ENGR0011 VIDIC, 2:00 L06 THE ROLE OF STEM CELLS IN ORGAN REPLACEMENT Iman Benbourenane (ilb8@pitt.edu) INTRODUCTION: A NEW LOOK AT STEM CELL RESEARCH With the presidential elections closing in upon us, radio talk shows and cable news outlets are once again dredging up decades old debates that, given the right conditions, could turn brother against brother. Questions of religion and ethics come into play, and stances sternly taken, resulting in stubbornness on both sides and a clear divide of party lines. One such topic is embryonic stem cell research. A hot topic, indeed, but surprisingly little is being said about adult derived stem cells. Adult derived stem cells provide an alternative to embryonic stem cell research that allows us to forgo the politically charged debates on the ethics of stem cell research. Adult derived stem cells show great promise in the realm of creating safe, effective treatment for organ failure. In addition, stem cell research, particularly whole organ decellularization, allows for generation of organs that are low risk for rejection and that will provide treatment options for patients that would otherwise have to wait on a limited supply of organ donors. Whole organ decellularization paves the way for lab-made-organs, such as hearts (which have been successfully reconstructed) and possibly kidneys. It is an incredibly promising field that that touches me personally, as a future engineer and hopeful friend. It deserves funding and attention, not only because logically it makes sense, but because as engineers we are ethically obligated to do so, an idea that gives freshmen engineering students like myself a glimpse into the world of ethical problem solving. A CLOSER LOOK AT STEM CELLS The words “stem cell research” cannot be said without some strong connotation that goes along with it. Whether that connotation is positive or negative depends on the audience. For this reason, it’s a topic that has become taboo and a subject that everyone has an opinion about, but little insight as to what it actually is. This is because people most associate stem cell research with embryonic stem cell research - a small subset to a large area of study. The debate on embryonic stem cell research has lead all the way to the Supreme Court, where a lower court decision (which, if upheld, would force the cancellation of numerous ongoing experiments) was overturned in May of 2011 [1]. It’s true that embryonic stem cells have paved the way to the greater study of adult stem cells, something that Dr. John B. Gurdon of the University of Cambridge discovered in 1962, when he produced living tadpoles from the adult intestinal cells of a University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 9 October 2012 frog. After replacing the nucleus of a frog egg with the nucleus from the adult cell, the egg was able to reprogram the adult cell’s nucleus and direct its genes “to switch from the duties of an intestinal cell to those appropriate to a developing egg” [2]. The mechanism behind this was not found until almost half a century later. Working with mice, recent Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University discovered in 2006 that just four specific gene control agents in the egg could explain the reprogramming. Furthermore, by simply injecting the four agents into an adult cell, Dr. Yamanaka showed that he could “walk the cell back to its primitive, or stem cell, form”[2]. These cells, known as induced pluripotent stem cells, could then be made to differentiate into any type of cell in the body. The implications of this set of studies are astounding. Firstly, it takes away the ethical debates associated with embryonic stem cell research and the waste of human life because the stem cells are derived from adult cells. In addition, and more importantly, it opens the door to a seemingly endless line of research in regenerative medicine, at the forefront of which is organ development specifically, whole organ decellularization. WHOLE ORGAN DECELLULARIZATION: AN INNOVATION TO ORGAN FAILURE TREATMENT Dr. Doris Taylor of the University of Minnesota developed the method of whole organ decellularization, a process by which stem cells are grafted onto the extracellular matrix of an organ and grow to develop into a fully functioning organ [3]. Dr. Taylor focused on the heart in her experiments, starting with a dead mouse heart and removing the cells. Using detergent, the protein in the heart cells were denatured, leading to cell lysing, effectively “washing” away the living cells and leaving only the extracellular matrix. This matrix, or “scaffolding” as she sometimes refers to it, can then be used as a template for stem cells to grow on. She and her team watched in amazement as the cells not only began to grow around the matrix, but also started contracting like the cells of a fully functioning heart. This development has huge implications, because if they were able to grow a heart in a lab, then theoretically they can grow any organ, given they have the correct “scaffolding” and stem cells. Furthermore, this method creates not just pieces of organs, but entire organs that are identical to the donor’s organs. This new development could provide treatment for patients suffering from organ failure and would Iman Benbourenane It’s the belief of some researchers that the hype surrounding stem cell research and organ decellularization is just that – hype – and will be a repeat of the Human Genome Project, a project centered around decoding the human genome that took fifteen years and $3 billion to complete [7]. Although very interesting, the Human Genome Project did not produce the results that were promised – a possible cure to every disease affecting mankind. It amounted to few, if any, actual cures to diseases and many believe that stem cell research, too, will amount to almost nothing. So what if it worked on mice in a few select case studies? Why should we dedicate our time and energy into what might result in trivial pursuits? As a future engineer, this topic matters to me because it opens the door to a realm of research that, if understood completely, could serve as a cure-all for a multitude of diseases [2]. When you have a cell that can differentiate into any