Use the diagram below to answer the following question. In which

Use the diagram below to answer the following question.
In which stage of the rock cycle shown above would you predict the formation of fossils?
Use the information below to answer the following question.
A teacher gave students four rock samples. The students listed their observations about each rock sample in the data table below.
Which of these statements best explains why the edges of Rock 4 are smooth?
The diagram below shows the rock cycle.
Which conclusion is best supported by the diagram?
Your teacher has brought a sample of water to class. The sample contains a mixture of small rocks, sand, and silt (very
fine soil) from the Mississippi River. After a few hours, the sample settles. Which diagram shows how the sample will settle?
A rock cycle is shown below.
What happens to rocks in location 3 of the diagram?
The map of Massachusetts below shows where physical evidence of changes can be found.
Which of these is the best indication that Massachusetts’ climate has changed over time?
The shaded areas of this diagram represent where fossils of a land-dwelling animal were found on the continents of South
America and Africa.
What does the evidence suggest?
Group C is now extinct
Group D has been in existence the longest.
11. Scientists have found fossils of tropical plants in Antarctica. How could tropical plants have grown in Antarctica?
14. Index fossils help scientists estimate the age of a rock because index fossil species only existed for a relatively short time. What
happened to the species that are now used as index fossils?
15. What is superposition?
16. How is relative age different from actual age?
17. Which is more likely to fossilize: a clam or jellyfish? Why?
18. Why is a quick burial helpful in the fossilization process?
19. In what type of rock would you most likely fin fossils? Why?
20. Why is it difficult for an organism living in the rainforest to become a fossil?
21. What is the outermost layer of the earth?
22. What evidence did Wegner find that supports the hypothesis that the Earth’s continents were once joined in a single land mass?
23. What is the plate tectonics theory?
24. The Earth’s continents are constantly moving due to the motions of what?
25. What are the three types of plate boundaries? Sketch the motions.
26. What is a subduction zone?
27. Where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, why does the oceanic crust get pulled under the continental crust?
28. Why do earthquakes occur at subduction zones?
29. In transform boundaries, the plates can become “stuck.” What happens when the plates suddenly become “unstuck”?
30. What is a tsunami?