QATAR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION COURSE NUMBER EDSE 332 COURSE TITLE (CRH) Second Language Acquisition in Second Language (3CRH) SEMESTER AND YEAR INSTRUCTOR: EMAIL: OFFICE NUMBER: PHONE: OFFICE HOURS: CLASS MEETING TIME/LOCATION: COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Together We Shape the Future through Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, and Leadership. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES (CHECKED IF ADDRESSED IN THIS COURSE) Teaching (mark on the box as appropriate) 1 Content: Apply key theories and concepts of the subject matter. 2 Pedagogy: Plan effective instruction to maximize student learning. 3 Technology: Use current and emerging technologies in instructionally powerful ways. 4 Diversity: Foster successful learning experiences for all students by addressing individual differences. Scholarship 5 Problem Solving: Arrive at data-informed decisions by systematically examining a variety of factors and resources. 6 Scholarly Inquiry: Actively engage in scholarship by learning from and contributing to the knowledge base in education. Leadership 7 Ethical Values: Apply professional ethics in all educational contexts. 8 Initiative: Lead positive change in education. . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed for student teachers to enable them to teach in multi-lingual settings by selecting and modifying curriculum and instruction for Second language learners. Major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language will be discussed and compared. During this course, current and past methodologies for teaching limited language-proficient students at the secondary level will be thoroughly introduced and analyzed. Students will determine which strategies are best for their particular teaching situations. As the course progresses, participants will reference the varying methodologies make their own instructional plans and units. Emphasis will be placed on incorporating a variety of teaching strategies and standards while stressing both content skills and language skills. Prerequisites: No prerequisites for this course COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Review the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of a second language. 2. Review variables affecting second language development 3. Recognize research-based practices and strategies related to planning, implementing, and managing content instruction. 4. Use teaching strategies and resources to engage students in effective learning 5. Review Qatar Curriculum standards for the secondary stage 6. Use information related to current advances in the field, to reflect upon and improve instructional practices. 7. Create safe, supportive and challenging learning environments that support students’ language and literacy development and content area achievement through their field practice. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Discuss concepts, theories, and research related to theories of second language acquisition. 2. Compare between first and second language acquisition theories 3. Identify different variables(affective, personal and socio-cultural) affecting second language acquisition 4. Review research related to new instructional techniques for teaching content in subject areas 5. Identify methods and approaches for teaching content in subject areas 6. Discuss different techniques for making input comprehensible to limited Languageproficient students at the secondary level 7. Select appropriate QCNS suitable for their planning and instruction. 8. Develop appropriate and effective lesson plans for the classroom that support students’ language and literacy development and content area achievement . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students. 9. Use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage students in effective learning in content areas in their field practice. 10. Utilize various resources to create safe and supportive learning environments that enhance instruction and make input comprehensible to learners 11. Evaluate and reflect on the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies and resources that engage students in effective learning in content areas. TEXTBOOKS & READINGS: Required text: . عالم الكتب الحديث. عمان. التعليم المتمايز وتصميم المناهج الدراسية.)2014( خير سليمان،الشواهين مكتب. الرياض. إبراهيم القعيد و عبد هللا الشمري: ترجمة. مبادئ تعلم وتعليم اللغة.)1994( دوجالس،براون .التربية العربي لدول الخليج - REFERENCES (ADDITIONAL REFERENCES) معهد اللغة. مطابع جامعة أم القرى. المرجع في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات أخرى:)1986( رشدي طعيمة-1 . القسم األول. مكة المكرمة. جامعة أم القرى.العربية جامعة. معهد البحوث العلمية. أساسيات تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات أخرى:)2002( عبد العزيز العصيلي-2 . مكة المكرمة.أم القرى معهد اللغة. مطابع جامعة أم القرى. المرجع في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات أخرى:)1986( رشدي طعيمة-3 . القسم الثاني. مكة المكرمة. جامعة أم القرى.العربية النشر العلمي. نظريات تعلم اللغة الثانية:)2004( ترجمة عيسى الشريوفي، روزاموند ميتشل وفلورنس مايلز-4 . الرياض. جامعة الملك سعود.والمطابع – إعداده: الكتاب األساسي لتعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات أخرى:)1983( محمود الناقة ورشدي طعيمة-5 . مكة المكرمة. جامعة أم القرى. معهد اللغة العربية.تحليله – تقويمه مناهج البحث العلمي المستعملة في دراسة فصول تعليم اللغة:)2011( ترجمة صالح الشويرخ، سندرا لي مكاي-6 . الرياض. جامعة اإلمام محمد بن سعود اإلسالمية. عمادة البحث العلمي.الثانية . عمادة البحث العلمي. مناهج البحث في اللغة المرحلية لمتعلمي اللغات األجنبية:)2010( عبد العزيز العصيلي-7 . الرياض.جامع اإلمام محمد بن سعود اإلسالمية TESOL Organization TESL EJ Internet TESL Journal TEFL Community side On line papers on ELT and other related issues Nonnative English speaking members of TESOL Center for Applied Linguistics National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition Lesson plans and other information on Internet TESL Journal ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics (provides short articles on important topics by key writers). lesson plans lesson plans . