HASAN KALYONCU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION GUIDANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PRACTICE Course Title Introduction to Psychology Course Code: Semeste r Lecture+Recite Credit ECTS PDR103 1 3+0 3 5 Prerequisites Language Compulsory / Elective Coordinator of course Instructors Assistant Course Objectives TURKİSH COMPULSORY YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV The main goal of this course is to investigate why and how people behave. So, purpose psychology is to help the people to understand others more easily. To do that, a person should know the ways of understanding others. Consequently, the aim psychology is to contribute to the people to start and maintain effective relationships. Learning Outcomes and Competences Course Contents Recognizing several characteristics of people Understanding internal and external reasons of the human behaviors Understanding him/herself and his/her personality structure Learning the motivators that motivate the person Knowing the effects of the laws of attention and perception on the behavior Knowing the types and qualifications of intelligence Having effective communication skills Defining the behaviors of an individual in a social environment This course includes description of goal and usage of Psychology; description of biological bases of the behaviours; investigation of cognitive and personality development; defence mechanisms to protect mental health; feelings and emotions of the people; explaining the motivations, needs and drives of individuals; describing attention and perception laws; examining learning, memory, IQ, EQ, and social effects on behaviour of people. Weekly Schedule Week Subjects Prestudy Instructors 1 Introduction - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 2 Biological Basis of Behavior - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 3 Human Development - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 4 Cognitive Development and Language Development - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 5 Personality Development - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 6 Needs, Drives and Incentives - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 7 General Arousal Level, Feelings and Excitements - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 8 . Defense Mechanisms - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 9 Attention and Perception - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 10 Learning, Memory and Forgetting - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 11 Learning Theories - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 12 Intelligence and Abilities - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 13 Individual and Social Effects on Behavior of The Individual - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV 14 Evaluation and Terminating - YRD.DOÇ.DR. RAMİN ALİYEV REFERNCES Textbook and /or References C. G. Morris, Psikolojiyi Anlamak (Psikolojiye Giriş), Çev.Ed.: H. Belgin Ayvaşık Doğan Cüceloğlu, İnsan ve Davranışı, Remzi yayınları, İstanbul. Necla Öner , 2006, Türkiye de Kullanılan Psikolojik Testler 2 Cilt, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yay. R. Plotnik, Psikolojiye Giriş, Kaknüs Yayınları, istanbul EVALUATION SYSTEM Term Studies PİECE Midterm 1 40 Assignments - - Term Project - - final exam 1 60 Total Contribute to the semester study notes - - - - The contribution of the final exam grade Total Course Category PERCENT SOCİAL SCİENCE X 100 TABLE OF ECTS / WORKLOAD ACTIVITIES Hours Work outside lesson time ( pre-study, practice ) Assignments AMOUNT time (Hour) total Workload 14 3 42 Midterm final exam projects Total workload Total workload / 30 ECTS credits Course The relationship between the schedule and course outcomes DÇ/P Ç DÇ1 DÇ2 DÇ3 DÇ4 PÇ 1 PÇ2 PÇ3 PÇ4 PÇ5 PÇ6 Outcome Recognizing several characteristics of people Understanding internal and external reasons of the human behaviors Understanding him/herself and his/her personality structure Learning the motivators that motivate the person Knowing the effects of the laws of attention and perception on the behavior Knowing the types and qualifications of intelligence Having effective communication skills Defining the behaviors of an individual in a social environment PÇ7 PÇ8 1. PÇ9 PÇ10 PÇ11 PÇ12