Enlightenment Revolution Tic-Tac-Toe (100 points)

Enlightenment Revolution Tic-Tac-Toe (100 points)
Choose 3 of the following activities below. You can make a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line, but the 3 you
choose must be in that order. Cross out the activity as you complete it to win tic-tac-toe! Each box you complete is
worth 25 points. If you complete the box with the star in the corner, you will receive a 3 point bonus! Neatness and
creativity are worth 15 points. You must fully cite each source you use for your project to make up the final 10
points. Neatness, creativity, and accuracy will all be considered when determining your grade for each individual
activity. Your final product should be placed in a pocket folder with brads. Your name and the title of the project
should be written NEATLY on the front of the folder.
Draw 2 political cartoons showing the
importance of 2 advancements made
during the Scientific Revolution. Your
cartoons should be neatly drawn and
colored/shaded on unlined paper
Imagine you are an alien visiting from
another planet. Write a 1 page report to
send back to your home planet describing
the artistic styles, music, and literature
of the Enlightenment. Make sure you
fully describe all the strange things you
hear and see.
Write a 1 page newspaper article that
compares/contrasts Thomas Hobbes and
John Locke. Consider their beliefs
regarding the monarchy and the idea of
a social contract.
Imagine you are Galileo. Write a 1 page
diary entry of your thoughts while you
are under house arrest. Why are you
here? Is this justified? How do you feel
about what has happened?
Imagine you are an Enlightened despot.
Write a 1 page speech you would deliver
to your subjects announcing your ideas
for the country. How would you
convince the different groups in your
country of these plans?
Imagine you are a party planner hired to
plan a salon. Design an invitation, write
up a guest list of at least 10 guests, and
include a list of 5 discussion topics for
the host. Be sure to explain why each
person should be invited and why these
topics are important to discuss.
Imagine that you write for a magazine.
Choose any Enlightenment thinker,
(other than Locke or Hobbes) and write
a 1 page script for an interview you
conducted with that person that would be
featured in your magazine. What would
your readers want to know? Include
questions and answers.
Write some kind of lyrical prose (song,
rap, cheer) that discuss the main ideas of
Jean Jacques Rousseau. Make sure to
include his social contract and other
philosophies. Your lyrical prose should
have at least 14 lines.
Imagine you are a motion picture
director/writer. Write a 1 page script or
draw a 7 frame storyboard that shows
how Catherine the Great ruled Russia as
an Enlightened despot.