Appendix 12_fossil justification.

Supplementary Information: Fossil Placement and age.
Age of the fossils below was taken from the original publications unless otherwise noted.
Superfamily Penaeoidea, Aciculipoda mapesi: Feldmann and Schweitzer (2010) recently
provided extensive justification for placement of this taxon in Penaeoidea.
Infraorder Caridea, Pinnacaris dentata: This genus belongs with Caridea due to the
diagnostic pleonite two expanded ventrally and overlapping pleonites one and three
(Garassino and Teruzzi, 1993: fig. 19).
Reptantia, Palaeopalaemon newberryi: Works from Schram et al. (1978) to Karasawa et
al. (2013) have confirmed identity of this taxon as a lobster-like decapod.
Axiidea, Callianassa s.l. C. conbjouri: The chela from which this taxon is known is
typical of the Infraorder (Étallon, 1861, pl. I, fig. 14).
Gebiidea Upogebia obscura: The oldest recorded fossil representing the Infraorder
Gebiidea (von Meyer, 1834).
Anomura, Platykotta akaina: Chablais et al. (2010) provided extensive documentation
that is animal is an anomuran decapod as well as its age.
Infraorder Glypheidea, Litogaster turbullensis: Karasawa et al. (2013) reassigned
Litogaster von Meyer, 1847a, and its constituent species to Litogastroidae Karasawa et
al. (2013) based upon phylogenetic analysis. Litogaster had previously been assigned to
Glypheidae (Glaessner, 1969; Schweitzer et al., 2010) and we have used this assignment
in our analysis. (Recent changes: Family Clytiopsidae: Protoclytiopsis antiqua: Schram
(1980) reevaluated the material deposited in the then USSR and confirmed the Late
Triassic age. Karasawa et al. (2013) established a new classification scheme within
Glypheidea and Glypheoidea, with this species as the oldest member, within the oldest
family. This fossil was not included in our manuscript because the analysis was
performed before recent taxonomic changes; however this finding is in accordance with
divergence time estimates of Glypheidea.)
Enoplometopoidea, Uncina ollerenshawi and Uncina pacifica: Karasawa et al. (2013)
confirmed the relationship of Uncina and Enoplometopus within Enoplometopoidea.
Superfamily Nephropoidea, Pseudastacus pusillus Van Straelen, 1924: Schweitzer et al.
(2010) included Chilenophoberidae, embracing Pseudastacus and its consitutuent
species, within Nephropoidea. Subsequent phylogenetic analysis by Karasawa et al.
(2013) placed Stenochiridae (= Chilenophoberidae) within Enoplometopoidea in Section
Homarida. That section also contained Nephropoidea in their analysis.
Homarus travisensis: Feldmann and Schweitzer have verified the identity of this species
via type and illustrated material.
Metanephrops rossensis: Feldmann has verified the generic identity of this species.
Astacidae, Palaeocambarus licenti: This fossil was originally placed within Cambaridae
but then included within Astacidae following Karasawa et al. (2013).
Austropotamobius llopisi: The illustrations of the specimen show an astacid morphology
and clear uropodal diareses. No evidence exists at this time to question the identification.
Astacus multicavatus: The illustrations of the specimen show an astacid morphology and
clear uropodal diareses. No evidence exists at this time to question the identification.
Pacifastacus chenoderma: Feldmann and Schweitzer have examined conspecific material
deposited in the USNM to confirm the generic identity.
Parastacidae, Palaeoechinastacus australianus: Schweitzer and Feldmann have reviewed
the illustrations of this taxon and see no evidence at this time to question the family
Astacopsis franklinii: Feldmann has reviewed the literature and there is no evidence at
this time to question the identification.
Paranephrops fordycei: Feldmann has confirmed the family-level identification.
Procambarus primaevus: Feldmann et al. (1981) confirmed the placement of this taxon at
the genus and family level.
Infraorder Achelata: Yunnanopalinura schrami Feldmann et al. 2012. The oldest
member of Achelata is Middle Triassic (Anisian), Yunnanopalinura schrami Feldmann et
al. 2012.
Biarctus vitiensis (Dana, 1852), Parribacus cristatus Förster, 1984; Scyllarides bolcensis
De Angeli and Garassino, 2008; Scyllarus junghumi Bohm, 1922; Archaeopalinurus
Pinna, 1974; Jasus flemingi Glaessner, 1960; Justitia vicetina Beschin, De Angeli and
Garassino, 2001; Linuparus carteri (Reed, 1911): For all species listed herein, Feldmann
and Schweitzer have confirmed the family and generic placement of the fossil taxon
based upon examination of type material or illustrations of the type material.
Birshtein, Y. A. 1958. Ein Vertreter der ältesten Ordo der Crustacea Decapoda
Protoclitiopsis antiqua gen. nov. sp. nov. aus dem Permo West-Sibiriens.
Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, 122: 477-480.
Feldmann, R. M., C. E. Schweitzer, C. M. Redman, N. J. Morris & D. J. Ward, 2007.
New Cretaceous lobsters from the Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan. Journal of
Paleontology, 81: 701-713.
Feldmann, R. M., L. Grande, C. P. Birkheimer, J. T. Hannibal & D. L. McCoy, 1981.
Decapod fauna of the Green River Formation (Eocene) of Wyoming. Journal of
Paleontology, 55 (4):788-799.
Feldmann, R. M., C. E. Schweitzer, S. Hu, Q. Zhang, C. Zhou, T. Xie, J. Huang, & W.
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Journal of Paleontology 86: 425-441.
Karasawa, H., C. E. Schweitzer, and R. M. Feldmann. 2013. Phylogeny and systematics
of extant and extinct lobsters. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 33: 78-123.
Schram, F. R. 1980. Miscellaneous Late Paleozoic Malacostraca of the Soviet Union.
Journal of Paleontology, 54: 542-547.
Schram, F. R., R. M. Feldmann & M. J. Copeland, 1978. The Late Devonian
Palaeopalaemonidae and the earliest decapod crustaceans. Journal of
Paleontology, 52: 1375-1387.
Schweitzer, C. E., R. M. Feldmann, A. Garassino, H. Karasawa and G. Schweigert. 2010.
Systematic list of fossil decapod crustacean species. Crustaceana Monographs,
10: Brill, Leiden, 222 pp.