the application form via THIS LINK for additional

Dance Marathon Alumni Interest Group
2015 Board of Directors Application
APPLICATION DUE DATE – March 23, 2015 to
Home phone:
Cell phone:
Email address:
Profession/Job Title:
Graduation year:
Position(s) of Interest (please mark all that apply):
___ Treasurer*
___ Fundraising & Donor Relations
___ Membership
___ Hope Express Relations
Dance Marathon AIG is a Penn State Alumni Association chartered Alumni Interest Group. Our mission
promises to promote a continuing relationship between students and alumni who care about THON™ by
providing opportunities for alumni to give time, money, and resources to aid Four Diamonds in the conquering
of childhood cancer.
Please consider the following before applying. If you are voted in to become an active board member, you will
have several responsibilities. Although Dance Marathon AIG is a volunteer organization, board members are
required to participate in monthly conference calls, respond to deadlines, attend an annual retreat usually held
in May, and participate in THON weekend and our closed board meetings held in February.
The nominating committee will review submitted applications. Strong candidates will then have a phone
interview with a Dance Marathon AIG Board Member and will be presented to the Board.
Please write answers to the following questions beneath each one or on an attached document.
(One paragraph for each question is sufficient)
1. In what capacity did you serve THON as an undergraduate student?
2. What interests you about continuing to serve this cause as an alumnus/a?
3. What experiences or skill sets do you have that would benefit THON and DMAIG?
4. What are your ideas on how alumni can assist the students working with THON and Four Diamonds?
List at least 2 ideas.
5. What expectations do you have about DMAIG? Serving on the board?
*The Treasurer position is an Executive Committee role. As such, a rolling time frame may be employed to select a
candidate with appropriate skills and experience, as well as to allow proper close out of fiscal year responsibilities.
Please see the available position descriptions and mission statements below.
The Treasurer's mission is to act as a the financial liaison on behalf of the Dance Marathon AIG board of
directors to any third parties impacted from a cash flow perspective, in support of the organization's mission
of promoting a continuing relationship between students and alumni to aid the Four Diamonds Fund in the
conquering of childhood cancer.
Board Member Responsibilities:
 Record and maintain all official financial records
 Report all financial transactions
 File the necessary paperwork with regulatory authorities
 Coordinate the proper construction and filing of an annual budget
 Assist in coordinating and printing of the newsletter
 Coordinate Bylaw revisions and monitor adherence to Bylaws
 File tax return yearly
 Maintain transparency around finances
 Keep board updated with budget
 Write and present annual report of position at annual Dance Marathon AIG board meeting at THON
each February
 Maintain best practices around budget
 Sending out donor receipt letters
Fundraising and Donor Relations
The purpose of the Fundraising and Donor Relations Director is to develop relationships between the Dance
Marathon Alumni Interest Group and its donors in order to recognize and promote continued support of
THON and the Four Diamonds Fund. Additionally, the Fundraising and Donor Relations will coordinate the
application and selection of the Rick Funk Leadership Award recipient as well as secure fundraising for the
Rick Funk Scholarship.
Board Member Responsibilities:
 Create application criteria for the Rick Funk Scholarship and make available to applicable THON
 Coordinate and communicate with Rick Funk Scholarship voting committee
 Represent Dance Marathon AIG and present the Rick Funk Scholarship winner with an award at the
Road to THON Dinner
 Devise a plan for internal fundraising for Dance Marathon AIG
 Help create a Program Scholarship in coordination with University Relations
 Cultivate and develop relationships with marketing partners and businesses that wish to donate to
Dance Marathon AIG
 Develop fundraising ideas and relationships for affiliate groups such as PSAA Chapters, AIG’s, and
regional organizations
 Construct a best practices guide for fundraising ideas and campaigns
 Increase Rick Funk Scholarship balance by at least 33%
 Write and present annual report of position at annual Dance Marathon AIG Board Meeting at THON
each February
The mission of the Membership Director is to enhance DMAIG's offering of opportunities to more and more
alumni so every THON alum can support the student volunteers as well as remain connected to the cause and
the Four Diamonds Families we each care so much about.
Board Member Responsibilities:
 Continue to work to establish and populate the database system to better capture alumni base
 Increase membership
 Reconcile our records with those of the Penn State Alumni Associations coded Dance Marathon AIG
 Launch a campaign designed to attract seniors dancing in THON to join Dance Marathon AIG
 Work with undergraduates around the Senior Send-Off to Join Dance Marathon AIG
 Include information along with the Penn State Alumni Association free one year membership packet or
at commencement letting graduates know they can join the Dance Marathon AIG for free
 Direct a membership campaign to have alumni from all years of THON sign up
 Support the students of Penn State Dance Marathon in any capacity that alumni can be of assistance,
guidance, and/or recruitment
 Write and present annual report of position at annual Dance Marathon AIG Board Meeting at THON
each February
 Graduation Membership Packet/Handout for 2012 Senior Send-Off
 Create a Membership 1-2 page handout to go out along with 1-2 page programming handout
 Encouraging members attending regional events to sign up for DMAIG membership
Hope Express Relations
The goal for the Hope Express liaison is to assist the Angus family and facilitate the growth of the Hope
Express by organizing a group of moralers to help the runners, drivers and Four Diamonds Families.
Board Member Responsibilities:
 Support the founders of Hope Express from a Dance Marathon AIG perspective
 Should have at least one year of experience as a Hope Express morale captain
 Look to the future and help to develop future fundraising ideas and formulate future goals and
objectives for the group.
 Align the goals of Hope Express to incorporate alumni involvement
 Serve as the liaison between Hope Express and Dance Marathon AIG
 Work closely with THON liaison to ensure the goals of all three programs (THON, Dance Marathon AIG
and Hope Express) are met
 Work to get volunteers from the Dance Marathon AIG community for special events
 Work with Dance Marathon AIG to send out messages and communication from Hope Express
 Work with Dance Marathon AIG to solicit runners and volunteers for Hope Express
 Write and present annual report of position at annual Dance Marathon AIG Board Meeting at THON
each February
 Communicating logistics around Hope Express
 Coordinate the mentor program that aligns past runners with current Hope Express runners
 Putting together and communicating a great reception for Hope Express runners at the Bryce Jordan