Basic Steps for Faculty Recruiting

Revised 7/27/15
Basic Steps for Conducting Searches for Tenure-track Faculty and Visiting Faculty
Although it is useful to also consult the recruitment handbook on the Dean’s website, this
description of the key steps in the hiring process may be helpful as a quick review.
Beginning the Hiring Process
1) Seek approval to hire in the spring semester in response to Dean’s call for proposals.
2) Select search committee - the search committee includes two non-departmental members.
The hiring department or program will select the first outside member, and the Associate
Dean of the Faculty will select the second outside member.
In 2015-16 each search committee should also have a minimum of two diversity
representatives. These representatives should be identified in the proposal for the position
submitted to the Dean in the spring semester. At least one of the representatives must be
tenured, and both representatives should have completed sessions focused on diversity in the
recruiting process: either two half-day sessions or 1 full-day session. An outside member can
also serve as a diversity representative.
3) In 2015-16 all hiring departments and programs must use PEOPLE ADMIN to collect
applications and manage their search (HR will help set this up).
 Position announcement and advertising:
The DEAB and the Associate Dean of the Faculty must approve the final version
of the announcement before the Department Chair places the final ad in the
appropriate publications and websites (HR can help with placing the ads).
 The Dean’s Office places a single ad in major national venues including specific sites
to recruit faculty who may contribute to diversity. Be sure to send the final approved
job description to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for posting on these sites.
 While departments will, of course, place their ads in venues appropriate to the
discipline, it is important to include venues within and outside of the discipline that
are likely to be seen by potential candidates who are not well represented in the
discipline. Please be in contact with the Associate Dean of the Faculty regarding
advertising costs before placing them.
Job announcements include the current EEO statement: Colorado College is an equal
opportunity employer committed to increasing the diversity of its community. We do not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, disability, national origin, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity or expression in our educational programs and activities
or our employment practices.
Diversity Goals
Use multiple approaches to enhance the diversity of the candidate pool. Please be aware that
the President may cancel a search if a search committee has failed to make a strong effort to
enhance the pool.
Before interviews begin the Dean’s Office should have:
 Names of diversity representatives and one cognate member of the search committee
(ideally all by the end of the preceding academic year); the second cognate member is
Revised 7/27/15
chosen by the Associate Dean of the Faculty.
A copy of the final job announcement (usually early in the summer), and information
on where it has been posted or published
The current policy is to provide new tenure track faculty with $6000 in start-up funds.
With these funds the new colleague can purchase a computer system through the College
ITS department. The balance constitutes a discretionary fund to support professional
development. In disciplines and fields that are likely to require start-up funds for labs, it
would be helpful to provide an estimate of start-up funds for a potential new hire. The
estimate could be based on a median and range of funds provided to a sample of recent
hires in the department.
Arranging and Conducting Interviews:
 Departments often interview a short list of candidates at professional meetings. We
can use our recruiting budget to support expenses for one or two faculty members to
interview candidates at professional meetings. Of course we can reduce expenses if
faculty who plan to attend meetings for professional development can also participate
in recruitment. Departments may choose to move from the short list to on campus
interviews through telephone interviews as well.
 When the department or program has selected the final candidates to interview,
please send the Dean (care of Pam Leutz) the following for each interviewee, as well
as the other two or three candidates on the short list:
Application Letter/ Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Letters of recommendation
PeopleAdmin applications
Alternatively a “Combined Document” created through PeopleAdmin can be
sent to the Dean, which will include all necessary documents.
Additionally, indicate the total number of applicants and the numbers and percentages
of identifiable women and minority candidates. Contact HR for assistance running
the report.
 Once the Dean approves the campus visits the department may arrange the oncampus interviews. If a department or program interviews candidates that are not
U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., it is important to follow the
Guidelines for Employing International Faculty (see Recruiting Handbook).
 For on-campus interviews, invite three candidates who will usually visit for three
days and two or three nights.
 Departments and programs arrange agendas for campus visits. Candidates participate
in a public presentation and/or discussion open to the College community. Please
schedule a 30-minute interview for each candidate with the President and a 45-minute
interview with the Dean of the College and Faculty. Provide a copy of each
candidate's CV and application letter. It is also helpful to provide a copy of the
candidate’s itinerary.
