Quiz 2 (Friday): Write your name, and ID number at top of page. Then write the question and your answer down on your paper in English for 1-10 below. 1) What is a browser and what does it do? A software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web 2) What is a POP and what is it for? Post Office Protocol: an application layer internet standard protocol by local email clients to retrieve email from a remote server over a TCP/IP connection. or Point of Presence (PoP) is an artificial demarcation point or interface point between communicating entities, such as an access point to the internet. 3) What is "the internet backbone" or "the backbone of the internet"? The principal data routes between large, strategically interconnected networks and core routers on the Internet. 4) What is a "url" and what is it for? Uniform resource locator. Also known as web address, is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource on the world wide web. 5) What is the hirsh index (also called hirsh number)? A number used to weigh the impact of a specific author based on the number of his or her publications and the number each paper has been cited by other authors in the literature. 6) What is a "journal citation report" and what does it tell you about a journal? The journal citation report is the citation impact or impact factor or number for a journal. It is the ratio of the number of citations to articles in a journal in two years previous to the present divided by the number of articles in those two years. The journal citation report tells you what the relative impact of a journal is. Journals with larger numbers having greater impact. 7) How do you find out what the manuscript requirements are for a journal you wish to publish in? Go to journal web page and download and read the instructions or guide to authors. 8) Name 4 Chinese chemistry journals. Pick Four: Chinese Journal of Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Science China Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Letters, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Acta Chimica Sinica, Chinese Journal of Polymer Chemistry. 9) What is peer review? Peer review is the editorial review of your manuscript by three experts in the field. They will decide if your manuscript is suitable for publication as is, with revision or not at all. 10) How can you proof or check the grammar and spelling for a manuscript for a journal written in English? Get an English major or expert to review the manuscript. Or use a software package like grammarly. Microsoft Word editor will not be adequate to review the grammar.