1. Alternative energy (“off the grid”): Water heating and Food :
1.1 Water heating :
(a) Solar geysers (two types : flat plate collector/glass vacuum tube)
Wood-burning stove(connected to hot water tank/pots on stove)
Wood-burning fireplace(pipes in chimney connected to hot water tank)
(d) Paraffin-burning instantaneous geyser(coiled pipe inside chimney)
(e) “Philips” smokeless wood-burning one-pot stove(flames fanned by an rechargeable battery-driven fan, reaching high temperature)
(f) Three-plate gas cooker(pots with water on cooker)
(g) Induction stove(solar/wind electricity)(pot with water on stove)
(h) Electric kettle( solar /wind electricity)
(i) Open wood fires(three possibilities : pots with water on : braai plat – form in lapa in garden/ braaier in shed/fireplace in house)
1.2 Cooking, baking and grilling :
Wood-burning stove
Solar oven
(c) Three-plate gas cooker
(d) Powered by solar/wind electricity : induction stove/bread maker/ convection oven/air fryer/food steamer/bread toaster
(e) “Philips” one-pot wood-burning stove
(f) Open wood fires : lapa in garden/braaier in shed/fireplace in house
(g) “Wonder Bag” hot box
(h) Wood-burning pizza oven(in progress – ready end of 2015). Pizza oven will have a door to also permit baking of bread, roasting of meat etc. apart from making pizzas(to be installed in the lapa).
1.3 Food processing :
(a) Powered by solar/wind electricity : grain mill/food processor/juicer/ whisk
(b) Hand-operated : pasta maker/honey extractor/grape press/grain mill/ mealie de-cobber
1.4 Food preservation :
(a) Powered by solar/wind electricity : Energy-efficient A+ fridge/freezer
Powered by solar/wind electricity or car battery : Cool box with fan
Sun-dried fruit without preservatives(apricots/peaches/nectarines/figs/ prunes/grapes) – store in insect-proof containers
Bottled fruit without sugar or preservatives(apricots/peaches/nectar – rines/prunes/youngberries/mulberries/guavas)
(e) Bottled fruit juice without sugar or preservatives( e.g. grape juice)
(f) In salt water solution : olives
(f) Storing in cool, dark, weather-proof, well-aerated room :
- fresh produce(onions/potatoes/squash/sweet potatoes etc.)
- nuts(in shells, in orange bags : e.g. pecan/almond/macadamia)
- grains(e.g. mealie cobs, in orange bags/wheat, in insect-proof
(g) Leave in the ground, on the tree, bush or vine until fully ripe, only harvest then, but before it spoils
(h) Small chest freezer, minimum temperature at least - 20 degrees Cel-
cius(to also sterilise wheat to kill potential weevils) : powered by solar/wind electricity. Must still be obtained if a suitable freezer with at least an A+(preferably A++ ) energy rating is available
(i) Fermented food e.g. “Sauerkraut” (for the future)
1.5 Minimum/Zero food processing :
(a) Reduce cooking time : chop food in small pieces/soak dried beans before cooking/lightly steam certain vegetables
(b) Eat more raw food
2. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Other Applications :
2.1 Other solar/wind-powered electric domestic appliances :
(a) Automatic washing machine(use cold- or solar heated water)
Clothes steam iron
Vacuum cleaner
Hair dryer
Floor polisher(not yet acquired)
2.2 Hand-operated domestic “appliances” :
(a) Sewing machine(could have an electric motor fitted)
Spinning wheel
Brooms, mop, brushes, dust pan, window/floor sponge washer etc.
(c) Basins for hand-washing of clothes, utensils etc.
