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Resume SEM Portfolio Confocal Portfolio Profilometer Portfolio AFM Portfolio Final Project Page 3-4 Pages 5-8 Pages 9-11 Pages 12-15 Pages 16-18 Page 19-20 2|Page Jonathan P Bartsch (206) 715-9750 | jpbartsch3@gmail.com TECHNICAL | ABILITIES CHARACTERIZATION Aspex Explorer SEM (QuadBSED, SED) JEOL-7600F Immersion Lens SEM EDS/EDX Elemental Analysis Compositional Mapping Bruker DektakXT Profilometer Episcopic Optical Microscopy Knowledge of Electromechanical Micro- Structures and Functions Lab Intern Microfabrication Facility University of Washington March 2013-Present Consultant Jonathan Bartsch Consulting March 2013-Present Micro/Nanofabrication Lab EE Microfabrication Lab University of Washington Jan 2013- March 2013 Lab Technician SHINE Nanotechnology Lab North Seattle Community College Sept 2012- March 2013 Lab Technician General Sciences North Seattle Community College Sept 2011-Sept 2012 FABRICATION Physical Vapor Deposition Sputter Coat Au & Au/Pd Thermal Evaporation Al & Cr UV Photolithography Mask Alignment Spin Coating: Photoresist Dry Etch: Ion bombardment/RIE Wet Etch: BOE/HF CAD design: Sketchup & AutoDesk Class 10K Clean Room TECHNICAL | EXERIENCE Developing and Fabricating, a copper vacuum capacitor for nuclear measurments using SU-8 molding and electroplating, for features sizes greater then 0.7mm. Characterizing Reactive Ion Etcher after the replacement of turbo pump with a lower vacuum roughing pump. Performed patent analysis of consumer electronics for large patent holding firm, while utilizing JEOL 7600F Immersion Lens SEM for imaging of ASIC and MEMs. Learned and implemented micro-fabrication techniques including photolithography, physical vapor deposition (PVD), and etching to manufacture multiple novel photo-sensors. Standardized Aspex Explorer SEM operation, sample preparation, and imaging procedures to produce high resolution imaging of standards and various samples. Additional use of EDX for compositional mapping of samples. Utilized characterization equipment and techniques including 3D Profilometery, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Confocal Microscopy for observations of nano scale structures. Developed Standard Operating Procedures for SEM use and maintenance, as well as public advertisements for SHINE Nanotechnology Lab. Maintained and operated lab equipment, chemicals, and demonstrations for use in microbiology, chemistry, and physics labs. Oversaw the deployment and production of over 200 geological rock sample kits, while decreasing production time by half. Actively worked with lab technicians and teachers on a daily basis. 3|Page EDUCATION Associate of Applied Science in Nanotechnology Bachelor of Arts in Sociology North Seattle Community College Spring 2013 Seattle Pacific University December 2008 4|Page Aspex EXplorer Scanning Electron Microscope Specifications Detectors Particle Detection Range Accelerating Voltage Stage Movement Lightest Element Detection SED, Quad BSED, SDD EDX 30nm to 5mm 0.2 – 25 KeV 80mm X 100mm Boron http://aspexfei.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/fpo-121127-0139-aspex.jpg General layout of Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM Imaging 1. Thermionic emission generates electron beam 2. Beam is focused through condensing lenses 3. Low energy secondary electrons are emitted from sample electron shells and/or high energy backscattered electrons are reflected off of atomic nuclei 4. Secondary or Backscattered electrons are collected and quantified as amount per spot size 5. Deflection coils raster the electron beam over the surface thereby imaging the sample EDX Analysis 1. Thermionic emission generates electron beam 2. Condensing electromagnetic lenses focus beam on Sample 3. Photons are emitted as electrons relax after being excited by electron beam 4. The photons wavelength are detected by and xray detector 5. Each atomic element produces characteristic xrays (photons), thus chemical composition can be quantified. 5|Page Scanning Electron Imagery Fig. 1 Astigmatism Correction Standard Fig. 2 Gold Particles on Carbon 6|Page Fig. 3 Feature size standard Fig. 4a Macro image of AFM Tip 7|Page Fig. 4b Micro image of AFM tip with EDX Scan area in yellow Fig. 4c EDX Spectra with KLM Silicon marker indicated, Analysis indicates AFM tip is >99% Silicon 8|Page Olyumpus FV10i Laser Scanning Confocal Specifications UV laser wavelengths Scanning Method Pixel Resolution Scanning Speed Detector Module Optical Zoom 405nm, 473nm, 635nm 2 galvanometer scanning mirrors 256 x 256 -> 1024 x 1024 1.1 s/ frame 2 fluorescence channels and 1 phase contrast 10x and 60x General Layout of Confocal Fig. 1 Elements of a Confocal Microscope Fig. 2 Fluorescence Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy is a optical method to obtain high resolution images with depth selectivity. It can produce 2D cross sections of optically transparent samples as well as compliational 3D images of many cross sections. Confocal Micoscopy relies on certain atoms/ molecules emitting photons (flourecense) at opitical wavelengths when higher energy light raises an electron to an excited state. In the Olympus FV10i confocal a laser source with a specific spot size is raster over a certain cross section (focal plane) of a transparent sample. As the sample abosorbs the energy given by the lasers photons the sample will then emitt a photon with a shorter wavelength. This photon is then observed with a light detector. The laser then rasters over the sample and an image is compiled. 