Internship Connect Program Wesley College & Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce For 2012-2013 Academic Year PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: _______________________________________________________ Last First Date: ____________ Middle Initial Home Address: ________________________________________ Street ________________________________________ City State Zip Phone: (_____)______________________ Email Address: __________________________________ Major: _____________________________ Student ID #: ________________________ Check all that apply: Transfer: ___ Male: ____ Female: ___ Fresh: ____ Soph: ____ Jr: ____ Resident:___ Commuter:____ Sr: ____ Total Semesters Completed at Wesley College: ________ Expected Graduation Date: _________________ (semester/year) Major:_____________________________________ Minor: ________________________________________ Last Semester’s Wesley GPA: _______________ Overall Cumulative Wesley GPA: ___________________ YOU MUST HAVE A MINIMUM 2.50 CUMULATIVE GPA AT THE END OF THE SPRING 2012 SEMESTER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE INTERNSHIP CONNECT PROGRAM INTERNSHIP INFORMATION Internship Company Name: ________________________________________________ Internship Company Address: _______________________________________________ Street _______________________________________________ City State Zip Company Industry: _________________________________ Expected Internship Hours: ________________ Name of Contact Person: ____________________________ Title of Contact Person:____________________ Business Email: ___________________________________ Business Phone #: (_____)_________________ Will this internship be used for academic credit? If so, please provide the class code and instructor name. Yes No Class Code: ____________________ Instructor Name: ________________________ _____ Page 1 CERTIFICATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED I understand that my signature below: 1. Certifies that the information which I am providing within this application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete; 2. Certifies that I am not currently on any type of judicial probation and that I understand that my judicial record will be reviewed and considered prior to my internship placement; 3. Indicates that I voluntarily give the Department of Academic Support permission to verify the information that I have provided. ________________________________________________ Signature ______________________ Date ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES (obtain in the order shown) ________________________________________________ Coordinator of Career Services Signature ______________________ Date ________________________________________________ Wesley Internship Mentor/Supervisor Signature ______________________ Date ________________________________________________ Company Contact Person Signature ______________________ Date APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TO THE OFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES INTERNSHIP PRECONDITION CHECKLIST: CONDITIONS MUST BE MET BEFORE STUDENT CAN PARTICIPATE IN PROGRAM _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1) Student is classified as at least a sophomore and full time as of the end of Spring 2012 2) Student has at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA as of the end of Spring 2012 3) Student is in a good judicial standing 4) Student met with Coordinator of Career Services to review their resume and interview skills 5) Student selected an internship to apply to 6) Student has attached a copy of the internship description & contact information for the company 7) Student meets the qualifications of the employer 8) Student will have no more than nine credit hours of internship at graduation (if applicable) 9) Student meets department criteria for GPA and required curriculum (if applicable) INTERNAL USE ONLY: Date Application Received: ______________________________ Date of Student Meeting: ________________________________ Date Application Forwarded to Academic Department: _____________________ Application Forwarded to: ________________________________ Date of Follow-up: ________________________ Result: _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2