Speller’s Choice Speller’s Choice lets your child choose the types of activities needed to master the weekly spelling words. There are a variety of activities for all levels of “spellers”. If you child has difficulty with weekly spelling tests, have him/her choose activities that ask for repeated writing of the words; for example, rainbow writing, ABC order words, or writing words three times each. This will help your child get extra practice needed for learning the spelling patterns in words. If your child can spell weekly words with ease, have him/her choose activities that are more challenging, such as secret agent words or story words. Each week the activities chosen by the student must add up to 5 or more points by the end of the week. Spelling homework will be turned in and checked on Thursday, October 4. The students will complete the activities on lined paper and keep all assignments in their blue ELA folder. They will use all of the spelling words on the list for each activity. 1. On lined paper, at the top write your name, the date, and name of the activity you have chosen to complete. 2. Write the points that are earned for the activity at the top of the page. 3. Complete the activity in your neatest handwriting! This week’s words: _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ One point activities ABC Order- write your words in alphabetical order Scrambled Words- write your words in scrambled form and then in unscrambled form (lenbdre = blender) Rainbow Words- write your words in two colors. Use one color for vowels and another color for consonants Backward Words- write your words forwards, then backward (blender = rednelb) Illustrate Words- draw a small illustration for each word and label the illustration with the word Two point activities Pyramid Words- write your words adding one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape of words Ransom Words- write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and gluing them onto your paper Words-in-Words- write your word and then write at least 3 other words that can be made from the same letters (blender = lend, end, bleed) Three point activities Story Words- write a short story using all of your words 30 Second Words- write a TV commercial using all of your words Secret Agent Words- number the letters of the alphabet from 1 to 26 and convert your words to a number code. (a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, etc. so the word dad = 414) Telephone Words- translate your words into number from a telephone keypad (blender = 2536337) Type Your Words- type your words three times each using a computer, print out the words