PLOT PLAN REQUIREMENTS The following items are intended as a general guide for information to be provided on plot plans. This list is not all-inclusive as additional information may be required for special circumstances. Show date of plan or revision, North Arrow, drawing scale, property address or Sid well number and property legal description. Label floodplains and wetlands when present. Indicate all existing or proposed water courses, swales or ditches. Provide information on all variances or special conditions approved by the Township. Provide 0.5 feet of fall within first 25 feet from building finish grade to side, front or rear yard highpoints. Provide proposed spot grades on an approximate 50-foot grid pattern throughout site and to 100 feet onto adjacent sites. Proposed grade contours can be provided to supplement the spot grades. Provide proposed grades for first floor, garage and basement if included. Provide existing grades at property corners, along property line, along top of curb, along top and bottom of any retaining walls along with all high points and low points. Provide site benchmark on USGS datum. Provide finish grade of adjacent houses. If adjacent lot is vacant, state so on the plan. Proposed grades along property line must match approved master grading plan. Provide setbacks as appropriate from property line. All overland drainage routes must be maintained. Lowest house grades are to be a minimum of 1-foot above the highest overland flow route elevation. Driveways shall have slopes indicated which are less than 10-percent. Preferred slopes are 2 to 8-percent. Driveway locations are to match the approved plans. Slope from building to side yard cannot exceed 1:3 slopes. Stability computations must be provided for any grade change over 2 feet that is steeper than one vertical to two horizontal, example; a retaining wall. Minimum land and swale slopes to be 1-percent. Ensure architectural plan elevations and footprint match plot plan. Sanitary sewer lead location is to be shown at the as-built location with invert elevation. Provide proposed grade of the sanitary lead. Provide sump lead location. Sump lead must have a minimum 2-foot of cover at the building and 3-foot of cover everywhere else. The sump lead must connect above all trunk line pipes at structures. Show all catch basins, manholes and inlets with as-built rim and invert elevations. Show and label all easements. Show 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along right-of-way with proposed grading as appropriate for development. Also see example As-Built plot plan for additional information. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP AS-BUILT REVIEW CHECKLIST U:\Wash\WAMGMT\Check Lists\formASBUILTCHECKLIST.doc Revised 12-15-05 ____ RIM LIST TO BE SUBMITTED TO SEWER AND WATER DEPARTMENT AFTER PAVING IS COMPLETE. RIM LIST REQUIREMENTS _____ DESIGN RIM ELEVATION OF STRUCTURE _____ AS-BUILT RIM ELEVATION FOR ALL STRUCTURES _____ DESIGN ELEVATION OF TOP OF CURB NEAR STRUCTURES _____ AS-BUILT ELEVATIONS OF TOP OF CURB NEAR STRUCTURES _____ AMOUNT OF ADJUSTMENT NEEDED - STORM RIMS MAY BE LEFT LOW AND SANITARY RIMS MAY BE LEFT HIGH IF LESS THAN 0.2 FT. OF ADJUSTMENT IS NEEDED. IF MORE THAN 0.25 FT. OF ADJUSTMENT IS NEEDED, THEN ADJUST THE STRUCTURE RIM ELEVATION. GENERAL ____ ADDRESSES SHOWN FOR ALL PROPERTIES _____ COMPUTER DISK PROVIDED WITH ALL UTILIITY AND GRADING AS-BUILT INFORMATION IN AUTOCAD FORMAT _____ UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS AND DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED _____ COMPARE AS-BUILT PLANS AGAINST INSPECTION NOTES _____ AS-BUILT GRADES INDICATED FOR COMMONS AREAS, BERMS AND DRAINAGE SWALES _____ COMPARE AS-BUILT PIPE AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS VS. EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS. DO UTILITIES FALL WITHIN MIDDLE 1/3 OF EASEMENT OR DO NEW EASEMENTS NEED TO BE PROVIDED. _____ SHOW LOCATION OF ALL AS-BUILT STRUCTURES WITH AT LEAST TWO TIE DOWN DIMENSIONS. SANITARY SEWER _____ AS-BUILT RIM GRADES SHOWN. COMPARE TO GROUND ELEVATIONS _____ AS-BUILT INVERT ELEVATIONS SHOWN _____ AS-BUILT LENGTHS SHOWN _____ AS-BUILT SLOPES SHOWN _____ SANITARY SEWER LEAD LOCATIONS SHOWN, PLAN AND PROFILE. WATER MAIN _____ AS-BUILT RIM & FIRE HYDRANT GRADES SHOWN. COMPARE TO GROUND ELEVATIONS. _____ AS-BUILT LENGTHS SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW OR PLAN AND PROFILE VIEW IF 16” PIPE OR LARGER _____ AS-BUILT LEAD LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR PRE-TAP PROJECTS STORM SEWER _____ AS-BUILT RIM GRADES SHOWN. COMPARE TO GROUND ELEVATIONS. _____ AS-BUILT INVERT ELEVATIONS SHOWN FOR ALL STRUCTURES. CHECK MIN. 3’ OF COVER. _____ AS-BUILT LENGTHS SHOWN IN PLAN AND PROFILE _____ AS-BUILT SLOPES SHOWN IN PLAN AND PROFILE _____ STORM SEWER LEAD LOCATIONS SHOWN, PLAN AND PROFILE. _____ AS-BUILT GRADES OF DRAINAGE SWALES. DETENTION BASINS _____ LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF BASIN _____ SIZE OF BASIN _____ DEPTH OF BASIN _____ AS-BUILT VOLUME OF BASIN _____ BASIN SIDE SLOPES _____ ELEVATION OF OVERFLOW WITH RELATION TO RIM ELEVATIONS * Submit 4 paper copies of as-built plan sets to Sewer and Water Department for review. ** After approval –4 full paper copy sets, 1 mylar set, 3 copies of grading plans and three copies of the overall utility plans to be submitted to Sewer and Water Department. One electronic file copy of the entire set of plans is to be provided in AutoCAD format. AS-BUILT PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION BEING COMPLETED OR BUILDING PERMITS MAY NOT BE ISSUED.