Geology & Non Renewable Energy Chapters 8 &12 Must answer 24/28 questions Test 1/27-1/28 Due Monday 1/6 1. Make a simple drawing of Earth’s three major zones. Describe the composition of the zones. Briefly explain the internal process of plate tectonics and the external geological process of erosion. 2. What is subduction? 3. What are the three types of boundaries found between the earth’s lithospheric plates? 4. What is the difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere? Which moves and which do we live on. Due 1/7,Tuesday 5. From watching the movie and class lecture how did the tsunami of December 2005 happen? What plates were involved and how did a tsunami actually occur? Why do tsunami’s not occur all the time? 6. What is the difference between a mineral and a rock? 7. Distinguish between igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Give two examples of each. 8. Describe the rock cycle and explain its importance. Due 1/8 (Wednesday) 9. What is an earthquake? What are the harmful effects? 10. Distinguish between the different types of volcanoes, basaltic and composite. What are some hazards and benefits of volcanoes? (OMIT) 11. List three types of mineral resources, and give examples of each. Clarify the relationship between identified resources and reserves. Due 1/9 (Thursday) 12. Distinguish between subsurface and surface mining. Briefly describe the environmental impacts of mining. Describe the 5 types of surface mining and what is involved in subsurface mining. What does the Reclamation Act of 1997 require of companies? 13. How do mining companies find mineral deposits? (7 ways) Distinguish among ore mineral, gangue, tailings. What is smelting, what are the major impacts of smelting? 14. List the environmental impacts of extracting, processing and using mineral resources. Summarize the U.S.1972 Mining Law. List seven ways to reform this law. Due 1/10 Friday 1. Assess the possibility of increasing mineral resource supplies through finding new deposits, improving technology of mining low-grade ore, getting minerals from the ocean, and finding substitutes. Take a position on this issue of mining Antarctica, ANWR (Alaska National Wildlife Refuge) 2. What is acid mine drainage? How is it dangerous to the environment? Where does the leachate go? 3. What are the environmental impacts of using mineral resources? Due 1/13 Monday 15. What is soil? What is humus and what is its importance? 16. Explain the process of leaching. 17. Describe the problem of soil erosion. Describe both world and U.S. soil erosion situations. Explain why most people are unaware of this problem. OMIT 18. What happened during the Dust Bowl? How is the US Government solving this problem? OMIT 19. Define desertification. Summarize the state of desertification in the world and in the U.S. Identify the major causes of desertification. Describe the problems of salinization and water logging of soils and how they can be controlled. OMIT 20. Distinguish between conventional-tillage farming and conservation-tillage farming. Describe how land-use planning can help prevent soil erosion. Describe three ways to increase soil fertility. Compare the pros and cons of using inorganic and organic fertilizers. OMIT Due 1/15 Wed 1. Describe the cause and effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in the former Soviet Union 2. What supplies 99% of the energy we use? What percentage of the remaining 1% of the energy we use comes form nonrenewable and from renewable energy in a) the world, b) the USA. 3. What is the #1 energy source used in developing countries? 4. What is petroleum or crude oil? How is oil extracted from the earth’s crust? 5. What happens at the refinery? What are petrochemicals? DUE 1/14 Tuesday 6. Summarize the “Age of Oil” 7. Who has most of the world’s oil reserve? What percentage of the world’s oil reserve reserves are found in the USA? What percentage of the world’s oil does the USA use? What percentage of the oil used in the USA is imported? 8. How long are known and projected supplies of conventional oil expected to last in a) the world, b) in the USA. 9. List pros and cons of drilling oil and natural gas in Alaska’s Arctic Wild Refuge (ANWR) **** AP Essay 10. What are the pros and cons of using heavy oil from shale oil and tar sand as energy sources? Of using conventional oil as an energy source? Due 1/15 Wednesday 11. What is natural gas? Who has most of the world’s supply? What is methane hydrate? Distinguish between liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) 12. What are the pros and cons of using natural gas as an energy source? Due 1/16 Thursday 13. What is coal? How is it formed? Distinguish between peat, lignite, bituminous & anthracite coal. How is it extracted from the earth? How is it used? What four countries have the largest supplies? 14. How long are known and projected supplies expected to last in a) the world, b) the USA 15. What are the pros and cons of using coal as an energy resource? Due 1/17 Friday 16. Describe how a nuclear fission reactor works. What are the five major components of a light–water nuclear reactor, and what role does each play? 17. List the major advantages and disadvantages of using conventional nuclear power to produce electricity. 18. What is being done with low-level radioactive waste produced by the nuclear fuel cycle? List the pros and cons of the proposed site for storing nuclear wastes at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. 19. List and briefly describe three ways to decommission a nuclear power plant. List findings of the 1987 commission which brings the credibility of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to safeguard the nuclear power industry into question. 20. Describe the potential use of nuclear fission and nuclear fussion sources.