HE Tuition Fee Policy - The Manchester College

The Manchester College Higher Education Tuition Fee Policy
The Manchester College
The Manchester College is responsible for determining the tuition fees for all of its Higher
Education Programmes. Where the college has discretion to determine fee levels, there is
recognition of the duty to set these with due regard for financial viability and market forces.
Conscious of the colleges’ mission via the operation of its Tuition Fees Policy, the tuition fees
for Higher Education programmes will be set with a view to encouraging widening access
from all sections of the local population with the ability to benefit.
General Principles
A student who is required to pay their course fee is required to do so, in full, at the
point of enrolment for their course of study.
In taking a place on a course, the student is committing themselves to that course
and to the full payment of the associated fees, as highlighted in the Learner
Agreement the student completes and signs as part of the enrolment process.
The College has developed a number of initiatives, with the aim of assisting learners
to pay their fees and this document outlines the current policy.
The College will operate procedures to ensure that the Tuition Fee Policy is operated
fairly and consistently across the institution.
The College will operate procedures to ensure the prompt collection of tuition fees.
Payment of Fees
The main source of tuition fee support for HE students is through Student Finance England
(SFE). For students who are being funded by SFE tuition loans, it is expected that they will
produce their SFE Funding Advice at the point of enrolment. In this instance this advice will
be accepted as full payment of fees, if however there is a change in the students situation
and they are no longer eligible for SFE, they will still remain personally liable for paying all of
the associated course fees.
If the SFE Funding Advice has not been received by the time the student enrolls the student
will be required to complete a direct debit mandate at enrolment for 5 payments to start 15th
January 2015 and the last payment to be processed by May 2015. The full fee must be
collected before the end date of each year of the course. It is imperative that students
understand they will not be able to attend in January and thereafter should they not have their
SFE in place and will only be allowed to resume their studies upon payment of the fees in
accordance with the above.
Where students elect to pay their own tuition fees directly to the college and do not apply to
SFE the payment terms are different. In this instance a student will be required to pay the full
annual tuition fee in 6 equal payments. The first payment will be taken at point of enrolment,
with the remaining 5 payments taken monthly thereafter (on the 1st or 15th of the month).
There will be a payment holiday in January with no payment due in that month due to
financial constraints following the Christmas period.
Non-completion of studies
Students who withdraw or suspend their studies will remain personally liable for full payment
of their fees. This applies to both Full-time and Part–time students.
Difficulty with payment
Students who are experiencing financial difficulties in paying tuition fees should seek help at
the earliest possible opportunity through the Guidance and Welfare Service.
Non-payment of fees
If a tuition fee is not paid in full in accordance with the above policy all due legal processes
will be engaged to recover the debt to the College. In such cases, it is usual for interest and
court costs to be added to the debt by the County Court. When students are in arrears the
College will suspend the marking of assessments until the account is brought up to date.
Reinstatement on payment of full tuition fees
On payment in full of outstanding tuition fees before the end of the academic year in question,
the College may permit reinstatement on the programme of study. However, if a student is
behind with their work they may have to repeat parts of the programme the following year,
thereby incurring further fees.
Debts will be checked on a weekly basis, once the debt is paid the Finance department will
then contact the relevant curriculum area to commence the marking process of the work still
outstanding. This may effect submission for the next Examination Board meeting.
Graduation Ceremonies
The College will normally refuse to allow a Student to attend a graduation ceremony if tuition
fees are outstanding.
Appeal process
Appeals against withdrawal will need to follow the official College Complaints policy and
Higher Education Tuition Fees for 2014-15
Full- Time Programmes
BA (Hons) Acting for Live & Recorded Media
BA (Hons) Musical Theatre
BA (Hons) Make-Up Artistry
FD Make Up Artistry
FD Film & TV Production
All other Full-Time Foundation Degrees and Top-up
Higher National Diploma (HND)
Higher National Certificate (HNC) Fastrack
Part-Time Programmes
Foundation Degree (3yr)
Honours Degree Top-up (2yr)
Higher National Certificate (HNC) (2 yr)
HND Top-up (2Yr)
Credit Reassessment
Where a student is required to be re-assessed for credit and required to complete this with
assessment as determined by the Examination Board this will be charged pro-rata to the
number of credits being re-assessed.
e.g. 1x 20 credit module being re-assessed with attendance = (20 credits/120 credits on FT
programme)*tuition fee
Where a students is required to be re-assessed on modules without assessment this will be
done free of charge.