2014-2015 Eustis Middle School Collaboration Tutorials Career Unit Tutorial AVID Benchmark CD.B5- Set short-range goals around projects. COLL.4- Identify roles within a team to complete a task. CP.C2- Use the internet to analyze a career-related website. ORG.C2- Use the internet to conduct research in preparation for speeches and essays. AVID Benchmark CD.B5- Set short-range goals around projects. COLL.4- Identify roles within a team to complete a task. CP.C2- Use the internet to analyze a career-related website. ORG.C2- Use the internet to conduct research in preparation for speeches and essays. Learning Objective Students will work in small groups to research a career and present their information to the class. Bell Work Work on completing questions for Cornell Notes Essential Question How can I use the internet to find information on my career? Learning Objective Students will work in small groups to research a career and present their information to the class. Bell Work Compile all the necessary research Objective Students will research their career field and specific career choice. Objective Students will write their research paper for their career. Agenda I do: Review Career Cluster Project Directions and Expectations We do: Cornell Notes over career cluster Agenda I DO: Directions for Research Paper 7th and 8th Grade AVID Hepp, A. Collaboration Room 304 March 16-20, 2015 Tutorials Collaboration Career Unit AVID Benchmark CD.B5- Set short-range goals around projects. COLL.4- Identify roles within a team to complete a task. CP.C2- Use the internet to analyze a career-related website. ORG.C2- Use the internet to conduct research in preparation for speeches and essays. Tutorial Career Unit AVID Benchmark INQ.B1 Establish a foundational understanding of collaborative tutorial skills AVID Benchmark COLL.1 Participate in team building lessons to learn about valuing and effectively working with others. COLL.2 Follow established rules for engaging in collaborative activities CD.B5- Set short-range goals around projects. COLL.4- Identify roles within a team to complete a task. Learning Objective Students will work in small groups to research a career and present their information to the class. Bell Work Collect all necessary materials to complete the Tri-Fold Essential Question How can I arrange all the necessary information on my Tri-Fold for my presentation? Objective Students will create a Tri-Fold presentation board as a group to present their career field. Agenda I DO: Directions and expectations Learning Objective Students will work in collaborative groups in order to improve and deepen an understanding of a topic. Bell Work Collect all resources for tutorial and locate groups Essential Question How does a basic AVID tutorial session look? Learning Objective Students will work in small groups to research a career and present their information to the class. Bell Work Practice presentation with your group WE DO: Students will type and edit their paper for their Tri-Fold WE DO: Complete Tri-fold board You do: Checklist update YOU DO: Peer Review of paper YOU DO: Checklist Update, Complete speeches and practice for presentation Exit Ticket What extra career did your group choose to research? Exit Ticket How did you peer review go? Did you partner make any suggestions for you? Homework Finish all research tonight! Homework Weekly Grade Check Sheet!! Essential Question What should my paper look like for the tri-fold? ESE Accommodations ESOL/ESE: MODIFICATIONS All ESE and ESOL student’s E1. Contextual Clues, Gestures Objective Students will utilize the 10-step tutorial process. Essential Question What presentation skills are most important to remember when giving a speech to the class? Objective Students will present their visual aid to their class with a speech. Agenda I DO: Directions for Tutorials Agenda I DO: Directions and Expectations WE DO: Students will set up in tutorial groups, they will work through as many TRFs as they can using the tutorial process YOU DO: Reflection WE DO: Begin Career Field Presentations Exit Ticket How long is your portion of the presentation going to be? Do you need to edit any of it? Exit Ticket What did you notice during the tutorial today that was effective? What critiques would you give? Homework Weekly Grade Check Sheet due tomorrow! TRFs! None! Exit Ticket What was your favorite part of you presentation? What was an area in which you think your group could have improved? Homework If you did not present, practice for next week! Homework YOU DO: Complete group critiques Technology Used By Teachers/Students Use of power points for in class teaching. Access to skyward, e+ to track and view grades and assignments. Projector and Doc Camera E2. Using multiple media E3. Using linguistic modifications E4. Individualized instruction E5. Peer tutoring E6. Using written and pictorial forms to teach E7. Adjusting or shortening assignments E8.Hand-on experiences E9. Small group instruction E10. Cooperative learning groups E11. Defining content area language E12. Using alternate assignments E13.Easy-to-understand steps or parts E14. Using role-playing E15. Adapting written text and materials E16. Other Classes which require ESE/ESOL modifications to be made: 1st Period 6th Period