Shan Li 092111 with help from Dr. Guihua Sun (Rossi Group) Glackin Group How to design an shRNA Generate duplex: RNA folding Notes for selecting deplexes: 11th position as U/A Relative accessibility score bigger better (look at the 2nd structure of mRNA) 3’ of 5 sequence entry point as U/A better Duplex _end differential >1 dG5” antisense not too stable (as with each other) not too unstable (as targeting the target sequence) order primers to be annealed with sticky ends and cloned into pcDNA3-U6m2 (J. Rossi’s group) vector. ONLY 4 nucleotide in between the promoter sequence and the transcription initiation site (BglII) 1 Shan Li 092111 with help from Dr. Guihua Sun (Rossi Group) Glackin Group For example: shTwist duplex: 418 0.75 GGACAAGCUGAGCAAGAUUca AAUCUUGCUCAGCUUGUCCga 5.6 -6.1 -11.7 Use 5’ end: BglII over hang: gatc 3’ end: SpeI over hang: ctag loop: TTTGTGTAG or GATGTGTTT U6 termination seq: ttttt BglII A’GATCT TCTAG’A SpeI A’CTAGT TGATC’A 5B-Tw418,GATCGGACAAGCTGAGCAAGATTCATTTGTGTAGTGAATCTTGCTCAGCTTGTCCTTTTT 3S-Tw418,CTAGAAAAAGGACAAGCTGAGCAAGATTCACTACACAAATGAATCTTGCTCAGCTTGTCC 5B-Tw418,GATCGGACAAGCTGAGCAAGATTCATTTGTGTAGTGAATCTTGCTCAGCTTGTCCTTTTT CCTGTTCGACTCGTTCTAAGTAAACACATCACTTAGAACGAGTCGAACAGGAAAAAGATC,3S-Tw418 2 Shan Li 092111 with help from Dr. Guihua Sun (Rossi Group) Glackin Group Target sequence siRNA 5B-Tw418,GATCGGACAAGCTGAGCAAGATTCATTTGTGTAGTGAATCTTGCTCAGCTTGTCCTTTTT Seed seq Clone U6-shRNA fragment into pENTR shuttle vector to be delivered to pBLOCKiT6 (Invitrogen) for lentiviral packaging. 3