APES: Soil Analysis Lab Data Sheet THIS LAB WILL COUNT AS A MAJOR GRADE Name _______________________________________ Per __________ Date _______________ Each person in the group must complete his/her own data sheet. PART ONE: GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Soil Sample # __________ Where collected _____________________________________________________ General Observations: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Abiotic Components: ______________________________________________________________________ Biotic Components: _______________________________________________________________________ PART TWO: CARBONATE ANALYSIS A little bubbling means a moderate to _____ level of free carbonates in the soil. No bubbling means _____ carbonates in the soil. Circle you soil’s free carbonate level: none low medium high PART THREE: SOIL TEXTURE What are the three mineral size categories? ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain why the size of soil particles is important. _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ How is the texture of soil determined? ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Qualitative Test: What kind of soil do you have? Why do you think this? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Quantitative Test: Total Height :___________cm % of each layer + height of each layer x 100 Total height of soil Sand: ___________ cm __________ % Silt: ___________ cm __________ % Clay: ___________ cm __________ % What type of soil do you have? Use the Soil Triangle. ____________________________________________ How does your answer compare to the qualitative method? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ APES / Chapter 8- Earth’s Systems / Soil Analysis Lab Page 1 of 4 PART FOUR: SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS What four variables are important in determining the fertility of soils? _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ The values of each of these components can serve as a _____________ _________ for the growth of plants. Explain what a limiting factor does. ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Use the soil test kits to determine the values of each variable for your sample. pH: _______ Nitrogen:________ Phosphorous:_________ Potassium: _________ PART FIVE: DRY PERCOLATION RATE (INFILTRATION) What does a soil's permeability measure? ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What influences permeability? _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Most soil series are assigned to a ______________ permeability class based on the most restrictive layer in the upper five feet of the soil profile. However, soil series with contrasting textures in the soil profile are assigned to _____________________ permeability class. Which permeability classifications are considered poor for irrigation? _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What is infiltration? ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What does the infiltration rate measure? _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What units are used for infiltration rate? _______________________________________________________ What influences the infiltration rate? __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the infiltration rate of the following soils. Coarse textured soils such as sands and gravel __________________________________________________ Medium and fine textured soils such as loams, silts, and clays ______________________________________ Which types of soil have the greatest water and plant nutrient losses? ______________________________ How does this influence chemical and water applications needed to grow plants in these soils? __________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Record the volumes for each trial. Volume of Water (ml) Soil Sample 1 Soil Sample 2 Soil Sample 3 ___________ ___________ ___________ APES / Chapter 8- Earth’s Systems / Soil Analysis Lab Page 2 of 4 PART SIX: SOIL POROSITY What is porosity? __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Why is porosity important? __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ How is porosity related to creation of aquifers? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount of air space in soil = ml of water left in graduated cylinder = ___________ml. Porosity (percent of air space) = (Amount of air space /200 mL) x 100 = _________% PART SEVEN: SOIL CONSISTENCE Determine which of the following is closest to your soil and circle the number. 1. Loose – soil flows easily through one’s hand like sand 2. Friable – soil does not flow, but it does crumble easily between one’s fingers 3. Firm – soil resists crumbling and it takes effort to break it into pieces 4. Extremely Firm – soil is cement-like and feels like it might need a hammer to break it into pieces. Soil Analysis Lab Questions 1. Could the size of the soil particles affect life of microorganisms living in the soil? Explain. 2. Why would a farmer need to know the soil permeability of his land? 3. What is the relationship between soil texture and water? 4. What are the causes of erosion? 5. What can be done about erosion problems? 6. Which type of soil would be more subject to erosion? 7. What do you think gardeners and farmers could do to minimize contamination of groundwater from certain compounds in fertilizers? 8. Is there a relationship between elements found in your soil sample and the pH? Explain. 9. What environmental effects does adding the wrong type of fertilizer have? 10. How are the movement of nutrients and pollutants different through each soil type? APES / Chapter 8- Earth’s Systems / Soil Analysis Lab Page 3 of 4 11. Imagine a sloping field of very sandy soil and a sloping field of soil with very high clay content, each with an identical drainage ditch at the bottom. In a prolonged, heavy downpour, which ditch would be more apt to flood than the other? Why? 12. If you had two fields of crops, one in which the soil was mostly sand and the other mostly clay, which one would you have to water most often and why? 13. Would your soil be suitable for growing crops? Why or why not? SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT-Individual Product This portion of the lab is an individual product that will be complete in the computer lab. You may discuss the lab results with your group members but your Soil Analysis Report must be original work. Now that you have completed Soil Analysis Lab, it is time to begin the second part of this assignment. I want you to pretend that you are a soil scientist who has just completed a soil analysis for a farmer concerning his land. You are to write a formal report for this farmer. Include the following in your report: Description of all procedures done (materials and methods used) The purpose of each procedure Results Conclusion, this section should make recommendations on how the farmer may improve their land. For example, if you found that the soil was deficient in potassium, you would recommend adding something to the farmer’s soil to boost this level. (Don’t just say add “fertilizer”.) You’ll need to research how to replenish these nutrients back into the soil and try to be as “green” as possible. If you find that your farmer has excellent soil, then you should explain to him or her in detail why their soil is so terrific. This report must be typed. It should be single-space and no greater than 12 font and 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, right.) You may include photos in your report. This will count as an MAJOR GRADE Due by December 12, 2014 APES / Chapter 8- Earth’s Systems / Soil Analysis Lab Page 4 of 4