Proposed Amendments to the Founders Commonwealth School

Proposed Amendments to the
Founders Commonwealth School Constitution
We, the 2013-2014 Executive Board, propose the following amendments to our FCS Constitution.
What the section currently says:
III. Members, A. Participant Family, Responsibilities, Upon Joining:
o Reads, signs, and agrees to uphold the FCS Constitution and abide by the FCS Handbook
o Fulfills financial responsibilities to FCS
o Remains onsite while their Juniors-aged children are present
o Mentors in the Juniors Program; may assist in mentoring a Scholar Project or an Adult Education
Project at the discretion of the Executive Board
o Attends FCS parents-only meetings
Proposed Amendment (Addition is highlighted in blue.)
III. Members, A. Participant Family, Responsibilities, Upon Joining:
o Reads, signs, and agrees to uphold the FCS Constitution and abide by the FCS Handbook
o Fulfills financial responsibilities to FCS
o Remains onsite while their Juniors-aged children are present
o Mentors in the Juniors Program; may mentor or assist in mentoring a Scholar Project or an Adult
Education Project at the discretion of the Executive Board
o Attends FCS parents-only meetings
A “YES” vote indicates you approve the proposed amendment.
A “NO” vote indicates you desire the Constitution to remain “as is.”
What the section currently says:
V. Executive Board, B. Scholar Co-Chair, Responsibilities:
o Assists the Chairman in protecting and upholding the Vision, Mission, and Constitution of FCS
o Mentors a Scholar Project or Adult Scholar Project
o Brings Scholar-related discipline issues or disputes to the attention of the other members of the
Executive Board
o Administrates weekly needs of the Scholar Program
o May fill the Treasurer position, if needed
See FCS Handbook for further explanation of responsibilities
Proposed Amendment (Addition is highlighted in blue.) (Deletions)
V. Executive Board, B. Scholar Co-Chair, Responsibilities:
o Assists the Chairman in protecting and upholding the Vision, Mission, and Constitution of FCS
o Mentors a Scholar Project or Adult Scholar Project
o Brings Scholar-related discipline issues or disputes to the attention of the other members of the
Executive Board
o Advises and assists Lead Scholar Mentor
o Administrates weekly needs of the Scholar Program
o May fill the Treasurer position, if needed
o See FCS Handbook for further explanation of responsibilities
A “YES” vote indicates you approve the proposed amendment.
A “NO” vote indicates you desire the Constitution to remain “as is.”
What the section currently says:
V. Executive Board, C. Juniors Co-Chair, Responsibilities:
o Assists the Chairman in protecting and upholding the Vision, Mission, and Constitution of FCS
o Mentors a Scholar Project, Adult Scholar Project, or Juniors Class
o Brings Juniors-related discipline issues or disputes to the attention of the other members of the
Executive Board
o Advises and assists Juniors Director
o Advisor to the Juniors Education Committee
o May fill the Treasurer position, if needed
o See FCS Handbook for further explanation of responsibilities
Proposed Amendment (Addition is highlighted in blue.)
V. Executive Board, C. Juniors Co-Chair, Responsibilities:
o Assists the Chairman in protecting and upholding the Vision, Mission, and Constitution of FCS
o Mentors a Scholar Project, Adult Scholar Project, or Juniors Class
o Brings Juniors-related discipline issues or disputes to the attention of the other members of the
Executive Board
Administrates the Juniors Program
Advises and assists Juniors Director
Advisor to the Juniors Education Committee
May fill the Treasurer position, if needed
See FCS Handbook for further explanation of responsibilities
A “YES” vote indicates you approve the proposed amendment.
A “NO” vote indicates you desire the Constitution to remain “as is.”
What the section currently says:
VI. Advisory Committee, A. Principal Scholar Mentor: The Principal Scholar Mentor is elected by the
current year’s scholar mentors and by previous scholar mentors.
 Responsibilities:
o Works to improve scholar mentoring within the school
o Member of the standing Leadership Education Committee
o Mentors a Scholar or Adult Scholar Project
 Term: One Year, with a three-year consecutive term limit (may be re-elected after one year out
of office)
Proposed Amendment (Changes are highlighted in blue.)
VI. Advisory Committee, A. Lead Scholar Mentor: The Lead Scholar Mentor is elected by the current
year’s scholar mentors and by previous scholar mentors.
 Responsibilities:
o Works with the Scholar Co-Chair to improve scholar mentoring within the school
o Member of the standing Leadership Education Committee
o Mentors a Scholar or Adult Scholar Project
 Term: One Year, with a two-year consecutive term limit (may be re-elected after one year out
of office)
A “YES” vote indicates you approve the proposed amendment.
A “NO” vote indicates you desire the Constitution to remain “as is.”
What the section currently says:
VI. Advisory Committee, B. Juniors Director, Responsibilities:
o Oversees the running of the Juniors Program and works to help Juniors Mentors develop
inspirational teaching skills
o Attends LEMI Philosophy training or listens to LEMI Philosophy CD
o Available during Juniors Program time
o Chairs the standing Juniors Education Committee; plans and conducts the meetings.
Proposed Amendment (Changes are highlighted in blue.)
VI. Advisory Committee, B. Juniors Director, Responsibilities:
o Runs the Juniors Program and works with the Juniors Co-Chair to help Juniors Mentors develop
inspirational teaching skills
o Attends LEMI Philosophy training or listens to LEMI Philosophy CD
o Available during Juniors Program time
o Chairs the standing Juniors Education Committee; plans and conducts the meetings.
A “YES” vote indicates you approve the proposed amendment.
A “NO” vote indicates you desire the Constitution to remain “as is.”
What it currently says:
VII. Patriarchal Judicial Council, A. Qualifications:
o When possible, must be the husband of a previous FCS Executive Board Member
o Cannot serve on the Patriarchal Judicial Council at the same time as serving on the FCS Executive
Board or if his wife is serving on the FCS Executive Board
o May not mentor a Scholar Project or Juniors class while serving on the Patriarchal Judicial
Proposed Amendment (Changes are highlighted in blue.) (Deletions)
VII. Patriarchal Judicial Council, A. Council Member Qualifications:
o When possible, must be the Husband of a previous FCS Executive Board Member, when possible
o Cannot serve on the Patriarchal Judicial Council at the same time as serving on the FCS Executive
Board or if his wife is serving on the FCS Executive Board
o May not mentor a Scholar Project or Juniors class while serving on the Patriarchal Judicial
A “YES” vote indicates you approve the proposed amendment.
A “NO” vote indicates you desire the Constitution to remain “as is.”