Print Management RFP—Word Version

8701 Holmes Road
Kansas City MO 64131
RELEASE DATE: April 1, 2013
RFP DUE DATE: April 15, 2013
Center School District #58 – Kansas City, MO
Request for Proposal
“Printer Management RFP”
April 1, 2013
The Center School District (CSD) is looking for a Vendor to supply the following for 173 printer
devices listed in an attached spreadsheet:
Provide printer supplies and maintenance for fleet of laser printers in the district
Assist in managing prints utilizing software to report on users and building uses.
Assist in assessing and reallocating print devices to capitalize on speeds and print
Release of RFP to Vendors
Site Survey/Vendor’s Conference
Deadline for Questions Regarding RFP
Responses Received from Proposers
Public Opening of Responses
Evaluation of Responses
Recommendation to Board of Education
Contract Approval by Board of Education
Service Start Date
None – site visit upon appointment request
4/8/2013, 4:00 p.m. CST
4/15/2013, 11:00 AM CST
04/15/2013, 11:05 AM CST
4/22/13 – 7:00 PM (Boone Elementary)
RFP responses will be opened on April 15th. Please refer to the website and check for any
adjustments/updates made to this RFP. The last update/adjustment will be made no later than April 9th.
Please submit this RFP response to Bruce Rehmer, by April, 15 at 11:00 AM CST, with RFP openings
occurring at 11:15 AM (CST) at CSD’s Central Office (8701 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO).
Submission may be made by email, paper copy, and/or electronic copy. Contact information is below:
Center School District
Attn: Bruce Rehmer, Technology Director
8701 Holmes Road
Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: 816-349-3451
This RFP parallels the timeframe of Center’s Copier RFP. A companies submission to both RFP’s will
be granted more favor in a scoring rubric used in evaluating. Pricing from both submissions will be
combined during the evaluation purposes. Center will have a goal of having one Vendor/provider
manage the printer and copier fleet. Although, Center may find it is in the best interest of the District
pricewise and servicewise to award the two RFP’s to two separate Vendors.
The 173 devices are mostly HP products, with one fifth of the fleet being Dells. There are a few Brother
and Ricoh devices as well. The bulk of these are network printers. Vendor will need to provide a
solution to electronically collect meter readings on locally attached printers as well as network printers.
We will basing this quote on a yearly estimated total of:
Black prints - 1,015,460
a. Black on Black Laser – 940,522
b. Black on Color Laser - 74,938
2. Color prints - 102,674
Center realizes that each printer device has a varied cost per print. In order to process the results of the RFP
quicker, the Vendor should average the entire fleet to what the average cost per print would be. Center realizes
that the actual charges made during billing may not be billed on an average cost per print across the printers
being metered and billed. If this is the case, Vendor must provide a detailed charge per print for each type of
printer listed in the spreadsheet attachment.
Vendor should also list an optional software product and charges they feel would benefit Center in managing and
controlling costs on the printer fleet. This could be a lump sum or annual fee, or embedded into the cost per print.
Please respond by utilizing the Mandatory Response Sheet at the end of this document. Please ensure
you submit the cost per page printed in the response form.
RESERVATIONS AND ANNULMENTS: The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
Proposals and to waive any and/or all technicalities in the interest of the District.
The District reserves the right to increase or decrease the given quantity. In the event quantities are
increased or decreased, the amount added or deducted shall be based upon unit price quoted..
CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS: The District shall have the right to accept or reject any or all
Proposals, or any part thereof; to waive any technicalities in the interest of the District.
PROPOSAL ERRORS: All proposals shall be deemed final, conclusive, and irrevocable, and no
proposal shall be subject to correction or amended for errors or miscalculations by the proposer after
proposal opening date.
VALUE ADDED SERVICES: Value added services included in the proposal will be considered for
award of contract. All value added services must be declared in detail by the Proposer, in writing, at the
time of submittal of the formal proposal.
CONTRACT PERIOD: Unless otherwise specified, this contract shall be valid from 7/1/2013 to
6/30/2014; however, the District reserves the right to cancel the contract with 90 day written notice. The
Center District is also seeking a contract that includes automatic annual renewals, unless either party
notifies the other of its intent to discontinue the relationship 90 days in advance. At the end of each
year, the district has the right to adjust the upcoming year’s estimates for prints.
AWARD OF PROPOSALS: A recommendation of a chosen vendor will be forwarded to the School
Board and a decision made at the April 22nd, 2013 Center School District Board meeting.
Mandatory Submission Response Sheet
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number:
Cost per black print:
Cost per black print on color
Cost per color print:
Overages - cost per black print:
Overages-cost per black print
on color laser:
Overages - Cost per color print:
Optional software management:
References #1:
Contact info:
References #2:
Contact info:
References #3:
Contact info:
References #4:
Contact info: