Impacts of Energy Efficiency on Hawai‘i’s Economy: A CGE-Modeling Approach Denise E. Konan† Iman Nasseri* This version: April 2012 Abstract This paper models Hawai‘i’s economy in a CGE framework in order to analyze the economic impacts of energy (electricity) efficiency. By tracing fuel use and energy flows in Hawai‘i’s economy, this paper demonstrates the economic and environmental impacts from marginal energy efficiency across various sectors of the Hawai‘i economy. Results include the comprehensive (direct and indirect) effects of sector-level shocks including potential of energy savings, costs imposed on the overall economy, and the associated greenhouse gas emission reduction. This analysis sheds light on which sectors to optimally target with incentives and/or punishment policies to achieve a high rate of energy efficiency and conservation in the State. Comprehensive economic, energy, and emissions data are compiled for 68 sectors of Hawai‘i’s economy. The study develops energy and GHG emissions intensity measures for output, value added, and jobs. Greenhouse gas emissions elasticities are also developed for energy conservation and efficiency scenarios. Based on direct fuel combustion and indirect GHG emissions associated with intermediate good fuel combustion, the top GHG intensive sectors per dollar of output are electricity, utility gas, and air transportation followed by commercial fishing and ground transportation. CGE analysis determines that the most significant economic impact, in terms of increase in the sectoral output and job count, occurs in sectors associated with tourism industry such as accommodations (real estate and rentals), services, trade, hotels, and restaurants. Likewise, the analysis predicts that the largest saving potential in energy and GHG emissions lies in electricity efficiency of the same sectors, with slightly different order in significance. This shows the high GHG emissions elasticity of technological changes in the tourism industry. Especially, considering the ratio of residents’ versus visitors’ population, it implies that the visitor expenditures are more energy and carbon intensive than that of Hawai‘i households on a per person basis. The study indicates the sensitivity of sectors to energy policy in a service-oriented economy. Keywords: CGE modeling, energy efficiency, energy saving, greenhouse gas emissions University of Hawai‘i at MΔnoa, PhD student at the Department of Economics, email: University of Hawai‘i at MΔnoa, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics, email: * † 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Motivation For decades, rapidly rising greenhouse gas emissions and its potential outcomes including global warming and other climate change impacts have triggered policy responses aimed at mitigating the environmental externality. Scientists and engineers seek energy solutions that would generate renewable power while curbing use of fossil fuels. Less emphasis has been placed on energy conservation and efficiency measures that involve a focus on demand side measures. Yet various technologies can lower the energy load of the consumer, whether residential, industrial or commercial. Preferences can also be adapted to build tolerance for low energy lifestyles. For example, when the 11 March 2011 earthquake and nuclear disaster in Sendai, Japan generated power shortages the Environment Ministry ‘super cool biz’ campaign of foregoing neckties and wearing aloha shirts to reduce electricity consumption by 15%. Other energy efficiency measures include adoption of Energy Star appliances and lighting, solar water heating, and sea water air conditioning. In recognition of the significant local impacts from global climate changes, Hawai‘i became the second state within the U.S. to adopt regulatory legislation similar to the Kyoto protocol, to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The way forward for Hawai‘i is not well guided by the national policy dialogue. The U.S. climate change debate tends to focus on reducing emissions of large emitters, particularly in stationary energy combustion through radical technological solutions, such as carbon capture and storage and more widespread adoption of nuclear power. Many energy options that are attractive on the U.S. mainland offer little prospect of adoption in Hawai‘i for economic and environmental reasons. Hawai‘i’s path to a low-carbon economy is more likely to be achieved through energy efficiency, demand-side management, and renewable energy technologies. In 2008, the State of Hawai‘i signed an MOU with the U.S. Department of Energy for the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) with the goal of decreasing energy consumption by means of increased energy efficiency (up to 30%) and increased share of renewable energies (up to 40%) in Hawai‘i’s energy supply in order to meet 70% of Hawai‘i’s clean energy demand by 2030. Since then, many energy bills were introduced in the past legislation sessions suggesting effective policies regarding either the fossil fuel consumption or greenhouse gas emissions. One of the steps toward energy efficiency was