Week 1 w/c 28.4.14 Introducing the topic Week 2 w/c 5.5.14 (bank holiday) Building a castle INTRODUCTIONWhat do we know about castles, what do we want to know? Draw what you think a castle looks like. D/T Use paper to make a cylinder and a cone to make a tower. Make walls and ‘fan’ bottom of paper to make them stand. Join walls and towers together. Investigate making a drawbridge and/or a hinged door. Make a keep using junk box. Assemble to make group castles. MATHS Link to D/T work. Look at and name 3D shapes. What are their properties in terms of faces etc. SCIENCE – Sort and name everyday materials and describe basic properties. Say what you would use to build a strong castle and why. What wouldn’t you use and why not? HISTORY/ENGLISH – Look at and read fact files and websites about famous castles and parts of castles and what they were for. Label a picture of a castle. Write sentences about why they were built and when they were built. ENGLISH – Describe a journey into and through a castle finishing in the dungeon/ tower. Use positional, time and describing words. Week 3 w/c 12.5.14 Life in a medieval castle HISTORY/ENGLISH Look at specific local examples: Norwich Castle, city walls, Castle Rising. Compare how some have changed use and others are in ruins. Write a simple factfile about one to share with pupils in Malawi. ENGLISH Look at roles of different people in the castle (king, queen, prince/ss, Knight, priest, cook, soldier, servant, peasant etc. Write a simple description of who you are and what you do. ENGLISH – Look at court jesters and minstrels. Write and share jokes based on book “Justin’s Jokes” (eg “What do you call a fairy that smells?”. “Stinkerbell!”)> Use speech marks, ?s and !s. SCIENCE – look again at materials. Decide which would be best material to make a shield and a flag. Why? Group best materials to make these objects. Week 4 w/c 19.5.14 Here be dragons! ENGLISH – Read stories set in castles or with knights and dragons : Jack and Beanstalk, Princess and Pea, Zog, George and the Dragon, Paper Bag Princess, Kiss that Missed etc. Write an imaginative story about a castle adventure or a dragon from the point of view of a knight or lady. ARTMake a dragon using collage. Use different materials, paper to make the scales, wings. ENGLISH – Describe your dragon. Is it good or bad? Fire or ice dragon? Does it hoard treasure/ kidnap princes/princesses? How can you defeat/befriend it? CONCLUSION – What have we learned about castles? What suggestions can we make to repair and redecorate our playground castle? What might we put in interest boxes to be used in the castle at playtime? ART– Look at heraldry. Design and make a shield or flag based on your favouritecolours, name and interests. MUSIC– Listen to medieval music and plainsong. Read “Zoe’s Tower” and begin to make sound journey. MUSIC – Complete sound journey based on “Zoe’s Tower”