Asia Bangladesh Cambodia Laos Sri Lanka (up to 2010)

Swedish International Science Programme
50 years
ISP - International Science Programme at Uppsala University - aims at assisting developing countries to
strengthen their domestic research capacity within the chemical, physical and the mathematical sciences.
ISP focuses on least developed countries.
Support goes to carefully selected research groups, since 2009 primarily in countries targeted for long-term
cooperation in the development support policy announced by the Swedish government in August 2007, and
to regional networks. The support is given on a long-term basis to enable the groups and networks to
become self-sustainable. The support is adjusted to the needs of the individual activities, and may comprise
support for equipment, consumables and literature, exchange of scientists, and postgraduate education on a
sandwich basis. The work is carried out in co-operation with one or more strong research groups in Sweden,
in the rest of Europe, and in the regions.
ISP also handles other research programmes, funded by Sida.
Postal address: ISP, Box 549, 751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
Visiting adderss: Ångström Laboratory, Lägerhyddsvägen 1, Polacksbacken
Phone: +46 18 471 3575 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
+46 18 471 3575
Fax: +46 18 471 3495
Email: | Webmaster:
Updated: 01/31/2011 17:32:51
end_of_the_skype_highlighting |
50 years
Countries with ISP Direct Support to Research Groups (2007-2010)
Burkina Faso
Cameroon (up to 2009)
Ethiopia (up to 2008)
Malawi (up to 2009)
Nigeria (up to 2010)
Tanzania (up to 2008)
Uganda (up to 2008)
Sri Lanka (up to 2010)
Latin America
Ecuador (up to 2007)
Peru (up to 2007)
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Africa: Research groups
Synthesis and device characterisation of organic semiconductors
Department (up to 2008)
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Univ., Physics
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Univ., Geophysics Observatory (up to 2008)
Applied diode laser spectroscopy Ghana, Univ. of Cape Coast, Dept of Physics (up to 2010)
Applications of EDXRF and related techniques in analyses of environmental samples
Nairobi, Institute of Nuclear Science
Kenya, Univ. of
Research, development and demonstration of solar cells based on nanostructured semiconductor
titaniumoxide PEC thin films Kenya, Univ. of Nairobi, Dept of Physics
Laser physics and spectroscopy Kenya, Univ. of Nairobi, Dept of Physics
Photovoltaics research group Kenya, Moi Univ., Eldoret, Dept of Physics
Geophysical studies and investigations Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello Univ., Zaria, Dept of Physics (up to 2009)
The Nigerian mesoscale experiment Nigeria, Obafemi Awolowo Univ., Ile-Ife, Dept of Electronic and
Electrical Engineering (up to 2010)
Applied diode laser spectroscopy
Senegal, Univ. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dept of Physics (up to 2010)
Materials for energy efficiency and solar energy applications
Physics (up to 2008)
Tanzania, Univ. of Dar es Salaam, Dept of
Seismology Tanzania, Dept of Physics, Univ. of Dar Es Salaam (up to 2008)
Materials science and solar energy Uganda, Makerere Univ., Kampala, Dept of Physics (up to 2008)
Study of spectrally selective thin film coatings for solar energy applications and construction, analyses and
testing of photovoltaic devices and systems Zambia, Univ. of Zambia, Lusaka, Dept of Physics
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Africa: Networks
ESARSWG - Eastern and Southern African Regional Seismological Working Group, Network between Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Applied Atomic and Molecular Physics, Network between Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Sudan and Zimbabwe
MSSEESA - Material Science for Solar Energy Network for Eastern and Southern Africa, Network between
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
Other previously supported research groups
Semiconductor Physics; Chalcopyrite semiconductors and applications
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Thin Films
Thailand, Dept of Physics,
Bangladesh, Dept of Physics, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi
ESR Spectroscopy
Sudan, Dept of Physics, Univ. of Khartom, Khartom
Laser induced desorption/ionization and laser spectroscopy Ecuador, Escuela Politécnica Nacional,
Quito, Physics Dept
Applied Nuclear Physics
Tanzania, Dept of Physics, Univ. of Dar es Salaam
Materials science: Mechanised and corrosion properties of bare, surface treated and coated steels and
Al, Cu and Zn and atmospheric corrosivity maps of the northern region of Peru Peru, Univ Nacional de
Trujillo, Dept of Physics
Zimbabwe, Dept of Applied Physics, National Univ. of Science and Technology, Bulawayo
Uganda, Dept of Physics, Makerere Univ., Kampala
Ion beam physics
Thailand, Dept of Physics, Chiang Mai Univ.
Condensed matter physics
Colombia, Dept of Physics, Univ. Nacional de Colombia, Bogota
Phase transitions in ionic solids
Radiation Technology
Colombia, Dept of Physics, Univ. del Valle, Cali
Ecuador, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito
50 years
According to the Ordinance, the International Science Programme (ISP) has the task to initiate and support
long-term collaboration in research of foremost Swedish institutions with institutions in developing countries.
The purpose herewith shall be to increase the research capacity of universities and research institutes in the
Third World. ISP shall also encourage regional collaboration amongst countries of the Third World in their
respective fields of the programme. In the task is also included support to strengthen the local research
ISP consists of three main activities – “International Programme in the Physical Sciences, IPPS”, which
started in 1961, “International Programme in the Chemical Sciences, IPICS”, which started in 1970 and
“International Programme in the Mathematical Sciences, IPMS”, which started its programme activities in
2002. Uppsala University is also involved in one major bilateral project financed by Sida – “Integrating
Information and Communication Technology in the university Functions at Makerere University”, Uganda.
The administration of this project is located to ISP. In addition, both IPPS and IPICS administer other Sida
bilateral support.
ISP gives long-term project-oriented support for developing active and sustainable research environments
within chemistry, mathematics and physics in selected countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with a
focus on least developed countries. The supported research activities are of strong relevance to the
countries and regions concerned, and the work is carried out in close co-operation with one or more host
laboratories. The support is directed to research groups as well as to networks formed within the regions,
and is used to strengthen the local research environment by for example the purchase of equipment and
other materials for these groups, support to the exchange of scientists, postgraduate education, etc. The
projects must be in accordance with the plans of the respective departments and universities and are not
individually oriented.
The basic concept of ISP is that building research capacity is best achieved in a close co-operation between
supported groups and host laboratories. Sharing knowledge and partnership is a natural component of
university co-operation. There are therefore advantages if programmes of this type are based at universities
and are administered from an academic setting. Uppsala University is the base of the operation, but, in
order to involve the best expertise in each individual case, many host laboratories are located at other
Swedish universities than Uppsala, in the regions as well as in other Nordic and European countries. This is a
must in order to meet the requests from the developing countries on their own conditions. The ISP functions
as a national programme.
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