EKG Prep - SchoolRack

EKG Prep. Flash Cards
Which of the following lead groups represents
Einthoven’s Triangle?
Leads I, II, III
A CET has performed an EKG on a patient. Which of the
following actions by the CET would protect the patient’s
health information in accordance with HIPPAA?
Hand- delivering the EKG to the patient’s physician
Which of the following methods for calculating a patient’s
heart rate from the EKG is correct?
Divide 1,500 by the number of small boxes between two R
Which of the following arteries is the preferred site for
measuring heart rate in an adult patient for a stress test?
Which of the following rhythms are characterized by an
upright P waves, narrow QRS complexes, and a ventricular
rate between 60 and 100/min?
Sinus Rhythm
A technician is preparing a patient for a 12-Lead EKG. Which
of the following is the correct placement for lead V4?
The 5th intercostals space at the midclavicular line.
What lead is created by the placement of the electrode located
to the right of the patient’s sternum at the 4th intercostals
While performing a treadmill stress test on a patient, the CET
observes peaked, hyeracute, and broad-based T waves and
convex ST segment. The CETshould identify these finding as
Signs of myocardial injury
Which of the following EKG changes is associated with
myocardial injury?
ST segment elevation
While performing a stress test, the patient complains of
heaviness on his chest and becomes diaphoretic. These are
signs and symptoms of which of the following conditions?
Myocardial Infarction
The QRS complex is too tall to fit on the EKG paper. Which
of the following actions should the EKG technician take?
Change the gain control to 1/2
Which of the following modifications may be made to the
lead placement when recording a standard 12-Lead EKG on a
2-year old patient?
Move the limb leads to the torso
An EKG technician has just provided patient education prior
to a stress test. Which of the following statements made by
the patient indicates an understanding of the preparation?
“I may smoke the night before the exam.”
When performing an EKG on an infant, where should the
technician place the electrode for lead V3R?
Between V2 and V4 on the right side of the chest
A patient is experiencing a change of respiratory cycle and
variations in vagal tone. Which of the following irregularities
does this indicate?
Sinus arrhythmia
A technician is performing an EKG in a hospital setting. The
patient becomes unresponsive, stops breathing, and does not
have a pulse. Which of the following would be the first
appropriate step?
Start chest compressions
Which of the following actions should an EKG technician
perform on EKG cables to prevent the transmission of
Wipe with disinfectant
Where should the EKG technician place the electrode for lead
On the left anterior axillary line, horizontal to V4
For a normal patient, which of the following describes the
pattern of the anticipated QRS complex V4?
Half positive, half negative
Which of the following signs should the EKG technician be
concerned about a patient undergoing stress testing?
Decreased heart rate
A myocardial infarction can often be detected by the presence
of which of the following in an EKG tracing?
Pathologic Q waves
Which of the following can cause sinus arrhythmia in
The respiration of the patient
A thin spike before the P wave indicates that the pacemaker
had been implanted to pace which of the following?
Which of the following electrodes is used to create leads I, II,
and aVR?
Right arm
In a normal patient, which of the following is the expected
shape and direction of the P wave in lead II?
Rounded and upright
Which of the following heart blocks is the most serious?
Third-degree AV block
Which of the following is a reason that a patient should wear
loose-fitting clothing while wearing a Holter monitor?
To reduce artifact
A CET observes varying R-R intervals on a 2-year old
patient’s EKG. Which of the following statements made by
the CET would be correct?
“The irregularity is normal and is a result of respiration”
What is the correct order of a complete cardiac cycle in the
normal heart?
P waves, QRS complex, and T wave
Which of the following sensitivity settings would produce a
calibration box that measures 10 mm tall?
An EKG technician is measuring the intervals on an EKG
tracing. Which of the following is an anticipated finding of
impaired conduction through the AV node?
Prolonged PR interval
While performing a stress test, the patient complains of
dizziness. After stopping the test, which of the following
actions should the CET take first?
Notify the physician
For a 5- lead electrode placement for ambulatory monitoring,
where should the EKG technician place the green ground
On the rib in the lower right side
Electrical interference on an EKG would most likely be a
result of which of the following?
A frayed wire
An EKG technician is asked to obtain a right-sided EKG on a
patient with suspected myocardial infarctions of the inferior
wall. Which of the following leads in most sensitive and
specific to right ventricular ischemia?
The R-R interval on a patient’s tracing has five large boxes.
Which of the following is the patient’s head rate?
Which of the following activities should an EKG technician
tell a patient to record in his Holter monitor diary?
Where should the EKG technician place the electrodes for
leads V7, V8, and V9?
Evenly spaced on the back between the auxiliary line and the
vertebral column at the 5th intercostals space
Which of the following is caused for the discontinuing a
stress test?
ST segment elevation
Which of the following statement made by anew EKG
technician regarding artifact demonstrates a knowledge
Electrical interference on the EKG is not caused by cell
Which lead is created between the left arm and left leg?
Which of the following waves should an EKG technician
measure to evaluate for atrial enlargement?
P wave
Which of the following symptoms is most likely to be
consistent with bradycardia?
Cold and clammy skin
A patient has been ordered to wear a Holter monitor for 24
hrs. Which of the following statements from the patient would
indicate understanding of home-care instructions?
“I should replace leads that come loose”
An EKG technician eliminates an EKG tracing’s artifact by
plugging in the machine into a different wall outlet. This
means that the artifact was caused by which of the following?
60-cycle interference
In order for an EKG technician to control and regulate the
output or height of EKG waveforms, he/she should use which