Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education Core Unit: Substance Abuse Topic: Tobacco: Prevention, Planning, and Support, Stimulants, & Depressants Pacing (# of Lessons):9 – 11 Grade level: 11 # of Students: Time: Standards: (Healthy Lifestyle Framework) Standards Description H-3.3 H.3.3. Distinguish between safe, risky or harmful behaviors affecting themselves and others in the community H-8.2 H.8.2. Support and defend a position with accurate health information H-6.1 H.6.1. Demonstrate various strategies when making decisions to enhance health Common Core Standards: Standards Description Literacy.RL.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary sources’; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. Literacy.RH.6-8.2 Big Idea: Use of mind-altering substances can have negative consequences on one's overall wellness. Essential Questions: Can you evaluate the value or importance of legal and illegal drug use? Can you predict the potential benefits and drawbacks of legal and illegal drug use? What services and support mechanisms are available for substance abusers? How would you encourage others not to use drugs? Concepts & Skills: Concepts 1. Accessing information and support. 2. Risks of use, refusal skills, & support. 3. Evaluate evidence you can cite to defend your position. Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 2013-2014 Analyze various prevention and support mechanisms that help cope with tobacco use Identify short and long term effects and differences between stimulants and depressants. Demonstrate strategies to deal with influences, factors, and risks of gateway drug use. Gather, analyze, organize, and interpret Page 1 Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education information from multiple sources to draft a report. 2013-2014 Page 2 Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education Assessment Evidence: Activating Prior Knowledge Assessing Knowledge Gained Learning Plan: Class # 1. Learning Activities Pre-test Drug Guidelines on Projects Product Pre-test Quitting Tobacco; DUI Alcohol; Narcotics; Stimulants; Hallucinogens; IVD’s 2. Drug Project Day 1- Choosing a Group and Topic Group Choice Essential Questions (DOK) Can you recall covering any of the drug topics in previous health classes? What facts about these topics would be relevant for your project? How would you prove, or disprove ones drug use? Topic Choice Or Refusal Strategies and Alternatives to Using Can you construct a project model that includes the risks and harmful effects one faces when using drugs. Drug Project Day 2 Computer Lab Research Or Quitting Assess how a young adult might begin using drugs. What evidence would you cite to defend the use or avoidance of drugs? Tobacco Lesson 3. Tobacco Lesson 4. Drug Project Day 3 Computer Lab Research Or Tolerance & Side Effects Alcohol Binge Drinking 10% Summary 5. Drug Project Day 4 Computer Lab Research Or 6. 2013-2014 Alcohol DUI Goggles, DUI simulation Drug Project Presentations Group Presentations Outline a plan on how to quit using. Can you predict the potential benefits or harm from use of these illegal drugs? If you changed the choices one makes in the use of alcohol, what could happen? What could be done to minimize, or maximize the abusive use, or addiction to these drugs? Can you assess the importance of driving while NOT under the influence? How would you evaluate your peers on their Page 3 Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Or Health Risks presentations? Drug Project Presentations Exit Ticket Group Presentations Or Use, Abuse, Addiction What evidence would you cite to defend the actions of an IVDU? How would you evaluate your peers on their presentation? Stimulants Type 2 Drug Project Presentations Group Presentations Narcotics 7. 8. Or IVD’s 9. Drug Project Presentation Prevention and Treatment Class Notes Group Presentations Or Hallucinogens Power point –Class Notes Use and Abuse, Effects on the Body, Myths and Truths, History of the drugs 10. Health Education Drug Project Reflection/Evaluation/Assessment Exit ticket Type 3 Post Test on Drugs Assessment How would you surmise the impact on the body of using stimulants for any length of time? How would you evaluate your peers on their presentation? What is your prediction on the life expectancy of an IVDU? How would you evaluate your peers on their presentation? How would you apply what you learned today to recognize the harmful use of hallucinogens? What evidence can you formulate to justify the use of any drug for medicinal or recreational use? Modifications/Differentiation: Resources: N: Drive Health & PE EHHS Health 11th Grade Health Health Promotion Wave Curriculum Health Teacher.com 2013-2014 Page 4 Unit Block Plan 2013-2014 East Hartford Public Schools Health Education Page 5