
Donors Consultation Group (DCG) Meeting – 10 September
Thursday 10 September 2015
12:00 – 14:00 hrs
UNDP Marawi Conference Room
Chair: Ms. Marta Ruedas, HC
Attendees: OCHA, DFID, OFDA (USAID), ECHO, Netherlands, INGO SC, WFP, Sweden
1. Opening and
introduction by
the HC
2. Brief 'stock
taking' / 'tour de
table' on current
challenges and
Key Points
- The HC welcomed the group to the DCG meeting, acknowledging that the
platform involves a reduced set of donors, and expressing a willingness to
engage with other donors. She encouraged donors present to consult with other
donors through HDWG.
The HC shared some information on her recent trip to Qatar where she
participated in the meeting of the Board of the Darfur Development Strategy.
There was also a meeting of the IFC, which ended without an agreed statement.
The HC stated that an inter-agency mission to Blue Nile was planned, but due to
issues with permits for one agency, the mission has been postponed.
Two letters have been received from the HAC commissioner in relation to a new
presidential decree on a new National Mechanism. This is very serious and it
needs to be seen how we can conform to it, and how it will affect the process of
preparation of the HRP.
OCHA Head of Office stated that Ali Adam of HAC has resigned, and that
implications of the new decree on the HRP process need to be considered. The
decree will be translated and circulated once received.
Action Points:
 DCG donors to consult with HDWG prior to and after meetings.
 HAC decree to be translated and circulated by OCHA.
- WFP shared that they are reopening an office in Blue Nile after long delays
related to presence of international staff which has now been accepted.
DFID stated that it is going through a bilateral aid review, based on the UK
political cycle and budgets. No massive policy shifts expected, with focus still on
humanitarian response, though building on that towards resilience. Use of aid
budgets on migrant crisis will not mean cuts to DFID budget, as GNI increase
means extra money available from legally binding 0.7% aid expenditure.
USAID explained that their plans for 2016 will maintain the 2015 strategy, but
the implementation plan will now include an exit strategy for Darfur. DC needs
to be better informed on the situation in Sudan and what an exit would mean,
hence the importance of the arrival of an information officer. In relation to
Ambassador Booth’s visit, this is a signal of increased commitment and
momentum for talks with SPLM-N.
Responding to questions from the group with regard to projected new CHF
allocations, the HC explained that the humanitarian priorities have not changed
based on the existing HRP, but that the parts of the plan that have not been
funded can be prioritized. OCHA will be sending out a document on current
3. Initial
exchange on
Standards (MOS)
UNICEF is still facing issues with MoFA in relation to supplies stuck in the port,
including supplies for flood response. Advocacy has been done at various levels,
and costs of pursuing this are high.
On the UNHAS funding issue, WFP stated that $9 million is needed till the end of
the year, and current funding will last till end of September. UNHAS is in a
difficult situation and if not funded, may have to reduce services. USAID to
arrange a meeting to discuss this soon, with possibility of asking for an advance
from the allocation of the next fiscal year. OCHA/HC stressed the need for a
detailed proposal to go to donors, and to bring the UNHAS issue higher on the
agenda, despite donor fatigue.
OCHA will have a joint ‘stock taking’ meeting with DFID to discuss the strategy on
displacement, as part of the multi-sectoral strategy process, and will feed back
to the group on outcomes. West Kordofan continues to be problematic, and the
government does not want anything done that will encourage refugees to stay.
On insecurity in Darfur, OCHA will soon be sending out a new infographic on
security affecting aid actors.
ECHO stated that a number of European ambassadors plan to visit Blue Nile,
with a humanitarian focus.
Action Points:
 OCHA to send out document on current funding status of HRP.
 Detailed proposal on UNHAS funding to be produced.
 OCHA to send out infographic/map on Darfur security incidents.
- The HC introduced the MOS document as an ‘almost final’ draft which has been
shared with the group. Comments on the document were welcomed, with
consideration that it is a HCT document.
Netherlands stated that donors welcome the effort and support the UN in
getting these messages across. The principles are very clear, but there are
question as to the mechanism for raising issues, and how donors can help. The
HC stated that it is an internal UN document, so it is not intended for leverage
with the government. But it is not a confidential document, so donors can also
refer to it.
