STEM School Designation (High School) Criteria 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points Evidence of STEM curriculum integration Evidence of STEM curriculum integration Evidence of STEM curriculum integration 1. STEM-School in at least one grade-level. in at least at the school-wide level. Curriculum two department-levels. Integration Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Lesson plans, student artifacts, department goals, school showcase, school STEM goals, pictures and videos 2. STEM-Science Offerings Fulfill the recommended offerings for the appropriate grade AP/IB/AICE/DE in Science Offerings; Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science & Physics. (Note: High schools must offer three of the above AP/IB/AICE/DE science courses. HS with populations less than or equal to 500 students may offer two of the above courses). Fulfill the recommended offerings for the appropriate grade AP/IB/AICE/DE in Science Offerings; Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science & Physics. (Note: High schools must offer four of the above AP/IB/AICE/DE science courses. HS with populations less than or equal to 500 students may offer three of the above courses). Fulfill the recommended offerings for the appropriate grade AP/IB/AICE/DE in Science Offerings; Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science & Physics. (Note: High schools must offer four of the above AP/IB/AICE/DE science courses. HS with populations less than or equal to 500 students may offer three of the above courses). Minimum of 5% total of students enrolled in one of the above courses calculated as follows; number of students enrolled in an AP/IB/AICE/DE science classes divided by 11th and 12th grade population. Minimum of 10% total of students Minimum of 15% total of students enrolled in one of the above courses enrolled in one of the above courses calculated as follows; number of students calculated as follows; number of students enrolled in an AP/IB/AICE/DE science enrolled in an AP/IB/AICE/DE science classes divided by 11th and 12th grade classes divided by 11th and 12th grade population. population. Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Master Schedule and AP/IB/AICE scores and DE grades Fulfill the recommended offerings for the Fulfill the recommended offerings for the Fulfill the recommended offerings for the 3. STEMappropriate grade AP/IB/AICE/DE appropriate grade: AICE/IB/AP/DE appropriate grade: AICE/IB/AP/DE Mathematics Mathematics Offerings; Calculus, College Mathematics Offerings; Calculus, College Mathematics Offerings; Calculus, Offerings Algebra, Statistics. (Note: High schools Algebra, Statistics. (Note: High schools College Algebra, Statistics. (Note: High must offer two of the above must offer three of the above schools must offer three of the above AICE/IB/AP/DE mathematics courses. AICE/IB/AP/DE mathematics courses. AICE/IB/AP/DE mathematics courses. (HS with populations less than or equal to (HS with populations less than or equal to HS with populations less than or equal to 500 students may offer one of the above 500 students may offer two of the above 500 students may offer two of the above courses). courses). courses). Minimum of 5% total students enrolled in one of the above mathematics courses. 1|Page Minimum of 10% total students enrolled in one of the above mathematics courses. Minimum of 15% total students enrolled in one of the above mathematics courses. STEM School Designation (High School) Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Master Schedule and AP/IB/AICE scores and DE grades Offer at least one of the Career Technical Offer at least two of the CTE programs Offer at least three of the CTE 4. Career & Education (CTE) program within STEM within STEM career cluster (see link programs within STEM career cluster Technical career cluster (see link below). below). (see link below). Education Offerings Maintain the minimum district average Maintain the minimum district average Maintain the minimum district average passing rate for the accompanying passing rate for the accompanying ICE. passing rate for the accompanying ICE. Industry Certification Exam (ICE). Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Master Schedule and ICE scores, from CTE STEM clusters/courses Maintain good standing in related CTSO Maintain good standing in related Career Maintain good standing in related CTSO 5. STEMand participate in local competition in Technical Student Organization (CTSO) and participate in local competition in Competitions respective organization. and participate in local competition in respective organization. respective organization. Full participation (see link for annual Full participation (see link for annual criteria) in Science Fair and SECME: Full participation (see link for annual criteria) in Science Fair and SECME: Maximum Science Fair project board criteria) in Science Fair and SECME: Maximum Science Fair project board submissions, SECME essay, banner, math Maximum Science Fair project board submissions and ALL SECME events. challenge and four other engineering submissions, SECME essay, banner, design event. math challenge and two other Evidence of participation and engineering design event. completion of any of the listed M Evidence of participation and completion DCPS/Community Partnership of any of the listed M-DCPS/Community Competitions. Partnership Competitions. Evidence of participation in Vex Evidence of participation in Vex robotics robotics and bionic hand competitions. and bionic hand competitions. Artifacts that quantify STEM efforts: CTSO Competition Results & The FAIR competition results; Dream in Green, Fairchild Botanical Garden, Mu Alpha Theta, Robotics Competitions, School-sponsored clubs, SECME and Science Fair 40% of STEM teachers participate in at 50% of STEM teachers participate in at 60% of STEM teachers participate in at 6. Teacher least one STEM-focused professional least one STEM-focused professional least one STEM-focused professional Professional development and there is clear evidence development and there is clear evidence development and there is clear evidence Development of correlation and its implementation in of correlation and its implementation in of correlation and its implementation in classroom instruction. classroom instruction. classroom instruction. Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Agendas, sign-in sheets, lesson plans, student work/artifacts, pictures or videos of teachers incorporating PD information and content in the classrooms. 2|Page STEM School Designation (High School) 7. Partnerships (Business, community and post-secondary) At least two business, community, or At least three business, community, or At least four business, community, or post-secondary partnerships are involved post-secondary partnerships are involved post-secondary partnerships are involved in an on-going relationship with the in an on-going relationship with the in an on-going relationship with the STEM instructional program and are STEM instructional program and are STEM instructional program and are directly connected to in-class learning. directly connected to in-class learning. directly connected to in-class learning. Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Internships, mentors, advisory committee membership list, guest speakers, work-based learning plan and college/industry visits, research, agendas and sign-in sheets Minimum of 3% Minimum of 5% Minimum of 7% 8. STEM-Science Minorities/economically Minorities/economically Minorities/economically Equity: Minority disadvantaged students enrolled in at disadvantaged students enrolled in at disadvantaged students enrolled in at and economically least one of the STEM-Science Offerings. least one of the STEM-Science Offerings. least one of the STEM-Science Offerings. disadvantaged Minorities/economically Minorities/economically Minorities/economically (free and reduceddisadvantaged increase of 3 to 5 disadvantaged increase of 6 to 11 disadvantaged increase of 12 or more price lunch). percentage points scoring at percentage points scoring at percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the Achievement Level 3 or higher on the Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment State Science Assessment. State Science Assessment. OR at least 40% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. Minimum of 3% 9. STEMMinorities/economically Mathematics disadvantaged students enrolled in at Equity: Minority least one of the STEM-Mathematics and economically Offerings. disadvantaged Minorities/economically (free and reduceddisadvantaged increase 3 to 4 price lunch). percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 40% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 60% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. OR at least 80% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. Minimum of 5% Minorities/economically disadvantaged students enrolled in at least one of the STEM-Mathematics Offerings. Minorities/economically disadvantaged increase of 5 to 7 percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. Minimum of 7% Minorities/economically disadvantaged students enrolled in at least one of the STEM-Mathematics Offerings. Minorities/economically disadvantaged increase of 8 or more percentage points at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 60% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 80% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Collected DATA 3|Page STEM School Designation (High School) 10. Science Accountability (Spring assessment and first-time tester) Increase of 3 to 5 percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. Increase of 6 to 11 percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. OR at least 40% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. OR at least 60% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. 11. Mathematics Accountability (Spring assessment and first-time tester) Increase of 3 to 4 percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. Increase of 5 to 7 percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 40% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 60% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Collected DATA Accelerated Courses: Increase of at Accelerated Courses: Increase of at 12. STEM least 3 percentage points scoring at the least 4 percentage points scoring at the Accelerated satisfactory performance level on the satisfactory performance level on the Courses: Accelerated STEM assessments OR Accelerated STEM assessments OR AP/IB/AICE/DE/IC maintain district average. maintain district average. E & CTE Maintain the minimum district average Increase by 1% the number of CTE number of CTE Concentrators in each Concentrators in each program. program. Proof or artifacts to quantify STEM efforts: Collected DATA 4|Page Increase of 12 or more percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. OR at least 80% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Science Assessment. Increase of 8 or more percentage points scoring at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. OR at least 80% of students at Achievement Level 3 or higher on the State Mathematics Assessment. Accelerated Courses: Increase of at least 5 percentage points scoring at the satisfactory performance level on the Accelerated STEM assessments OR maintain district average. Increase by 2% the number of CTE Concentrators in each program.