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students. COURSE REQUIREMENTS The university views class attendance as an individual candidate responsibility. Candidates are expected to attend class, be on time and to complete all assignments. University rules regarding absences will be followed. Candidates are expected to make up missed work and provide evidence that the absence was excused. Without this evidence, the absence will be considered unexcused. Two tardies, whether arriving late or leaving early, results in one absence. Use of Blackboard: course materials and assignments will be posted on Bb. TaskStream Assignment(s): TaskStream assignments must be loaded onto your TaskStream page. All TaskStream assignments are graded on the TaskStream system, In this course, the TaskStream assignment is: Research Paper or Lesson Plan COURSE MATRIX Unit Learning Outcomes QNPS COURSE OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT 1,5,7 3,9 1 -Written tests 1,2,4,7 1,2,3,7 2 1 2 3 1,4,7 3,8,9,10 3 2,4,5,7 1,3,7,12 4 1,2,5,7 3,7,10 5 7 1,2,5,7 7,12 6 11 1,2,4,7 7,8,9,10 7 10 4 5 6 8 9 -Written tests -Class Observation -Lesson Plan -Written tests -Class Observations - Research Paper --Class Observations Reflective paper based on Class Observation -Research Paper - Lesson Plan Reflective paper based on Class Observation --Class Observations - research Paper . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students. COURSE OUTLINE Week 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7 8,9 10 11, 12 13, 14 15 16 Topic First and second language acquisition theories Behaviorist theory, the Innateness Hypothesis, Noam Chomsky (1957), Second language acquisition theories Interactionist theory, the Critical Period Hypothesis, the Cognitive View, Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition(1982) Variables affecting second language acquisition and development (Personal and affective variables: age, motivation, attitudes, socio-cultural variables, learning style, and language distance) Mid Term Exam Major methods and approaches for Teaching through content areas: Sheltered Instruction, Thematic instruction, differentiated instruction ,etc. QCNS Different techniques for making input comprehensible to limited English-proficient students at the secondary level in content areas Appropriate and effective lesson plans for the classroom that support students’ language and content area achievement Resources for creating safe and supportive learning environments that enhance instruction and make input comprehensible to learners Final Term Exam ASSESSMENTS Assessment will take many forms to assess different learning outcomes. Written tests (50%): Two tests will be administered: a midterm and final term tests. Items will vary from essay to multiple-choice type questions. Class Observation (10 %): Observe two classrooms and Record examples for providing comprehensible input in content areas (Class, grade, subject, period, No. of St, school, etc.) Reflective paper based on Class Observation (10%) Reflective Paper relates to field observation. Lesson Plan (10%): Preparation of one lesson plan. Research paper (20 %): prepare a research paper on a scaffolding strategy (Research studies, importance, use, references, etc.) . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students. GRADING SYSTEM A = 100 – 90 B+ = 89.99 - 85 B = 84.99 – 80 C+ = 79.99 - 75 C = 74.99 – 70 D+ = 69.99 – 65 D = 64.99 – 60 F = 59.99 – 0 ACADEMIC HONESTY Qatar University is an academic community actively engaged in scholarly pursuits. As members of this community, students are expected to recognize and honor standards of academic and intellectual integrity. The College of Education supports the ideals of scholarship and fairness by rejecting all dishonest work when it is submitted for academic credit. Qatar University encourages students to be responsible and accountable for their decisions and actions. Any attempt by students to present the work of others as their own or to pass an examination by improper means is regarded as a most serious offense and renders those students who do so liable to disciplinary action. Assisting another student in any such dishonesty, or knowing of this dishonesty and not reporting it, is also considered a grave breach of honesty. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism are described on page 37 in the Qatar University Student Handbook. SPECIAL NEEDS In accordance with Law No 2 of the year 2004, and Article 49 in the Constitution of Qatar: "Education is the right of all.", and "the State shall extend efforts to achieve fair and appropriate access in education for all". Qatar University seeks to ensure fair and appropriate access to programs, services, facilities, and activities for students with special needs. Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs. Please contact the Office for Disability Services to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. SPECIAL NEEDS SECTION Student Activities building Men’s Campus: 44033854, Fax: 44838925; Women’s Campus: 44033843, Fax: 44839802; Email:; Office hours: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM STUDENT COMPLAINTS POLICY Students at Qatar University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and other students. The nature of the complaints may be either academic or non-academic. For more information about the policy and processes related to this policy, you may refer to the students’ handbook. . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students. LEARNING SUPPORT Qatar University operates Learning Support Centers on each campus to provide services to students to supplement their in-class instruction and ability to meet course requirements. These services include tutoring, acquiring efficient learning skills and strategies, academic and learning assessment (in conjunction with the Counseling Center), and writing labs and workshops. Information about the Learning Center may be found at Rubrics for the assignments will be posted on the Blackboard course site. Appendix QATAR NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS 1. Structure innovative and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of students. 2. Use teaching strategies and resources to engage students in effective learning. 3. Foster language literacy and numeracy development. 4. Create safe, supportive, and challenging learning environments. 5. Construct learning experiences that connect with the world beyond school. 6. Apply information and communication technology in managing student learning. 7. Assess and report on student learning. 8. Apply knowledge of students and how they learn to support student learning and development. 9. Apply teaching/subject area knowledge to support student learning. 10. Work as a member of professional teams. 11. Build partnerships with families and the community. 12. Reflect on, evaluate, and improve professional practice. . The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students.