Kolter Elementary School Chinese Lesson Plan Teacher Chen Lei Grade level G4-G5 Lesson title Chinese Idiom-邯郸学步 Step 1—Desired Results Standard Outcomes for Learning (ACTFL Standard 1.1)—Answer’s the question, what should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson? 1. The students should know that every Chinese idiom means a significant story happened in ancient times. 2. The students are able to tell the main idea of the story 邯郸学步 in English. 3. The students are able to make a poster to introduce 邯郸学步 in groups. Step 2—Assessment Evidence Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned? 1. The students will talk about the meaning of the video. 2. The students will tell the main idea of Chinese idiom—邯郸学步 in English. 3. The students will make a poster to introduce the Chinese idiom—邯郸学步 in groups. Step 3—Learning Plan Learning activities - Answer’s the question, how do I teach it? 1. Warm up: the teacher greets the students in Chinese Nihao! Qingjin! (hello! Come in please!) 2. The teacher introduces her home city-Handan: it is called the hometown of Chinese idioms. Then explains that each Chinese idiom means an interesting story happened in ancient times. And there are about hundreds of Chinese idioms happened in Handan. Today we will learn one. 3. Show students a video of Chinese idiom—邯郸学步 and asks them to guess the meaning of the story. 4. After watching, the students discuss the meaning of the story in groups. 5. The teacher asks the students to tell the main idea of Chinese idiom—邯郸学步 in English. 6. The students make a poster to introduce the Chinese idiom—邯郸学步 in groups. Step 4—Reflection What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know? What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time? 1. The students know nothing about Chinese idiom. So it is a little difficult for them to understand it at first. 2. Next time I should choose some easy topics for them. 3. The students are excited to work in groups. They have great imagination!