PYP 6C Where We are in Time and Place Planner 6C 2010/2011 Date Learning Intention Tune in the students’ mind about the concept of past life Assess the students prior knowledge about the concept of past time and agreed on a time line Assess the students prior knowledge about the meaning of “civilization” Lead the students to brainstorm about the elements of civilization Identify the evidence of past civilization To understand the relevance of past civilization to our life now Succeed Criteria Students are able to understand that they are a part of the past life Students are able to express their understanding about the concept of past time Learning Engagement and Assessment Provocation: Individual Task Students bring their childhood thing (toy, clothes, book, etc.) that they still keep up to now. They share to classmates the value of the thing and reasons of keeping it. Brainstorming (class discussion) How past is past? What is the different between past and ancient? (Have a class agreement that past life starts in 1 BC and ancient time happen before that. In this unit, students are talking about past civilization, not ancient civilization ) Students are able to express their prior knowledge about what it means by civilization Group work In group, students create a mind map or any kind of presentations to express their prior knowledge about the meaning of civilization. Students are able to mention some elements of civilization found in the video Pre watching: some guided questions to be answered during watching Watching Video Post Activity: Lead the students to be able to come up with some elements of civilization after watching a video about the civilization. Show the students some elements of civilizations. Finding Info- Sorting Out Pre- Departure: students do research in internet about some historical sites they are going to visit Outing to Jogjakarta: students visit some historical sites and they need to fill in the assessment in the jogja book Students are able to identify and analyze the evidence of elements of civilization found in Yogjakarta Students are able to identify and analyze the evidence of elements of past civilization found in other past civilization Students choose one civilization they are interested in to study and they need to identify the elements of civilization found there Students are able to compare and contrast (similarities and differences) of the two or more civilizations identify the evidence of the relevance of past civilization happen in Yogyakarta to their people (attitudes, traditions, values) local Students compare and contrast using any form of graphic organizer about two or more civilization in terms of their similarities and differences Students analyze the impacts of the past towards the Jogjakarta people (using any kinds of organizer, charts). The impacts can be positive impacts, negative impacts and interesting impacts. To analyze the importance of preservation of past civilizations and the ways followed Summative Task: To build the students’ awareness in appreciating the value of past civilization Students are able to analyze the evidence of the relevance of Indonesian past civilizations to their people national Analyze the impacts of Indonesian past civilization towards Indonesian people (using any kinds of organizer, charts). The impacts can be positive impacts, negative impacts and interesting impacts. Students are able to analyze the roles of certain elements (past to now) of past civilizations to our life now global ICT Skills: Students are able to create a short clip using Windows Movie Maker Content: Students are able to show their understanding of preserved and not preserved elements Students are able to justify the reasons of preservation Students are able to justify the reasons of not preserving particular elements of civilization ways of preservation the reliability of resource and evidence Analyze the impacts of other countries’ past civilization towards our lives now (using any kinds of organizer, charts). The impacts can be positive impacts, negative impacts and interesting impacts. Going Further-Taking Action Students are going to display their ICT skills, especially in the use of windows movie maker. They need to be able to show their understanding of the importance of preserving or not preserving the past. Sometimes, there are some values or attitudes coming from past civilization are not relevant anymore to the present life. Give students more examples some evidence of civilization which might be irrelevant to today’s life. For example: cannibalism. Identify an element of civilization from the chosen past civilization Identify the similarities and differences between past and present ‘implementation’ of the evidence in the chosen civilization Analyze the reasons and ways of preservation Conclude the importance of appreciating the past civilization Individually present the assigned information into a free-form of presentation. Taking Action You are a person who’s willing to preserve a certain element of civilization (architect, archeologist, artist, museum owner, sculpture, etc.) who educates others about ways to preserve past civilization (the reasons, ways and the importance of appreciating the past civilization). Students reflect on what they have learnt Students make a reflection based on what they have shown and performed during this unit using any form of reflection strategies. Reflection Give students some possible options of reflection.