cell at all, endless possibilities are in store [7]. We are at the forefront of something with great potential, and that potential lies in the ability of these cells to differentiate into any possible cell. In the case of whole organ decellularization, nature has given us the building blocks (i.e. the extracellular matrix and stems cells) and it is our job as engineers to manipulate them to benefit society. Actually, from an ethical viewpoint, one could say it’s not only the job, but also the duty of engineers to further research and develop these methods. The very first canon of the NSPE code of ethics for engineers is to “hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [8]. The Biomedical Engineering Society further specifies this statement in their code of ethics by requiring bioengineers to “… enhance the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [9]. These ideals are congruent with the intentions of adult stem cell research. Firstly, by not using embryonic stem cells, there is no question as to whether human life is being harmed in the pursuit of knowledge in this new field. The cells that are used are taken from adults, with their full consent, and with minimal pain involved. This satisfies the task of upholding safety, health, and welfare. The real task is enhancing that safety, health, and welfare. This is done by using novel techniques, such as whole-organ decellularization, to create alternative methods of already existing treatments. For example, the current method of treating heart disease often involves a heart transplant. Transplants require a donor, and if that donor is not closely related to the recipient, chances of rejection of the organ are high. Replacing this risky method with a specially crafted, healthy version of the organ identical to the recipients reduces the risk of rejection drastically. Success rates of surgery would be higher, and thus safety, health, and welfare of the public would be enhanced. On a more personal level, I care about stem cell research because, as the friend of two sickle-cell patients, it gives hope for possible improvements on already existing treatments. The two girls, both sisters, were excited to hear about a bone marrow transplant operation that proved to cure be preferable to the current method of treatment (i.e. organ donation) primarily because organs are in short supply [3]. Cardiovascular diseases accounted for 34% of all deaths in the United States with an associated cost of $503.2 billion in 2010 alone [4]. Over 3,000 people a year are left without any options for treatment for their various illnesses and diseases [3]. Whole organ decellularization does require a heart donation, but it can be from a cadaver, a pig, or any other mammal that has a heart anatomically similar to a human heart. This is due to the fact that only the intercellular matrix is required from an outside source; the actual organ cells come from the transplant recipient. This leads to the second reason this method is preferable – less chance of rejection. In the case of whole organ decellularization, the receiver of the transplant is also the donor and so the body will be less likely to target these cells as an outside invading threat and reject the cells [4]. This eliminates the need for anti-rejection drugs, which are costly and can have terrible side effects [5]. Still, researchers are skeptical when it comes to this new advancement, particularly because this method of organ creation requires a large amount of stem cells [4]. Some find it difficult to believe that sufficient sources of stem cells exist to create any organ needed and apply them to benefit the human body. For example, the kidney is a complex organ that requires twenty-four different adult cells to interact to function [6]. The strongest argument against stems cells and their role in kidney development is made by Humphreys and colleagues of the Harvard Institute of Medicine who, when trying to mark the sources of cell growth, came to the conclusion that most of the cells (that were thought to be adult stem cells) used to grow the kidney were not adult stem cells but actually leftover embryonic cells from development [6]. If the cells were leftovers from development, then using only adult stem cells in a kidney scaffold may not work. This finding, if true, would mean the findings from Dr. Taylor would be limited to only hearts and possibly only mice hearts when using only adult stem cells. However, Dr. Scott Reule and Dr. Sandeep Gupta of the University of Minnesota, using labeling methods of cells, have determined that the method of cell identification used by Humphreys and colleagues did not account for stem cells that take on the phenotypic appearance of embryonic cells. So, the cells Humphreys dubbed “embryonic leftovers” could actually be adult stem cells in disguise. Thus, stem cell still remain “a potential cellular source for kidney regeneration and warrant further exploration” [6]. These findings open the door to further research in stem cells and organ reconstruction, even though limitations still exist, such as definite identification of stem cell markers. THE IMPORTANCE OF STEM CELL RESEARCH: WHO REALLY CARES 2 Iman Benbourenane patients of their sickle cell. They were lucky – extraordinarily lucky – to have a sibling that was a perfectly matched donor to both of them. Otherwise, they would have to rely on an outside source that could result in rejection of the donated bone marrow and, as they would have to be immunosuppressed for the operation, ultimately death. The eldest of the two sisters was operated on first, and it seemed from the start that her sickle cell was cured. Unfortunately, it was her heart that failed her, and she passed away from cardiac arrest at twenty years old. Her sister, only seventeen and still yet to get the transplant, is faced with the fate of either dying young from sickle cell, or possibly dying younger from complications due to the bone marrow transplant. It’s the promise of adult derived stem cell research, providing an identical, healthy match to failing tissue, resulting in no rejection and no need for immunosuppressants, and whole organ decellularization, which would provide organs to replace damaged ones, that