2.3 Drying of washing :
Washing line in sunlight/wind
Drying rack in front of fire place or stove on rainy days/at night
2.4 Solar/Wind- powered electric sound/music equipment : CD-DVD home thea- tre/Record player with tape and turntable converter/Electronic keyboards and organ/Amplifiers/Speakers/Sound mixers/Special effects/Electric guitars
2.5 Non-powered music equipment : Acoustic guitars/Harmonicas
2.6 Other electronic equipment utilising solar/wind electricity or motor vehicle battery:
Laptop computers with rechargeable battery
Cell phone with rechargeable battery(could also be charged from a motor vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket)
Battery charger for AA and AAA batteries
(d) Battery charger for motor vehicle batteries
(e) Electric fencing(should be in position end of 2015) – energiser con- nected to battery charged by solar panel, via 220 volt AC inverter
(f) Charger for cordless electric drill’s battery
(g) Winch hoist powered by motor vehicle battery
3. Alternative Energy(“ off the grid “ ) : Lighting :
(a) Domestic electric lights : Various LED’s utilising solar/wind power :
- Down-lighters installed in the ceiling, power consumption 1.8, 4
and 5 watts, all 12 volts DC
- 1.8 watts, similar to the above, installed on bed headboards
- Desk lamps, power consumption 3.5 and 7 watts, 220 volts AC
LED shed light with two AA batteries charged with small solar panel
LED emergency light with battery charged with small solar panel
LED head light with three AAA batteries
Paraffin lamps
Candles, in ordinary holder or glass-sided box, permitting outdoor use
(g) LED solar garden lights(to indicate access footpath to house)
4. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Petrol engine - driven equipment :
(a) Generators(2.2 and 0.6Kw) providing 220 volts AC electric power for :
- Laser-jet printer/copier/scanner(power requirement about 2Kw)
- Electric hand tools(belt sander/drill/planer/angle grinder/(some of
these could also be powered via the solar/wind electricity sys-
tem’s 1.5Kw inverter)
- Small carpenter’s circular bench saw with an electric motor
- Concrete mixer with an electric motor
(b) Big circular bench saw for cross - cutting firewood logs
(c) Chipper/shredder
(d) Lawn mower(for mowing grass and weeds in orchard)
(e) Mist blower
(f) Chain saw
(g) Brush cutter
5. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Hand-operated tools :
Gardening tools(spades/shovels/forks/picks/rakes/wheel barrows etc)
Carpenter’s tools
(c) Metal work tools
(d) Various other gardening, farming, and mechanical tools and equipment
6. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Details of solar/wind electricity system :
(a) Small solar system(originally installed) :
- Two 80 watt solar panels
- “Steca PR 1515” regulator
- Two 105 amp/hr 12 volt “leisure” maintenance - free batteries
- The above provide 12 volt DC power for the LED lights in the house
and could also be used to charge the cell phone battery and operate
the cool box via a cigarette lighter socket connected to the system
(b) Bigger solar system(installed 2014) :
- Two 300 watt solar panels : R5 283
- “Microcare” 60 amp. MPPT(maximum power point tracker) R6 100
- Six 800 amp/hr 2 volt column batteries(6 x 2 = 12 volts) R13 000
(2 nd hand with expected life of seven years. These batte- ries have been used to power fork lift trucks)
- “Cotek” 1 500 watt pure sine wave inverter R5 606
TOTAL : R29 989
(Prices include sourcing, collection, transportation and installing by
Deon van Zyl, Tel. 044-745 1230/Cell 082-706 0383. An optional extra, is a “Radiant” electricity monitor for R874)
(c) Wind turbine (not installed yet – should be working soon) :
- “Air 40” 12 volt DC wind turbine with built-in regulator
- Six metre support pole with anchor cables attached
- Electric wires(thick enough for 12 volt DC current)
(total cost about R13 000)
7. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Power supply for the big shed :
As soon as the building work on the shed is completed(probably by end of August 2015), 220 volts AC power will be provided to the shed via the 1.5Kw inverter of the bigger solar/wind electricity system.
Lights will all be LED’s operating from 220 volts AC and electric wall sockets for plug – in electronic equipment, will be installed.
8. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Managing solar/wind electricity :
- We don’t exceed the capacity of our 1,5 Kw inverter. All appliances
can’t be used simultaneously. Know the power use(watts) of each
appliance. Don’t discharge the batteries more than 50% and keep them
topped up with battery water. During winter/on cloudy days/at night/
less/no solar radiation is available to charge the batteries. The wind
turbine only charges the batteries when there is enough wind. Keep
all of the above in mind when deciding which appliances to use. It
is important to always have enough power available in the batteries
to keep the fridge/freezer going as the first priority.
9. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) : Passive cooling and heating of buildings
(a) Roof colour / Type of paint :
- White reflects heat(especially white paint with microscopic glass balls)
(b) Roof insulation :
- “Alucusion” reflects heat
- “Isotherm” and “Isoboard” keeps heat out during summer and
heat in during winter
(c) Roof overhang :
- Prevents sun shining into rooms in summer/Allows sunlight in-
to rooms in winter
- Stoeps with overhead roofs have similar advantages
(d) Ceiling height :
- Rooms with high ceilings are cooler in summer
(e) Sun room/ “Fire room” : This room has a low ceiling, big windows facing North-West with a wide roof overhang, a big glass sliding door facing North-East with a grape pergola on the outside, thick curtains in front of the windows and sliding door, thick curtains and a door dividing it from the adjoining sitting room(reducing the area to be heated) and a wood-burning stove and fire place.
(f) Air flow through buildings :
- Doors and windows are placed to allow cool breezes to flow
through the buildings in summer(e.g. the afternoon South-Easter)
- When the outside air is very hot, doors and windows are
closed and curtains drawn early morning while the inside of the
house is still relatively cool to keep it cool inside.
