Facultatea de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor Str. Teodor Mihali nr. 58-60 Cluj-Napoca, RO-400951 Tel.: 0264-41.86.52-5 Fax: 0264-41.25.70 econ@econ.ubbcluj.ro www.econ.ubbcluj.ro DETAILED SYLLABUS Portfolio Management 1. Information about the study program 1.1 University 1.2 Faculty 1.3 Department 1.4 Field of study 1.5 Program level (bachelor or master) Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Economics and Business Management Finance Finance Bachelor 1.6 Study program / Qualification Accounting and Management Information Systems 2. Information about the subject 2.1 Subject title Portfolio Management 2.2 Course activities professor Filip Angela-Maria 2.3 Seminar activities professor Filip Angela-Maria 2.4 Year of study III 2.5 Semester VI 2.6 Type of assessment Continuous 2.7 Subject regime Compulsory evaluation 3. Total estimated time (teaching hours per semester) 3.1 Number of hours per week 3 out of which: 3.2 course 2 3.3 seminar/laboratory 3.4 Total number of hours in the 36 out of which: 3.5 course 24 3.6 seminar/laboratory curriculum Time distribution Study based on textbook, course support, references and notes Additional documentation in the library, through specialized databases and field activities Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports Tutoring Assessment (examinations) Others activities ................................... 3.7 Total hours for individual study 27 3.8 Total hours per semester 63 3.9 Number of credits 3 1 12 Hours 8 8 7 1 3 4. Preconditions (if necessary) 4.1 Curriculum 4.2 Skills Statistics Not necessary 5. Conditions (if necessary) 5.1. For course development It is recommended for the students to attend the courses; Students aren’t allowed to talk to each other during the course; Students are encouraged to ask questions, to demand for supplementary explanations, to actively participate in discussions with the teacher; The use of cell phones during the course is forbidden, as it is forbidden to record the course, to film the course or to take pictures. 1 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. It is compulsory for the students to attend the seminars; Students are allowed to discuss with each other during the seminar only if they are demanded to solve in teams certain case studies; It is compulsory for each student to possess a scientific calculator; The use of cell phones during the seminar is forbidden, as it is forbidden to record the course, to film the course or to take pictures. 5.2. For seminar / laboratory development 6. Acquired specific competences Stock and bond valuation; Knowledge of portfolio optimization techniques; Knowledge of portfolio performance evaluation models. Professional competences Transversal competences Using financial theories, methods and concepts in further research: both theoretical studies and solutions to practical financial issues emerged in private and public entities; Applying methods, techniques and instruments of data collection, analysis and processing with respect to investments. 7. Subject objectives (arising from the acquired specific competences) 7.1 Subject’s general objective 7.2 Specific objectives The course explains the concepts of return and risk as the main portfolio management tools; Analyses and rationalizes the investment decisions on capital markets. Portfolio construction and optimization; Portfolio performance evaluation; Knowledge of investment strategies. 8. Contents 8.1 Course Risk and return as portfolio management tools Portfolio construction and optimization models Market efficiency and investment strategies Assets pricing models Evaluating portfolio performance Teaching methods Theoretical speech; Theoretical speech; Examples and explanations. Theoretical speech; Examples and explanations. Theoretical speech; Examples and explanations. Theoretical speech; Examples and explanations. Observations 2 lectures 4 lectures 2 lectures 2 lectures 2 lectures 2 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. References: 1. Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A. (2007), Essential of Investments, McGraw-Hill 2. Brown K., Reilly F. (2013), Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Kindle Edition 3. Farrel J., Portfolio management, McGraw-Hill 4. Grinblatt M., Titman S. (1997), Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, Irwin Professional Publishing 5. Renneboog L. (2006), Advances in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing, Emerald Group Publishing 6. Santomero A., Babbel D. (2001), Financial Markets, Instruments and Institutions, McGraw-Hill International Editions 7. Snopek L. (2012), The Complete Guide to Portfolio Construction and Management, Kindle Edition 8. Todea A., (2008), Investiţii, Ed. Casa Cărţii de Stiinţă, Cluj-Napoca Teaching 8.2 Seminar/laboratory Observations methods Computing stocks return and risk Applications and 1 seminar case study Portfolio optimization. The efficient frontier with the risk-free asset Applications 2 seminars The market model. Case study 1 seminar Equilibrium models and portfolio performance evaluation Case study 2 seminars References: 1. Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A. (2007), Essential of Investments, McGraw-Hill 2. Brown K., Reilly F. (2013), Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Kindle Edition 3. Farrel J., Portfolio management, McGraw-Hill 4. Grinblatt M., Titman S. (1997), Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, Irwin Professional Publishing 5. Renneboog L. (2006), Advances in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing, Emerald Group Publishing 6. Santomero A., Babbel D. (2001), Financial Markets, Instruments and Institutions, McGraw-Hill International Editions 7. Snopek L. (2012), The Complete Guide to Portfolio Construction and Management, Kindle Edition 8. Todea A., (2008), Investiţii, Ed. Casa Cărţii de Stiinţă, Cluj-Napoca 9. Corroboration / validation of the subject’s content in relation to the expectations coming from representatives of the epistemic community, of the professional associations and of the representative employers in the program’s field. The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical proficiency with the aim to develop specific skills and competencies in the area of financial markets. Students are prepared to activate in brokerage companies and investments funds as portfolio managers. 10. Assessment (examination) Type of activity 10.1 Assessment criteria 10.4 Course The market model; The CAPM and APT; 10.2 Assessment methods Investment strategies; 10.3 Weight in the final grade Final written exam 60% Partial exam 40% Portfolio performance evaluation. 10.5 Risk and return Seminar/laboratory The efficient frontier with only risky assets The efficient frontier with the risk-free asset The market model Performance measures 10.6 Minimum performance standard It is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of five in order to pass this exam; It is a written exam which takes 150 minutes. Date of filling 20.01.2015 Signature of the course professor Signature of the seminar professor Associate Professor Filip Angela-Maria PhD Associate Professor Filip Angela-Maria PhD Date of approval by the department 22.01.2015 Head of department’s signature Professor Ciumaş Cristina PhD 3 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.