursa Major), Little Dipper(part of Ursa Minor), Northern Cross (part of Cygnus) Apparent Magnitude Absolute Magnitude Hertzsprung-Russell diagram: Stellar Temperature/Spectral Class versus Absolute Magnitude/Luminosity Regions on the HR diagram: Main Sequence Giant Supergiant Red Dwarf White Dwarf Life-Cycle of Stars Stars of less than 8 solar masses: Red Giant->White Dwarf and Planetary Nebula->Black Dwarf Stars of between 8 and 20 solar masses Supergiant -> Supernova -> Neutron Star/Pulsar Stars of greater than 20 solar masses Supergiant -> Supernova -> Blackhole Cosmology The Big Bang Theory Doppler Shift: Red, Blue Cosmic Background Radiation Hubble Constant Space Exploration Lunar Exploration: Mercury Program Gemini Program Apollo Program Probes and Landers: Mariner Voyager I/II Viking I/II Galileo Magellan Cassini/Huygens Pathfinder/Sojourner Telescopes: Hubble, Chandra/X-ray, Keppler Orbital Stations: Mir, Skylab, ISS Space Shuttle Program