gives hope that stories like this become a thing of the past. Furthermore, if advancements can be made more quickly, it could be the means of a lucky change of fate for suffering patients. as defined by our respective codes of ethics. We were forced to defend our position with these codes, or if they didn’t fully support our position, we were given the opportunity to self-reflect on whether our opinions were the “correct opinions”. For example, I now see that the method of taking a stance before doing research is generally not considered ethically sound. The NSPE code of ethics states that engineers “…shall be objective… in professional reports” [8]. Having already taken a stance and researching materials only in support of my stance, I have taken away some of the objectivity that an ethical engineering paper should have. Thus, by providing insight into our own ethics and comparison to what is expected of us as future engineers, this assignment provides us with an introduction to ethics problem solving, which is vital to the field of engineering. JUST THE BEGINNING: A CONCLUSION Adult derived stem cells show great promise in the world of regenerative medicine – so much promise that it outweighs the risk of a possible dead end. With the help of whole organ decellularization, safe, rejection-free organs can be made in lab and replace the current organ donor system of treatment. The opportunities that lie ahead in this field push us to question whether or not we are morally obligated to pursue such research, a question that has freshmen engineers like myself slowly understanding where we stand on certain issues and how we must approach such dilemmas. On reflection, it all sounds a little crazy; really, it is a novel idea – lab-made organs. It’s like something out of a science fiction novel. And for now, it’s still fantasy, because to date, there has been no creation of fully functioning human organs in lab. We haven’t yet fully entered the world of science fiction, but this is a good first step. THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT: WHO REALLY CARES My background and research led me to take a stance on the issue of adult derived stem cells, but really what is the point of taking a stance on a topic that, as a freshmen engineering student, I know so little about? As Dr. Bridget Bero and Dr. Alana Kulhman point out in their paper on engineering education, although engineering students generally come into college already possessing black and white critical thinking skills, things turn grey once the issue of ethics appears. In the same way we are taught to further our critical thinking and problem solve, we need practice in solving ethical problems [10]. An assignment such as this did two things in aiding our understanding of these grey areas and strengthening our problem solving skills. Firstly, by making us pick topics and write our papers before looking up the ethic codes, we saw where we stood already on our specified topic. For example, I firmly believed in the advancement and funding of adult stem cell research. For me, I went into the paper already knowing I supported it, and then did research to back up my stance. For other students, it could have been a stance they had taken only after doing research. Either way, we were given sufficient time and resources to make a sound decision on where we stand on a topic. It gave us a chance to figure out where we stand on the ethics scale. By understanding where you stand, it makes comparison to ideals of ethics possible. We are given the moral compass of the ethical cannons, but they are useless unless we know our starting point. Secondly, we were given a chance to compare our stance to see if our thinking was like that of an “ethical engineer” REFERENCES [1] Fox, Maggie. (2011). "Appeals Court Hands Obama a Stem-Cell Victory." NationalJournal.com. (Online Article). http://www.nationaljournal.com/healthcare/appeals-courthands-obama-a-stem-cell-victory-20110429 . [2] Wade, Nicholas. (2012). "Cloning and Stem Cell Work Earns Nobel." The New York Times. (Online Article). http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/09/health/research/cloning -and-stem-cell-discoveries-earn-nobel-prize-inmedicine.html?_r=1. [3] “New Heart Built with Stem Cells.” University of Minnesota Center for Vascular Repair. (2008). (Video). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9hEFUpTVPA [4] Iyer, Rohin K., Loraine LY Chiu, Lewis A. Reis, and Milica Radisic. (2011). "Engineered Cardiac Tissues." Current Opinion in Biotechnology. (Online article). 3 Iman Benbourenane http://www.sciencedirect.com.pitt.idm.oclc.org/science/articl e/pii/S0958166911000668. p. 706-714 [5] Kisken, Tom. (2011). "Medicare Limits Anti-Rejection Drugs That Transplant Patients Need."Ventura County Star. (Online Article). http://www.vcstar.com/news/2011/jul/22/medicare-limitsanti-rejection-drugs-that-need/ . [6] Reule, Scott, and Sandeep Gupta. (2011). "Kidney Regeneration and the Role of Stem Cells."Organogenesis (Online Article). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3142450/?re port=abstract. p. 135-139 [7] J. Antonelli. (2012, February 3). Lecture notes. AP Biology. Peters Township High School. [8] (July 2007). ”NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers." National Society of Professional Engineers. (Web). <http://www.nspe.org/Ethics/CodeofEthics/index.html>. [9] (Feb. 2004). "Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics." Biomedical Engineering Society. (Web). <http://www.wpi.edu/Images/CMS/Biomedical/BMEethcis. pdf>. [10] Bridget Bero and Alana Kulhman. (2011). “Teaching Ethics to Engineers: Ethical Decision Making Parallels the Engineering Design Process”. Science & Engineering Ethics. (Online article). http://web.ebscohost.com.pitt.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/ pdfviewer?sid=f8416d79-cd3e-4470-9471f96d8d582cf5%40sessionmgr14&vid=4&hid=12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the lovely people at the writing center for putting together the longer-than-this-actual-paper writing requirements for this assignment. I would also like to thank my mother for making me soup while I wrote this. A special thanks goes out to Mr. Bisou Bean, my cat, for proofreading. 4