Pupil Premium Impact of Spend 2013-2014

Initiative or intervention strategy
Contribution towards two additional teachers to support
intervention across the curriculum
Year 11 - Implemented 4 classes and an additional band B in English Maths and Science.
Science PP VA 1001.5 2014. English maintained 3LoP – 49%.
Year 7 - 3 teaching groups. No gap in expected progress in English or Maths
Year 9 – extra class in Science. Pupils making expected progress gap reduced from 7% 4%.
a) 0.5 teaching assistant for English to provide one to one Autumn 2013 – Summer data 2014. Significant increase with Year 8 English. PP making
support or additional support for pupils falling behind
10% progress resulting in a 4% inverted gap.
b)0.5 teaching assistant for mathematics to provide one to The progress gap closed significantly with Year 9 English.
one support or additional support for pupils falling behind Year 8 Maths - Expected progress increased by 8% with a reduced gap of 4%.
Year 9 Maths – Expected progress increased by 3% with a reduced gap of 4%.
To develop a Synthetic Phonics Programme and a Wave 2
Literacy Intervention Programme
Senco trained and delivered extra classes to students with a reading age of 9 or below. 25
students – 22 students improved reading ages.
To implement a ‘Keep Kids Safe’ texting service
All students absent from school each day texted each morning. Target group – 31 high
risk students attendance first half term 87% increased to 94.9% term 6.
A fixed contribution to the existing costs of Learning
20 most ‘at risk’ students tracked each week with a personalised meeting.
Mentor to support social, emotional and behavioural needs 1 fixed term exclusion. No permanent exclusions.
of pupils
A contribution to the costs of 3 pupils on alternative
A contribution to existing costs of additional Home/School
Liaison Officer and transport for pupils to get pupils to
school and on time
1 pupil completed education achieving qualifications.
PP attendance increased from 91.70% - 92.30% from 2012/13 – 2013/14. Gap decreased
by 0.5%. PA reduced from 2.99% - 2.77% (13 to 10 pupils)
16 PP pupils used school transport.
To cover the costs of the academy’s breakfast club and fun 20% of PP pupils regularly attended breakfast club.
26 PP students regularly attended Fun Club.
To provide additional resources in both DT and Art
To provide additional support for trips and enrichment
A contribution to the existing costs of a MFL Assistant
A contribution towards the existing costs of the academy’s Reading Interventions:- Year 7, 55% PP on or above chronological reading age. Year 8, 55%
teaching assistants
on or above chronological reading age. Year 9 58% on or above chronological reading age.
Year 10, 51% on or above chronological reading age.
A fixed contribution to the existing costs of
Intervention teachers in both KS3 and KS4 English and
D&T GCSE results 2014:- PP 3LoP - Increase of 39.5% from 2013.
D&T KS3 Autumn 2013 – Summer data 2014
Yr 7, PP 3LoP increased by 3%. Gap decreased from 3% to 2%.
Yr 8, 3LoP gap decreased by 6%.
Yr 9, PP 3LoP increased by 13%.
Art GCSE results 2014;- PP 75% 3LoP – increase of 19% from 2013. Gap closed to 4%
from 25%.
Art KS3 Autumn 2013 – Summer data 2014
Yr 7, 3 LoP – no gap.
Yr 8, 3LoP maintained at 8%. PP making more rapid progress.
Yr 9, 3LoP minimal gap of 1%.
All trips inclusive to PP pupils.
2014 results – A*/A grades increased to 38%. PP increase of 1% 3LoP
PP; VA 1000.7 - NA PP – 999.0
38 targeted year 11 students. Main focus was on the functional side of the mathematics
paper. 67% of students went up by at least a full GCSE grade.
KS3 - 21 students targeted with reading intervention. Each student received 21 hours of
intensive intervention. All significantly improved reading ages.
Year 11 – 20 students received additional exam technique preparation. 100% improved
by at least a grade from the mock examination.