Lesson Plan Guide Teacher Candidate: Katelin Davis Date: 4/22/14 Grade and Topic: Kindergarten Science Length of Lesson: Mentor Teacher: C. Weaver School: 2days @45 mins Campus School UNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA: Plants and animals reproduce and transmit hereditary information between generations. LESSON OBJECTIVE: ● Given a list of animal pairs, TLW create a word document with pictures with 75% accuracy. ● Given an animal, TLW identify its young with 100% accuracy. STANDARDS ADDRESSED: GLE 0007.4.1 Observe how plants and animals change as they grow. GLE 0007.4.2 Observe that offspring resemble their parents. 6.0 Technology operations and concepts o Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. a. Understand and use technology systems b. Select and use applications effectively and productively c. Troubleshoot systems and applications d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies MATERIALS: ● Computer ● Microsoft Word ● “Animals and Their Young” Word List ● of all materials you will use as part of the lesson. ● If applicable, identify how and why technology will be integrated. Include a list of needed technology and websites. If technology is being used for the creation of a product, include a sample of the product. BACKGROUND and RATIONALE: ● Students will be able to identify the relationship between animals and their young. They will be able to recognize the changes that animals undergo during growth. ● Critical Academic langage I not addressed in IDT 3600. ● This lesson will buil on lessons that involved animal sounds and where animals live ● We will be able to refer back to this chart to provide exampls of animals and their young in future lessonsabout habitat and endangered species. ● I am aware that the lesson will need to be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment, However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not a part od this particular lesson. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE: ● Introduction: Using the stuffed animals requeste to bring to class in a previous letter to parents all students will sit on the caret holding theor favorite stuffed animal. We will go around the room and have a short show and tell that asks the students to tell a little about their stuffed animal and then ask if they know what the baby of that animal is called. Remain seated quietly at the carpet. ● Procedures: Prior to Computer (15mins): Teacher Procedure: 1. Pass out “animals and their young” sheet 2. Instruct students to pay attention to the video about to be played because yo will be testing their memory after they finish watching it. 3. Play “Animls and their Youngones” video 4. After video ask students to place a check mark next to every anima pair they remember seeing in the video 5. Ask students to count the toal number of pairs tey remember seeing. 6. Ask the student with the most pairs to read them all off . 7. On the Master sheet mark them off as stuents say them 8. Continue clling on tudets until all pairs are marked off. 9. Instruct students to move to computers At Computers (30mins) Teacehr Procedure: 1. Have students open Microsoft word. 2. Direct students to the MS Clipart Gallery 3. Monitor and assist as necessary ● Student Procedure: 1. Remain quiet and wait for teacher to pass out “animal and their young sheet” 2. Watch “Animls and their Youngones” Video 3. Mark off every animal pair on the handout that was seen in the video 4. Total up the the number of pairs seen in the video 5. Read off the pairs found when called on. 6. Move to computers Studnent Procedure: 1. Open MS word. 2. Add the title Animals and their young 3. Below the title insert a 3 column 7 row chart 4. Add the column names: Animal, Eat, Live 5. Type the name of one animal into the row underneath the animal column. 6. Insert a clip art photo underneath the animal name 7. In a complete sentence type what the animal eats under the eat column 8. In a complete sentence type where the animal lives under the live column. 9. Save work 10. Repeat steps 5-8 until all 6 animals are complete. 11. Correct any spelling errors 12. Print Closure: What do you have planned to close the lesson? ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE: ● Provide the formative and /or summative assessments that are part of this lesson. ● Make sure there is a clear link between the Goals and Objectives and the Assessments. MODIFICATIONS: ● List specific modifications for students who did not master the objectives. ● List specific modifications for students who are ready for enrichment activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk7cQUFVyTk file:///Users/Student/Downloads/list_animals_and_young.pdf