signing the Act 155 of 2009 into law, which calls for creating an Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards (EEPS), with a goal of 4,300 gigawatt-hour (GWh) reduction in electricity use by 2030. This act directs the Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to establish incentives and penalties that promote compliance. Hawai‘i provides an attractive case study for energy efficiency and demand-side management. Due to the geographic isolation of its islands, Hawai‘i’s power grids are contained, with no intraregional imports or exports. This allows for excellent data on power generation and end use. Transportation fuels are readily assignable to economic activity. Data on air and maritime fuel use are available and represent significant components of the energy profile. Hawai‘i supports very little industrial activity. Tourism, military, government, and health services are among the most important drivers of economic activity in the islands. Hawai‘i provides detailed and tractable data and a simple energy infrastructure. Energy conservation and demand-side management are likely to be the key to carbon reduction strategies. In this paper, an integrated database of energy use and economic activity provides the basis to analyze demand driven components of greenhouse gas emissions. A CGE model is developed 2 along with measures of industry demand carbon intensity, or more precisely, the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) global warming potential of three major greenhouse gas emissions. The study develops energy and GHG emissions intensity measures for output, value added, and jobs. Greenhouse gas emissions elasticities are also developed for energy conservation and efficiency scenarios. The carbon accounting methodology parallels that of the World Resources Institute’s (Anon. 2004) standard of measuring corporate emissions across the value chain. In computing carbon intensity of sectors, we include scope 1 emissions (direct combustion of fossil fuel), scope 2 emissions (electricity use), and scope 3 energy emissions (other indirect emissions including air, maritime, and ground transportation). This approach provides a comprehensive analysis of energy-related carbon emissions. To avoid double counting, we allocate emissions based on the final demand for Hawai‘i’s output. This paper models Hawai‘i’s economy in a computable general equilibrium (CGE) framework in order to analyze the scenario of energy (electricity) efficiency across economic sectors. Although many previous studies have setup CGE models for Hawai‘i’s economy, none of the studies have looked at the implications of energy efficiency for the State. Most of the existing literature has used CGE modeling to look at the impact of different scenarios or policies on Hawai‘i’s economy focusing on the tourism industry. The most common shocks in the previous studies are tourismor labor-based shocks. Looking at the energy flows in Hawai‘i’s economy, this paper tries to follow the footprint of an efficiency improvement in the economy, finding the impacts of a marginal measure on Hawai‘i’s energy savings across economic sectors, possible costs imposed on the overall economy, and the associated greenhouse gas emission reduction. This will shed some light on how to target incentives or punitive policies to achieve a high rate of energy efficiency and conservation in the State. While there are already some energy efficiency rules and incentives in place, this paper performs a sensitivity analysis for alternative scenarios that could help to achieve the appropriate energy efficiency goals. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys the data used in the study and provides a descriptive analysis of fuel use and associated emissions by economic activity source. The methodology is set forth in section 3. Sections 4 and 5 provide results and concluding remarks. 1.2 Previous studies CGE models have been extensively used in environmental studies of the economy. The multisectoral nature of CGE models along with their detailed supply side specification has made them a good fit for both environmental and economic policy analysis. However, it has been typically used at the national or international level. Bergman was among the first group who applied CGE modeling for simulating environmental policy impacts. Using a static CGE model of an open economy, Bergman (1991) included emissions and emission control activities in his model to estimate the general equilibrium impacts of an emission control on the Swedish economy. Several years later, he reviewed and discussed in specific the CGE modeling as a tool for analysis of environmental policy and natural resource management issues, dividing this branch of CGE models into two major groups: “Externality CGE Models” and “Resource Management CGE Models” (Bergman and Henrekson 2005). He also extensively goes over the strengths and weaknesses of environmental CGE model. “CGE models obviously rest upon strong assumptions about optimizing behavior, competitive markets, and flexible relative prices. In addition lack of data usually prohibits econometric estimation of key