Exam-II Review (2014) (15% of total grade) Geochem/Habitable Planet EESC 3101 • (Lectures 9-15) Format: Short answer, sketches, short calculations, interpreting plots Bring calculator, pencils/pen, may use periodic table and nuclide chart in room Closed book, based on lecture material and problem sets - key topics outlined below: Mineralogy and Petrology basics What are minerals (general formulas), rocks?, Mineralogy of the mantle and crust Major building blocks, SiO42--Tetrahedra Melting temperatures (crust, mantle) making of basalts and granites Melting of the mantle concept of solidus and liquidus, partial melt Fractionation of elements: Partition coefficient and bulk partition coefficient Compatible and incompatible elements Batch (equilibrium) partial melting Decompression melting, flux melting (freezing point depression), melting by raising temperature Melting at mid-ocean ridges: melting triangle, mantle temperature Thermodynamic concepts (Adiabatic decompression, superheat, heat of fusion/crystallization) Plate tectonics Composition, physical parameters, Earth structure (seismic velocity, density) Isostasy, bimodal surface elevation crust formation, recycling of crust, convection mid-ocean ridges (water depth, crustal thickness, depleted MORB mantle – two stage melting) subduction zones (thermal regime, alteration of oceanic plate, sediment melt) Melting at hotspots vs. mid-ocean ridges Geochemical behavior and fingerprints Fluid mobile elements (large ions, small charge) versus immobile (small ions, large charge) Proxy elements for melting processes (e.g. Na, Ti) Goldschmidt’s Elements: siderophile, lithophile, chalcophile, atmophile Rare earth elements (REE), Lanthanide contraction REE pattern (normalization), concave vs. convex, MORB vs. Arc vs. OIB vs. Continental Crust Light, middle, heavy, REE, minerals of interest: Clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet Continental crust Making new crust (Arcs vs. LIPs, linear vs. steady-state vs. episodic) Juvenile vs. recycled crust (Sm-Nd isotopes and 143Nd/144Nd vs. 87Sr/86Sr) Nd evolution diagram, Model ages, Chondritic uniform reservoir (CHUR), Supercontinents Analytical concepts Precision vs. Accuracy, %-ppm-ppb-ppt, mass spectrometry, calibration curves