Tier 2/Tier 3 Building Level Readiness Checklist

Tier 2/Tier 3 Building-level Readiness Checklist
Purpose: In order to expedite Tier 2/Tier 3 implementation and sustain outcomes from training and technical assistance, buildings will commit to
working on these items within the first year of Tier 2/Tier 3 training.
Directions: Reflect on the expectations below with group of building, school and family stakeholders. Indicate status of items and next steps for items
not in place.
District Name:____________________________ School Name:____________________________ External Coach Name:_________________________
Building Tier 2/Tier 3 Expectations
Status &
(in place, not in place)
Next steps
1) Building Tier 2/Tier 3 Systems Team that:
a) Is responsible and committed to implementing full continuum of interventions,
b) Reflects on Systems Response Tool at least quarterly, and
c) Reviews EE or building-level placement data at least bi-annually (ex. 5c Data Tool).
2) Building-level leadership :
a) Is active participant on Tier 2/Tier 3 leadership and planning teams,
b) Is informed and knowledgeable of Tier 2/Tier 3 systems and practices, and
c) Has regular access to Tier 2/Tier 3 data.
3) Building has multi-tiered systems teams:
a) Representing Tiers 1, 2, 3,
b) Problem solving teams that meet at least monthly,
c) Individual youth/family teams for all youth with Tier 3 support, and
d) Regularly using and revisiting an active action planning process.
4) Regularly use data and have data systems for decision making
a) Systems monitoring: schools expected to track intervention effectiveness at least monthly
b) Fidelity tools: (WIT, RIT at least annually),
c) Individual student data tools (DPR etc. at least daily/weekly per youth), and
d) SIMEO data use at least every 30-90 days
Tier 2/Tier 3 Building-level Readiness Checklist, Version 1.1
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Illinois PBIS Network, Rev. 12-12-12
Building Tier 2/Tier 3 Expectations
Status &
(in place, not in place)
Next steps
5) Building-level support for necessary training
a) Participate in SIMEO training (one 2-hr training annual booster),
b) 3 day training (RENEW, wrap and complex FBA/BIP all equate to 3 days of training)
Booster training at least annually for fluency, and
d) Participation in TLC for one or more tier 3 interventions.
6) Family and student voice and choice given priority in the design and implementation of all Tier
2/Tier 3 interventions through student and family attendance, surveys, interviews, etc.
7) Participate in multiple layers of Tier 3 coaching for one or more tier 3 interventions :
a) Opportunities to observe modeling of intervention delivery,
b) Participate in calls, or meetings to receive feedback & support around skill development,
c) Participate in ongoing monitoring of skill fidelity
8) Facilitators with time allocated to implementation of a continuum of interventions.
9) Active process for resource mapping (to help find community partners, mentors, interventions)
10) Facilitator role flexibility to leave building to provide interventions, work with students in
different buildings/districts, work after hours to facilitate team meetings etc.
Tier 2/Tier 3 Building-level Readiness Checklist, Version 1.1
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Illinois PBIS Network, Rev. 12-12-12