supply and demand parameters. In view of this the validity and usefulness for policy evaluation of the results generated by CGE models might be, and often is, 3 seriously questioned. However, there is no general answer to the question about what CGE models are good for. The usefulness of a carefully designed and implemented CGE model depends on what it is intended for and what the alternatives are.” (Bergman and Henrekson 2005) There are also an increasing number of regional CGE models that have tried to address environmental issues. Since Hawai‘i is truly a small open economy with highly-detailed data available on the economic sectors’ activity levels and output, it is an ideal island example for modeling and so, several studies have used CGE modeling framework to analyze the impacts of various policies on this economy, more focusing on the tourism industry, which is the main component of Hawai‘i’s economy. Zhou et al. (1997) created both an I-O model and a CGE model of Hawai‘i’s economy to compare the effects of a 10% reduction in nominal visitor expenditures through the lens of both modeling tools. Their static CGE model is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture CGE model structure and the 60-sector 1982 IO table for the State of Hawai‘i. Konan and Kim (2003) studied the economic impact of the transportation sector in Hawai‘i under a number of alternative scenarios. They developed a CGE model of the economy with a special focus on transportation and modeled the effects of both an increase and a decrease in visitor expenditures due to the leading role of tourism in Hawai‘i’s economy. In another paper (Kim and Konan 2004), they estimated direct and indirect demand for urban infrastructure (water, wastewater, electricity, propane, and solid waste, etc.) under alternative scenarios for population growth and visitor spending in Hawai‘i, using a CGE model. This paper uses their methodology of estimating direct and indirect demand for energy. Konan et al. (2007) also traced the visitor economic activity through Hawai‘i’s economy using a CGE model. They simulated the changing sector-level economic activity, infrastructure demand, and greenhouse gas emissions resulting from a million dollar increase in nominal visitor expenditures, taking into account both direct and indirect visitors’ expenditures. Konan (2011) used a regional CGE model for Hawai‘i’s economy to examine the impacts of visitor expenditure growth and labor migration on Hawai‘i’s economy. The purpose was to show how regional welfare, price levels, and production responded to alternative labor market rigidity scenarios. In her doctoral dissertation, Coffman (2007) developed a CGE model of Hawai‘i’s economy, based on the 131-sector 1997 Hawai‘i State Input-Output Study, and analyzed the impacts of different scenarios; a 10% reduction in nominal visitor expenditures (Essay 1); a sudden upward jump in world oil prices (Essay 2); and a set of nine scenarios, including a 10% fuel tax on petroleum manufacturing output, a 10% fuel tax on both petroleum manufacturing and electric sector outputs, and a 50% increase in the world price of oil, each under three different cases of market competition (Essay 3). CGE modeling, however, has not been much used for energy efficiency analysis in the U.S. in general and Hawai‘i in specific. In contrast, there have been several studies done mainly in the Europe, looking at the economy-wide effects of energy efficiency improvements. (Turner and Hanley 2011; N. D. Hanley et al. 2006; Barker, Ekins, and Foxon 2007; Allan, Hanley, et al. 2007) Allan et al. (Allan, Gilmartin, et al. 2007) identified and reviewed a series of eight CGE modeling studies (Semboja 1994; Dufournaud, Quinn, and Harrington 1994; Vikström 2004; Washida 2004; Grepperud and Rasmussen 2004; Glomsrød and Taoyuan 2005; N. D. Hanley et al. 2006; Allan et al. 2006) that simulate energy efficiency improvements. The existing literature focused on the possibility and magnitude of “rebound,” which is when energy consumption decreases less than the improvement in energy efficiency, both in percentage term (Greening, Greene, and 4 Difiglio 2000). Although the models in the reviewed studies differed widely in many aspects (such as the region of study, model nesting structure and parameters, or even the way they introduced energy and energy efficiency into their model), all of them found the economy-wide rebound effects to be larger than a minimum of 37%, with some of them finding very large rebounds (greater than 50%) or even backfire, which is when energy consumption actually increases following the energy efficiency improvement (Greening, Greene, and Difiglio 2000). It is important to note that, similar to this study, the results of all reviewed CGE models in their paper relied upon energy efficiency improvements by producers only. So, the results neither count for efficiency improvements by consumers nor take into account the impact of inputs’ productivity improvement on energy efficiency. It is also worth mentioning that none of these studies primarily focused on emission reduction potential of energy efficiency measures in the economy, which is what has been done in this study. 