RISK-BASED CAPITAL NCUA’S PROPOSED REGULATION Important Dates May 28th: Comments Due June 26th: NCUA Listening Session in Los Angeles, CA July 10th: NCUA Listening Session in Chicago, IL July 17th: NCUA Listening Session in Alexandria, VA Action Steps Run CU #s through calculator Submit letter; copy Cornerstone Consider sending to Congressional Representatives Attend town hall Basis for the Proposal The Federal Credit Union Act requires NCUA to: Develop a PCA system that is comparable to bank PCA, and Adopt a risk-based net worth plan Proposal Applies to all federally insured CUs with more than $50 million in total assets. Restructures NCUA’s current PCA regulation. Eliminates the “risk-based net worth” requirement and replaces that with a new “risk-based capital” (RBC) requirement. The new RBC requirement adds additional categories of risk and sets higher risk weights. To remain “well capitalized,” a credit union must maintain a net-worth ratio of 7% or above AND a RBC ratio of 10.5% or above. Page | 1 NCUA has authority to impose even higher RBC requirements on a case-by-case basis. Takes effect 18 months after adoption by NCUA. Impacts all CUs because of the need to change information provided on call reports; the amount of work this will entail will vary by CU. Reduces overall capital held by CUs by $7.3 billion. CUs tend to maintain a buffer above what is required to be well capitalized. Under the RBC proposal, that buffer is reduced by $7.3 billion. Thus, if CUs wish to restore the buffer they enjoy under current rules, they’ll need to raise an additional $7.3 billion in capital. Talking Points for Comment Letter Oppose Proposal Oppose NCUA’s proposal as written. Need not justified. Support Current System and/or RBC in Concept, but Not As Proposed Current system is working. CUs came through the Great Recession, the worst financial crisis since the Depression, just fine. NCUA has not demonstrated problems related to current PCA regulation, other than a few isolated incidents. If you support RBC in concept, that is perfectly ok, just be sure to address the problems with the current proposal. Risk Weights Not Justified (Sec. 702.104; See Table 6, page 11194) Explain how the new risk weights are inappropriate and do not accurately reflect actual risk. The revaluation of certain asset weighting could change a CU’s PCA without any reasoned justification. For some risk areas, the weighting is the same for all loans or investments in that category. For example, all CUSO investments are treated the same regardless of the type of CUSO or its record of performance. Page | 2 Imposing RBC Requirements on Well Capitalized Credit Unions NCUA has no legal authority to impose higher RBC requirements on well capitalized credit unions than are imposed on adequately capitalized credit unions. Impact on CU and Members Compared to the risk-based net worth requirement, the RBC proposal will increase the risk weight for: investments with maturities exceeding five years; MBLs; non-fixed-rate first mortgages; consumer loans; CUSO investments; and the NCUSIF deposit. The RBC proposal will discourage CUs from making these kinds of loans and investments, which is a disservice to their members. Discuss the impact on your CU and your ability to serve your members and make investments. Consistency with Banks (See “Summary of the Proposed Rule”, page 11184) NCUA states that it intends to bring the CU method closer in line with the Basel III used by banks. Basel III is focused on credit risk. However, the RBC proposal covers not only credit risk, but also interest-rate risk, concentration risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and market risk. NCUA has not justified why its RBC proposal is significantly broader than Basel III. The RBC proposal attempts to bring consistency between the bank PCA and CU PCA, but it does not provide CUs with any of the tools to enable parity (e.g., a lower leverage or the ability to raise additional capital). Subjective Determination of Higher Capital Amounts (Sec. 702.105; See page 11203) Under the proposal, NCUA has the authority on a case-by-case basis to increase the amount of capital a CU is required to maintain. In other words, even if a CU is in compliance with the rules, NCUA could require more capital. Such power is not justified. Definition of “Complex” Credit Union (Sec. 702.103; See page 11192) The proposal would define a “complex” credit union as ANY CU with over $50 million in assets. To be considered a complex credit union under the current rule, a CU needs to be over $50 mill AND have a risk based net worth over 6%. NCUA has provided no justification for expanding the definition of complex credit union. Size alone does not make a credit union complex. Page | 3 Regulatory Burden (See “Paperwork Reduction Act”, page 11209) The proposal increases the regulatory burdens of all credit unions, even those under $50 million in assets. Credit unions would experience costs associated with updating policies, data collection, and updating reporting systems. This is in addition to the countless other regulatory burdens currently hampering credit unions from serving their members. Estimated burden for each credit union to collect risk-based capital ratio data (applies to ALL credit unions, not just those over $50 million): o One-time recordkeeping, 122 hours o On-going recordkeeping; 20 hours o One-time policy review and revision, 20 hours Estimated burden of the risk based capital ratio policy implications on complex credit unions (those over $50 million): o One time policy review and revision, 40 hours o Total estimated annual burden: One time recordkeeping and disclosures: 162 hours per complex CU, 122 hours per noncomplex CU On-going record keeping, 20 hours all credit unions Extend Compliance Date (See Page 11208) CUs need at least three years to comply; 18 months is not sufficient time. Basel III allows banks until 2019 to comply. Under the proposed timeline, CUs looking to alter their investment portfolio due to the RBC method may be forced to sell investments at less advantageous terms. Submission of the call report will be significantly slower, more costly, and more complicated due to the amount of new information to be provided. Gathering such information will require changes by data processors, additional staff time, staff training, etc.—all of which will cost the CU money and decrease the time and resources the CU provides back to its members. NCUA estimates the rule will create an additional 162 hours annually for CUs of less than $50 million. That’s three to four weeks of work for a full-time employee, provided that NCUA has not underestimated the work involved. Page | 4 _________________________________________________________ Suzanne Yashewski, SVP Regulatory Compliance Counsel Cornerstone Credit Union League syashewski@cornerstoneleague.coop (512) 853-8516 USEFUL REFERENCE TABLES INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL TABLE # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TITLE Current Risk Portfolios Defined – current 702.104 Standard Calculation of RBNW Requirement – current 702.106 Major Types of Risks Identified in CU Business Proposed Capital Categories Proposed Risk-Based Capital Numerator Risk Weight Categories and Associated Risk-Weights Proposed Risk-Weights for Cash and Investments Comparison of Current Reg and Proposed MBL Component Current Risk Weights for Long Term Real Estate Loans Proposed Risk-Weights for First Lien Real Estate Loans Proposed Risk-Weights for Junior Lien Real Estate Loans Proposed Risk-Weights for Consumer Loan Types Reported on Call Report Proposed Risk-Weights for Delinquent Consumer Loans Proposed Risk-Weights for Loans to CUSOs and Investments in CUSOs Proposed Risk-Weight for Mortgage Servicing Assets Proposed Risk-Weights for Other On-Balance Sheet Assets Proposed Credit Conversion Factors and Risk-Weights for OffBalance Sheet Assets Proposed Credit Conversion Factor and Risk-Weight for Total Unfunded Commitments for Non-Business Loans Proposed Conversion Factor Matrix for Derivatives Contracts PAGE 11185 11185 11187 11191 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11198 11198 11198 11198 11199 11199 11200 11201 11201 Page | 5