CLASSE 3 L Argomenti da ripassare affrontati nel I periodo (settembre-dicembre 2014) a.s. 2014-2015 ALL IN ONE GRAMMAR Unit 17 pp. 292 - 313 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. gerunds and infinitives as the subject of a sentence; prepositions + verb in "-ing"; before, after, when, while, since + verb in "-ing"; infinitive of purpose; verbs + infinitive (I decided to go); verbs + "ing" (I enjoy drawing); verbs + TO/-ING (he continued talking /to talk loudly); "Make" and "Let"; feel/hear/see/watch/notice + infinitive without "to" /gerund (watch someone do /doing something); adjectives + infinitive; want / would like someone to do; Unit 24 pp. 413 - 417 Passive: personal and impersonal constructions: "it is said that ... ; he is said to .........; Personal and impersonal constructions with: take, seem, appear, happen, etc; Letteratura "An outline of English history" (Presentazione fornita dal docente) 1. Dalle origini all'invasione normanna" "Millennium" Volume 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Middle Ages - key concepts p. 13 Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Britain p. 14-15 The Normans pp. 16-17 Wars and social revolt p. 18 The Warlike ideal p. 22 The French influence p. 23 Anglo-Saxon poetry p. 26 The Lyric p. 28 The ballad p. 29 The Coming of Beowulf pp. 33 - 34 Millennium - Approaching Literary Genres 1. Poetry pp. 37 - 49 and pp. 53 - 55