
Yes and I also recieved the same picture
from Jerry Fangel so I sent him the
information.Franny and Mel Armstrong
bought the house for $100 in the early
1940's and when I was visiting one day
Franny showed me the Abstract and Deed
for it because they had just paid their final
payment on the mortgage and they were
celebrating. It wasn't the original loan they
had taken out a second mortgage and at
the time fixed up the house. It was around
1955 at the time. The Abstract showed all
of the previous owners of the house.and
ther were quite a few. I only remember
Charles Elfelt owned it because he built it.
It was a one family house then because he
had a lot of Children. Later someone else
turned it into a Duplex. It was a Duplex
when the Armstrong's owned it. Franny told
me they were looking at that one and the
one which was then on the same side of
the Street on the corner of Edmund and