IOB BUSINESS COMMUNICATION MARKING KEY QUESTION 1 (a) i. Source/encoder 1 mark ii. Decoder/Recipient 1 mark (b) candidates are required to give any two roles of : the sender encode the message-put the message in a form which can be understood choose the right medium interpret/understand feedback and the receiver interpret the message provide feedback to the sender act as required by the sender (c) candidates can describe any four of the following elements: I. encoding II. message III. medium IV. decoding V. feedback VI. barriers Award 2 marks each total of 8 marks Award 1 mark for language where the answers have no language error Total 15 marks 1 QUESTION 2 The candidates are required to write a letter of refusal Format Content Language 3marks 7 marks 5 marks Total 15 marks QUESTION 3 The candidates are required to write a short formal report using the points provided in addition to their own ideas which are related to the situation: Introduction = 2 marks Methods = 1 mark Findings = 5 marks Conclusion = 1 marks Recommendations= 2 marks Language=4 marks Total 15 Marks QUESTION 4 The candidates are required to write an essay using examples of the services which the bank offers by utilizing ICT eg money transfers, internet banking, bill payment, deposits/withdrawals can be made from any branch of the bank etc. Content = 10 mark Language = 5 mark Total 15 marks QUESTION 5 (a) i. Vertical-upward communication 2 marks ii. Vertical-downward communication 2 marks iii. Horizontal communication 2 marks 2 iv. Grapevine 2 marks (b) Candidates are required to describe any three barriers to communication by showing how each barrier affects communication Award 2 marks for each-total 6marks (c) The candidates are required to explain how the effect of the barriers mentioned in (i) could be minimized. Award 2 marks each= 6marks QUESTION 6 (a) Hearing is the passive reception of sound stimuli while listening involves paying attention and understanding what is said. Listening also involves remembering what is said. 2 marks (b) The candidates are required to give the ways in which an individual can listen effectively. Paying attention/concentrating on what is said Maintaining eye contact with the speaker Using appropriate nonverbal communication Avoid interrupting the speaker Having an open mind Any 4 points for 8 marks (c) The candidates are required to state how a manager can prepare for a meeting: Should have a purpose for the meeting Draft the agenda and the notice of the meeting Ensure that members are informed in advance about the meeeting Identify a suitable venue for the meeting Prepare any necessary documents related to the meeting 3 (d) The candidates should explain each of the items i. Minutes of the last meeting-the participants comment on the correctness of the minutes of the last meeting and if there are any errors, corrections are made. ii. 2 marks Matters arising-the meeting receives reports on the progress made on the issues agreed during the previous meeting. iii. 2 marks Any other business-the participants raise other pertinent issues for discussion-i.e. those that were not included in the agenda .2 marks QUESTION 7 (a) The candidates are required to give the differences between a memo and a letter A memo circulates within the organization while a letter is sent to individuals outside the organization as well as to some individuals within the organization. A memo identifies both the sender and the receiver while the letter has contact addresses A letter has a letterhead while a memo has the organisation’s name only. A memo has no salutation A letter has a subject without the heading A letter has a complimentary close Any 4 differences for 8 marks (b) The candidates are required to write a letter of complaint to the organization where they purchased the photocopier Layout 3marks Content 5 marks Language 4 marks 4 QUESTION 8 (a) Preparation for an interview (i) (ii) An interviewee Be familiar with the duties of the one holding the position Know the location of the organization Anticipate possible questions Arrange to take all necessary documents on the day of the interview Prepare to be well presentable on the day of the interview 5 marks An interviewer Inform the interviewee about the interview Set the objectives for the interview Prepare a suitable venue for the interview Prepare suitable questions to ask the interviewee 5marks Any 3 in each case 1 mark each =6 marks 2 marks for language in each question (b) The candidates are required to describe the nonverbal signals which could be used in the given situations (i) When attending to a customer-eye contact/gestures (ii) When giving instructions to a junior-gestures/eye contact (iii) As a participant in a meeting-nodding the head to show agreement/eye contact (iv) When making an oral presentation-eye contact/body movement/gestures (v) When speaking to a customer on the phone-paralanguage (vi) Award 2 marks each for a clear explanation. 5