 While it is important to treat visiting candidates well, please act as good stewards of
the College’s funds. In particular, eliminate or limit expenses for alcoholic beverages.
Spouses/partners who do not perform a role in the interview process do not attend
meals. For expenses and spending guidelines, please call Pam Leutz at x6682. The
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search committee chair (or designee) and the candidates must keep all receipts for the
charges made to the College for the search.
For tenure track searches the Dean’s Office supports:
1) Travel to conferences for recruiting
a) Travel for up to two faculty if faculty are not attending the meeting as their
Dean supported conference. Lowest cost airfare and registration are covered.
b) Each faculty person will be reimbursed for receipts up to $300/day per diem
(to cover lodging, ground transportation, baggage, food). The Dean’s Office
will cover the difference between one hotel room and a suite for interviews if
meeting rooms are not available.
2) Candidate’s on-campus visit
a) Use preferred hotels with CC rates found on the CC Finance and
Administration Secure Information page: You will need to log in to the secure information page that is found
on this site.
b) Dean’s Office will pay up to $2200 total for meals/food/entertainment during
on-campus interviews for the normal number of 3 candidates. For
departments with 8 or more tenured/tenure-track faculty Dean’s Office
provides up to $2400. Departments will be asked to cover expenses above
these amounts.
c) For transporting a candidate in Colorado Springs, you may use a CC vehicle,
in which case insurance is provided by the College. If a
faculty member uses his or her own vehicle to transport the candidate during
the visit, the faculty person’s personal insurance provides coverage.
For year-long visitor/Riley Scholar-in-Residence searches: (Recall, for year-long
visitors, one candidate is brought in, and an up or down vote is made before the
Associate Dean of the Faculty gives permission for another candidate to be invited to
1) #1 above does not apply
2) Candidate’s on-campus visit
a) Use preferred hotels with CC rates found on the CC Finance and
Administration Secure Information page: You will need to log in to the secure information page that is found
on this site.
b) The Dean’s Office will pay up to $500 total for meals/food/entertainment
during on-campus interviews for the normal one candidate. For departments
with 8 or more tenured/tenure-track faculty, the Dean’s Office provides up to
$600. Departments will be asked to cover expenses above these amounts.
c) For transporting a candidate in Colorado Springs, you may use a CC vehicle,
in which case insurance is provided by the College. If a
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faculty member uses his or her own vehicle to transport the candidate during
the visit, the faculty person’s personal insurance provides coverage.
Choosing Final Candidates
After candidates have been interviewed the search committee chair solicits comments
from those who met with the candidates, arranges and facilitates discussions among
the search committee, and then votes and decides on a candidate to recommend to the
Dean of the College and Faculty. The Chair or program director will provide
information on the committee’s choice, the diversity of the applicant pool and
interviewees, and the level of support within the department for the recommended
The Dean reports the department’s recommendation as well as his or her own to the
President. The Dean will request the President’s approval. Official offers cannot be
made without the President’s approval.
Once secured, the Dean will notify the search committee chair who may then contact
the candidate to inform the candidate that the College is interested in making a job
If the candidate is interested in entertaining an offer, the Dean will contact the
candidate and offer an appointment on behalf of the College. The Dean will discuss
salaries, start-up funds, tenure clocks and moving expenses with candidates. If the
terms of the appointment are accepted, the Dean sends the candidate a letter of
In the case of a one-year hire, the search Chair sends a formal request (using the one-year
visitor request form found on the Dean’s Office website) to the Associate Dean of the Faculty
who in consultation with the Dean of the College determines a salary offer that is
communicated to the Chair. The Chair then makes the offer to the candidate.
For a Riley Scholar-in-Residence hire, the Chair asks the Associate Dean of Academic
Programs and Strategic Initiatives for permission to hire who, after consulting with the Dean
of the College and affirming the request, determines a salary offer that is communicated to
the Chair. The Chair then makes the offer to the candidate.
Record-keeping: Keep files on all applicants for three years. (Human Resources will keep
PeopleAdmin application files for three years, so please keep all other related information on
Evaluating the search: The search committee chair, in consultation with the diversity
representatives, submits a written summary of the process/outcome to the Diversity and
Equity Advisory Board.
All searches could result in the hiring of international faculty. Therefore, please review
the sections in the Recruitment Handbook on hiring international faculty.