OCHA encouraged NGO SC to give feedback too, as to whether it can be fully
bought into by NGOs. It is not intended as a blueprint, but everyone must take
individual/collective responsibility when a MOS is not adhered to, to come
together and discuss how to move forward. Heightened awareness in itself is
progress, but the means of application are still open to discussion.
DFID agreed that it is an important and useful document, but had 3 comments.
1) Gender aspect is missing; 2) Protection is used both in terms of the sector, and
in terms of generally mainstreaming protection, so maybe needs clarity; 3)
Armed escorts – are there agreed procedures/protocols on this, and are we in
agreement on when it is / is not acceptable?
Sweden agreed that the document needs clarity on the relation between the
humanitarian community and the peacekeeping mission. Also, donors need
guidance on how to use this with partners.
The HC accepted that gender needs to be included. For relations with the
peacekeeping mission, it can be included, but not in much detail. Participants
discussed the need for a flexible approach on armed escorts as each case is
different. OCHA informed the group that there is a detailed existing document
on this, being updated, and reminded the group that the Designated Official for
Darfur has responsibility for security decisions.
On the MOS document more generally, OCHA hopes that it will bring discussion
within the donor community. The document will be finalized by the next HCT
meeting, after taking DCG feedback on board.
Action Points:
4. HAC
evaluation of
INGOs (and
5. HRP 2016
OCHA to take DCG feedback into account and finalise MOS document for next
HCT meeting.
INGO SC stated that verbal notification from HAC about the evaluation process
came in July, with forms shared in August. The lack of time (3 days) and rushed
nature of filling forms could affect the quality of evaluations. INGOs have also
said that very little time was spent in communities. But despite being rushed,
relations were cordial and there had been no indication of negative intent.
INGOs will continue pushing for feedback and debriefing.
USAID shared with the group that the private (international) company that won
the bid to monitor its projects has had difficulties with visas, so have been
unable to progress. The group discussed that local third party monitoring
capacity is available.
One participant asked regarding information received that 6-8 NGOs have been
targeted for further action after monitoring, and that more international staff
are being asked to leave. There were no further confirmations. OCHA suggested
a need to move from anecdotal reports to factual information, as such cases, if
corroborated, need to be reported.
OCHA introduced the planned HNO/HRP process for this year. HAC was
approached in July about working with them and with line ministries on the
process. Last year they were involved through the sectors, but this year the plan
is to involve them in workshops which help to crystallise the strategy.
Three events are provisionally planned. 1) 17th September, a half-day event to
introduce the process locally and promote mutual understanding on the
purpose, timelines, nature of collaboration etc. 2) 28th September, an event
focusing on the HNO, to which donors are invited. 3) 5th October, a 1-day
workshop on the HRP, looking at 2016 HRP planning.
OCHA also explained the plan to present two broad multi-sectoral response
strategies, one on displacement (new and protracted), and another on
malnutrition. Working groups for the strategies are led by UNHCR and UNICEF
respectively. This is the beginning of a multi-sectoral approach, which will
continue in 2016. Documents should be ready to share by end November. The
strategies will be less detailed, as they will be at a higher level, but donor
feedback will be sought to see if the level of detail is suitable for their decision-
6. Any Other
Regular information sessions / Sequence of meetings
The reduced donor presence at the DCG was discussed. A general briefing on the
humanitarian situation, open to all donors, was recommended, in order to leave
the DCG for more strategic discussions. An ascending sequencing of meetings
was suggested, to have firstly a HDWG meeting, secondly a DCG meeting and
thirdly a HAC-UN-donor-INGO meeting, within the same month, though the HC
stated the difficulty of ensuring the timing and regularity of HAC meetings.
Visit of John Ging
As it stands the visit should be going ahead, MoFA is fully aware, OCHA New York
is dealing with logistics. It will be a very short visit on the way to South Sudan.
There is still a question as to whether ambassadors will join the mission. The
plan is now to visit Darfur as well as Blue Nile or South Kordofan. Key messages
for the visit will need to be considered, and donors will be consulted on this.
Sweden raised the possibility of having a joint HCT/DCG mission. The HC agrees
that this would be a good idea. It will be discussed and feedback given to DCG.
Action Points:
 OCHA to coordinate with staff dealing with meetings to propose a broader
information sharing platform with donors. Donors to make suggestions.
 OCHA to consult donors on key messages ahead of John Ging visit.
 HC/OCHA to feed back to DCG on possibility of joint HCT/DCG mission.