9|Page Confocal Imagery Fig. 3 Fern Spore 10 | P a g e Fig. 4 Munjac Muscle Cell Fig. 5 3D Compiled Picture of Lily Pollen Image is 240 microns by 240 microns and 65 microns tall 11 | P a g e Bruker Dektak XT Profilometer Specifications Measurement Technique Capability Stylus Force Stylus Radius Scan Length Range Vertical Resolution Stylus Profilometry (Contact) 2D surface profile; 3D measurement & analysis 1 to 15mg 2μm 55mm;200mm with stitching 1Å max http://mmrc.caltech.edu/DektakXT/pictures/Dektak%20interior.jpg General layout of a Profilometer Profilometery is a surface measurement tool using a diamond tip stylus to physically press and drag across a specimen’s topography. The tool can produce two dimension path data or when paths are compiled can render three dimension surfaces. The Bruker Dektak XT specifically uses a Linear Variable Differential Transducer (LVDT) to apply a constant force upon the surface. As the stylus moves across the surface of the sample the LVDT measures the difference in its capacitance as its height moves proportionally with the stylus head. Heights between tens of nanometers and a few microns can be measured, albeit with rounding of smaller features as resolution is dependent on tip size. Profilometery is a great tool for measuring large surfaces accurately, but the sample must be uniform in the macro. 12 | P a g e Profilometery Imagery Fig. 1 Integrated Circuit with Stylus Path Indicated Fig. 1b Line scan profile of Fig. 1a 13 | P a g e Objective To observe the relationship between spin speed of applied photoresist PEDOT and its thickness using profilometery to measure thickness. Procedure Test Study; Measurement of Resist Compared to Spin Speed at Application The water soluble nanofilm PEDOT/PSS was spun until five small glass slides with five different spin speeds and then baked on a hot plate for one minute. A needle was used to scratch a mark through the film on each of the samples. The step height of the film to the glass slide was measured with the Bruker Dektak XT Profilometer giving an accurate measure of the film thickness. The data was then plotted and compared to previous research. Line Scan 1 Line Scan 2 Line Scan 3 Line Scan 4 Average Line Scan 5 Height nm 1500 197 196 205 194 195 197.4 1750 189 192 191 189 193 190.8 2250 178 182 165 160 170 171 2500 132 148 142 139 139 140 3000 129 130 119 115 Fig. 1 Data of Spin speed vs PEDOT thicknesses 130 124.6 Spin Speed vs PEDOT Height 250 Thickness (nm) Data Spin Speed 200 150 100 50 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Spin Speed (rpm) Fig. 2 Observed data 14 | P a g e Conclusion Fig. 3 Comparison data from previous work (Ultra-thin conductive free-standing PEDOT/PSS nanofilms)1 A similar trend can be observed in Fig.2 and Fig.3, or as spin speed increases a decrease in film height occurs. A noticeable flattening should be expected, as in fig. 3 but this experiment did not record data at +3000 rpm and therefore was not observed. A significant difference in the actual height of resist can be seen between this experiment and the research done by Greco as a factor of ten. This could be because of the lack of precise control in amount of PEDOT deposited and the recipe used. Greco, F. (2011, October 11). Ultra-thin conductive free-standing PEDOT /PSS nanofilms - Soft Matter (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/C1SM06174G. RSC Publishing Home – Chemical Science Journals, Books and Databases. Retrieved June 9, 2013, from http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/ 1 15 | P a g e NanoSurf EasyScan 2 Atomic Force Microscopy Specifications Tip size Scan Speed Scan area Maximum z-range Drive Resolution 10 µm , 70 µm, 119µm 60 ms/ line at 128 datapoints / line Up to 2048 x 2048 points 2 µm, 14 µm, 22 µm (tip dependent) 0.15 nm, 1.1 nm, 1.7 nm (tip dependent) General layout of Atomic Force Microscopy In general, an AFM measures surface topography, i.e. a comparison of height to a reference point. AFM uses piezo crystals to move sample stage, which allows for sub nanometer precise movement. AFM then is essentially the most precise method of topographical measurement. AFM are fairly versatile however samples must be fairly small and thin. The input of an AFM is the angle of deflection of a laser light bounced off the AFM tip and detected by the Photo-detector as the tip travels over the surface of a sample. This reading then allows for precise height readings(z) of the sample. The AFM rasters over the surface of the sample taking a reading corresponding to each pixel. The image produced then represents height at each pixel (location), or high features (light) or low features (dark). 16 | P a g e tomic Force Microscopy Imagery Fig.1 Calibration Standard 3D Image 17 | P a g e Fig.2 Phototransistor 2D image Fig. 3 Phototransistor 3D image 18 | P a g e Final Project Overview: An acoustic and electromagnetic isolation chamber was designed and fabricated for the enclosure of the Nanosurf Atomic Force Microscope. The primary materials used were acrylic sheets and 2” sound proofing foam. The acoustic profile of the room was measured and compared to the acoustic profile inside the enclosure. Deliverables: 1. Sketchup 3D CAD File/Design 2. Formated CAD file for laser cutter 3. Bill of sale for purchased parts 4. Acoustic Isolation chamber 5. Acoustic profile of room/Inside of chamber Timeline: Project Step Estimated Time of Completion Updated Time of Completion CAD Design and formatting 5/10/2013 5/10/2013 Purchase supplies 5/3/2013 5/13/2013 Construction complete 5/17/2013 5/24/2013 Acoustic Profiles 5/24/2013 5/31/2013 Portfolio write up 6/7/2013 6/7/2013 Materials: 1. Acrylic sheets 2. Acoustic Foam 3. Acrylic Hinges 4. Rubber Tubing 5. Acrylic glue 6. Double sided Velcro Additional Resources 1. Phone 2. Computer 3. Measuring Tape 4. Laser Printer 5. Pen 6. Sketchup 19 | P a g e SketchUP Design Picture of Built Chamber Vibrational Profile Comparison 20 | P a g e