British Academy of Management

British Academy of Management
Healthcare Organization and Management
Public Management and Governance
Special Interest Groups: Joint Workshop
From rapid expansion to radical redesign?:
policy futures and management practices in public services
Cranfield University, Cranfield Management Research Institute
Monday 29 March 2010, 10.00 to 16.00
Holding this workshop around the time of a general election presents a unique opportunity to
reflect on policy and practice across the public sector over the past decade and to consider,
along with novel theoretical perspectives, shifts in policy that the next government should
consider, and the implications for management practice. Many challenges will be familiar:
how to cut costs while improving the quality of services. Is the era of rapid expansion giving
way to an era of radical redesign? With ‘targets’ unfashionable, what other performance
management policies should be considered? Having introduced competition into the public
sector, how can appropriate models of collaboration be encouraged? Have management
practices imported from the private sector achieved what they can, or have these still to be
applied more effectively? These are just some of the themes which are likely to be of interest
to the members of our Special Interest Groups at this critical time. Along with our keynote
speaker, we will organize breakout groups with nominated discussion leaders known for their
expertise and controversial views on key themes. The format for the day will be:
arrival, introductions, refreshments
Opening keynote address
Professor Ewan Ferlie AcSS
Department of Management, King’s College London,
Discussion leaders (1): first breakout groups
(tea and coffee ‘on the run’)
Feedback in plenary on key themes from breakout groups
working lunch; chance to network, exchange experience and ideas
Discussion leaders (2): second breakout groups
(tea and coffee ‘on the run’)
Feedback in plenary on key themes from breakouts
Panel summary
workshop ends
Discussion leaders
Leaderism and deliverology: the end of public sector management as we knew it?
David A. Buchanan
Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Cranfield
University School of Management
Networks and boundary spanning
Graeme Currie
Professor of Public Services Management,
University of Nottingham and Director of the
Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire
Radical system design to improve health and social care collaboration where there
are persistent and expensive issues, especially in care of the elderly, obesity, sexual
diseases, and preventative medicine and lifestyle changes. Will discuss ‘wicked
problems’ such as cost to the state, structural issues with having separate local
authorities, health commissioners, and providers, and social costs.
Louise Fitzgerald
Visiting Professor at Manchester Business School
and Academic Lead in the CLAHRC for Greater
Public leadership
Jean Hartley
Professor of Organizational Analysis, Warwick
University Business School
NHS reforms: mutually supporting or interacting negatively? Conceptual
underpinning? One size fits all or need for customization? Link to Darzi agenda?
Martin Powell
Professor of Health and Social Policy, HSMC,
University of Birmingham
What happened to good day to day front line management and supervision?
Jill Schofield
Professor of Health Care Management (Somers
Chair), University of Edinburgh
Panel members*
Dr Rachel Ashworth, Senior Lecturer in Public Sector Management, University of Cardiff,
Chair of the Public Management and Governance SIG
David Buchanan, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Cranfield University, Co-Chair of
the Healthcare Organization and Management SIG
Louise Fitzgerald, Visiting Professor at Manchester Business School and Academic Lead in
the CLAHRC for Greater Manchester
Susan Lawrence, Operations Manager, Surgical Services, Cambridge University Hospitals,
Jill Newman: Associate Director Performance Improvement and Service Transformation,
Betsi Cadwaldr University Local Health Board, North Wales
Andrew Schuster, Assistant Director - Cancer Programme, Integrated Cancer Centre
Southeast London and King’s Health Partners
additional panel members will be co-opted on the day