- Doors and windows are also closed to keep out cold winds
(g) Walls : Construction materials :
- Original part of house : sun-baked clay bricks
- Built on later : concrete hollow blocks
- Old shed : stone
- New big shed : concrete hollow blocks
(the above materials all provide good thermal insulation)
(h) Channeling of hot air : The wall above the built-in “braaier” in the big shed, has an opening allowing hot air radiated by the chim- ney, to flow back into the shed
(i) Pergolas, Trees and other vegetation next to buildings :
- Grape vines and deciduous trees provide summer shade and
in winter allow the sun through
- Vegetation helps to reduce ground - reflected summer sun glare
- Trees act as wind breaks against unpleasant strong winds
(j) Wooden shutters and shade cloth on outside in front of windows, reduce summer sun glare, helping to keep room cool
10. Alternative Energy(“off the grid”) ; Gravity-fed water supply
(a) Irrigation water :
- During “leibeurt” to fill dam from main supply pipe
- During “leibeurt” to irrigate part of orchard from main supply
pipe which is under pressure
- Between “leibeurte” to irrigate part of orchard and vegetable
garden from dam
- From rain water tanks
(b) Household water :
- Via municipal pipe directly to taps
- Via municipal pipe to back-up water tank on high stand
- From irrigation water dam and/or rain water tanks catching
run-off from roofs, into back-up tank on stand via immersion
pump powered by solar panel (possible future development)
- From rain water tanks into bucket
11. Alternative Energy(“off the grid” ): Firewood :
(a) Firewood sources on the farm :
- Naturally-occurring and abundant : Sweet thorn(Senegalai karroo)
- Cultivated : Prunings from Beefwood(Casuarina cunninghamiana),
fruit trees and grape vines(Eucalyptus trees were planted many
years ago for firewood production, but are now used as a source
of nectar for honey bees).
(b) Other firewood sources : Occasionally Eucalyptus are available from other farms in the area. Eucalyptus and Wattle may also be cut at Garcia Plantation near Riversdale or bought as pieces from suppliers in and around Riversdale.
(c) Processing of firewood :
- Standing trees cut down with a chain saw ; logs cross-cut with
a circular bench saw into short sections ; thicker sections split
with an axe. (Using mechanical equipment to process firewood is of
course much faster and easier than using only hand tools)
(d) Storing of cut firewood :
- Under a big rain-proof “afdak”(where the bench saw is also kept),
and under a smaller rain-proof roof overhang next to the house with
easy access to the wood-burning stove and fireplace via a window.
12. Water-wisdom :
We aim to use water sparingly/efficiently as follows :
(a) Domestic water :
- The “bucket and jug” system for showering(also have a bath for
occasional bathing)
- Waterless ventilated pit latrine(also have flush toilets)
- Washing machine with various water use settings
- Using our irrigation dam also for swimming
(b) Garden :
- Eliminate lawns
- Plant succulents and other ornamental plants/trees(mostly indige-
nous to this area) that don’t need irrigation once established
- Deep and thorough initial soil preparation with addition of or-
ganic matter/compost and natural phosphate when preparing
planting holes, trenches or raised beds, to promote deep, abun-
dant roots for most effective water utilisation by plants
- Less frequent but deeper irrigation, except seed beds and small
seedlings which need more frequent, lighter irrigation
- Irrigate during the cooler part of the day
- Mulching to help keep the soil moist
- “Floating” crop covers for seed beds and emerging seedlings
- Remove water-sucking weeds around crops
- Drip-irrigation(our own simplified version)
- Shade cloth
- Wind breaks
- Use “grey water” run-off from kitchen and bathroom to irrigate
plants like Bananas which need a lot of water, and also to
enable a White Karree shade tree to grow very big
- Channel rain water run-off from road and firewood “afdak” on-
to Vetiver plants along fence next to road
- Rain water from front stoep and main bedroom roofs, run di-
rectly onto ornamental garden in front of house
13. Waste recycling :
- Glass taken to Henque Waste in Riversdale Tel. 071-6266249
- Paper and cardboard used to start fires
- Bigger, suitable sheets of cardboard, used as backing for posters
- Wood ash from fires used in compost heap
- Empty containers which did not contain hazardous chemicals are
re - used for various purposes
- Empty hazardous chemical containers are burned
- Plastic shopping bags are re – used for various purposes
- Plastic sheets and bubble plastic wrapping used to cover big
items bought, re – used in various ways
- Smaller pieces of plastic, polysterine and other combustable
materials with no use, are burned
- Smaller off - cuts from carpentry work used in wood – burning
stove and fire place
- Waste metal(usually small off – cuts of e.g. fencing wire, wire
mesh, roof sheets and also small tins which can’t be re –used)
are discarded in a hole in the ground, to be buried
- Hazardous chemicals : very little to get rid of
- Organic waste mostly used in various ways to enrich the soil
with humus(see section on plant nutrition)