ABSTRACT IAEA-F4-TM-42581 IAEA Technical Meeting on Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology Experimental evaluation of W recombination and Ionization rates/cross-sections* T. Nakanoa† a Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1, Mukoyama, Naka, Ibaraki, 311-0193, Japan E-mail address of main author: nakano.tomohide@jaea.go.jp It has been decided that ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) will be operated with tungsten (W) divertor from the day one because of low tritium retention property of W. However, due to high atomic number (=74), W ions tend to accumulate at the plasma core, and strong line radiation from the W ions reduces the plasma temperature. Thus, one of the issues in plasma operation with W divertor is to prevent W ions from penetrating plasmas towards the core, and therefore, it is important to measure the W density at the core quantitatively. To determine the W density from measured W spectral line intensity, various atomic data for W ions are needed; ionization and recombination rates are needed in order to calculate fractional abundance of Wq+ ion (q: charge state), and photon emission coefficients, which are calculated with a collisional-radiative model, are needed to determine Wq+ density from the measured intensity of a Wq+ spectral line. Hence, uncertainty of the determined W density heavily depends on uncertainties of the atomic data in addition to uncertainty of the measurement. However, in most cases, calculated W atomic data without uncertainty evaluation are used in the analysis. Therefore, it is very difficult to mention the uncertainty of the determined W density. This motivates experimental evaluation of the calculated W atomic data. This talk presents two experimental evaluations of the W atomic data: one is evaluation of a ratio of W44+ ionization rate over W45+ recombination rate performed in a thermal plasma of JT-60U tokamak. The other is evaluation of a ratio of W44+ ionization cross-section over W45+ recombination cross-section in a mono-energy plasma of Tokyo EBIT device. One of the advantages of this method is cancellation out of electron temperature/energy dependence of excitation rate/cross-section from 4s to 4p level, enabling direct conversion of an intensity ratio of W44+ 4s-4p spectral line over W45+ 4s-4p spectral line to a density ratio of W44+ over W45+ by using a coronal model, which can be compared to calculated W44+/W45+ density ratio. Comparison in the thermal plasma of JT-60U shows good agreement within 30%, indicating that the ratio of W44+ ionization over W45+ recombination rates calculated by FAC are evaluated to be accurate within 30%. In addition, comparison in the mono-energy plasma of Tokyo EBIT also shows good agreement except for some peaks due to resonant structures of dielectronic recombination. Reasons for this disagreement are not yet known. Finally, this talk makes a proposal for potential diagnostic lines in ITER: W62+ 3s-3p spectral line and * Acknowledgements: This work is partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 24760707, and a collaborative work with University of Electro-Communications. 1 I. M. Author1 and I. M. Author2 W63+ 3s-3p spectral line together with a similar evaluation method to those described above for W44+ and W45+ 4s-4p spectral line. 2