RAPTOR-JUse meeting: 10.00am, Tuesday 27th November 2012 On call: Mimas: Jo Lambert (JL), Ross Macintyre (RM), Cardiff University: Rhys Smith (RS), Phil Smart (PS), Cranfield University: Paul Needham (PN), Evidence Base: Pete Dalton (PD), Angela Conyers (AC) Item no. Item description Action 1. Minutes of last meeting 1.1 PN reported that colleagues at Cranfield are considering installing RAPTOR but dependent on the IT department. Given their busy work schedule this can’t be progressed quickly. Simon Bevan is pursuing RAPTOR with the IT department. 1.2 AC has started to compile a list of RAPTOR users (who are also JUSP users) following feedback from the JUSPlibraries list. AC will update the list and pass to RS/PS to post on the RAPTOR-JUse wiki. AC 1.3 Manchester isn’t currently a RAPTOR user and aiming to install the software shortly. JL put PS and RS in touch with Andy Land recently. They will follow up with Andy this week. PS, RS 2. Options analysis and development of linkage 2.1 A basic API is available and is sufficient for Cardiff purposes. PS and RS will complete work to provide access to data in the UI. The implementation will be made available on a development server for institutional testers initially. RS and PS will provide logins for institutional testers to review data, and will inform AC and PD once content is available for evaluation purposes. PS, RS 3. Evaluation 3.1 AC and PD aim to liaise with institutional testers and collect feedback during w/c 10.12.12 AC, PD 3.2 Initial evaluation will concentrate on collecting feedback from testers at the three test institutions (Manchester, Cardiff and Kent). Evaluation will be extended to a wider group during the second phase evaluation in March and April 2013. PD, AC 4. Dissemination 4.1 A brief update on RAPTOR-JUse progress will be communicated via the JUSP libraries newsletter at the end of December. The article will provide an opportunity to report the results of the initial evaluation activities. AC, PD, JL PS and RS continue to disseminate information about the project at workshops and events. 5. AOB 5.1 The notes provided by Chris Brown from the AIM meeting have a JL couple of inaccuracies in relation to JUSP/RAPTOR-JUse. The notes were intended for personal use and weren’t circulated amongst the group but JL will request amendments given that they are likely to form the basis of a blog post shortly. Date of next meeting: 18th December 2012