2 Data: Energy, Emission, and the Economy Hawai‘i’s mild tropical climate provides favorable conditions for energy conservation, as many Hawai‘i homes are not designed with home heating or cooling. In 2009, Hawai‘i’s per capita electricity consumption ranked third lowest, however, having the most expensive electricity in the nation, it is ranked number two in the U.S. in total electricity expenditures per capita (EIA 2011). That said, the main driver for electricity efficiency in the state of Hawai‘i is not saving energy per se, but more importantly to reduce electricity expenditures due to kilowatt costs of over $0.33 (versus $0.10 nationally). The primary concern of this study is in obtaining estimates of carbon emissions savings to be had from improving electricity efficiency. To facilitate this, baseline data is assembled on Hawai‘i’s economy, energy infrastructure, and greenhouse gas emissions. The baseline year of 2005 is selected as the latest comprehensive input-output data and energy profile were developed. Efforts are underway to update this data as the next input-output data for 2007 gets published. Yet, the fundamental features of the economy have been relatively consistent over the past few years. The U.S. Department of Energy (2011) estimated that nearly nine-tenths of Hawai‘i’s energy derives from petroleum products. This heavy reliance on petroleum is related to an energy infrastructure that has developed historically to provide capacity for air transportation. Two local refineries, located on the island of Oahu, have the facility to process 147,500 barrels of oil per day, obtaining crude oil imported largely from Asia and the Middle East and converting it into jet and aviation fuel, motor gasoline, diesel fuel, and other petroleum products. An important biproduct of the refineries’ cracking process is a low-grade residual fuel oil, which has become the primary fuel for the generation of electricity. This analysis entails the compilation of data on fossil fuel use, greenhouse gas emissions, and economic activity. Table 1 summarizes the fuels and activities covered in this study as well as the greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the combustion of fuels. Data were obtained directly from the Hawai‘i Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. Given Hawai‘i’s geographic isolation, jet fuel and aviation gasoline are significant components of the fossil fuel profile. Residual fuel oil is primarily used for electricity generation and, to a lesser extent, for maritime transportation. Gasoline is primarily used for highway purposes. Diesel fuel uses include electricity generation, maritime travel, and commercial and industrial activities. At only 15.5 trillion BTUs per year, coal as an energy fuel is relatively insignificant. Hawai‘i’s emissions were determined for three major greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Eggleston et al. 2006) established reporting tiers for the computation of greenhouse gas emissions, with tier 1 reflecting ‘default’ calculations. Emissions estimates are derived from fuel combustion based on national and regional energy statistics and Hawai‘i specific emissions 5 factors determined by fuel characteristics. Greenhouse gas emissions factors were obtained from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (2007) and reconciled with previous inventory estimates. A complete GHG profile for Hawai‘i is available online (UHERO 2009). It is important to note that military fuel use data are incomplete and do not cover fuel purchased for naval vessels. Military aviation and jet fuel uses are included in the study along with fuel used in fixed military boilers and generators. Military purchases of electricity are captured in the economic data. This study does not include emissions associated with landfills or agricultural and forestry processes that are not fuel related. Transportation leads Hawai‘i’s energy use due largely to high consumption of jet fuel for military installations and commercial airlines. Vehicle fuel consumption rates on a per capita basis are among the lowest in the nation (EIA 2011). The geography of the islands and population density results in relatively short commuting distances. Petroleum-fired power plants supply around seventy five percent of Hawai‘i’s electricity generation. Coal and a suite of renewable energy sources including hydroelectricity, geothermal, landfill gas, and other biomass round out Hawai‘i’s electricity generation. Hawai‘i is one of few places in the U.S. that produces synthetic natural gas (SNG) and consumption of it is largely commercial (hotels, restaurants, laundry). Table 1: Fuel Use and Emissions By Activity In Hawai‘i, 2005 Fuel Activity Aviation Gasoline Aviation Intra-State Aviation Overseas, Non-Bonded Fuel Electricity Generation Federal Government Highway Electricity Generation Non Highway Small Boat Vessel Bunkering Intra-State Vessel Bunkering Overseas, Bonded Fuel Vessel Bunkering Overseas, Non-Bonded Fuel Agriculture Federal Government Highway Small Boat Aviation Intra-State Aviation Overseas, Bonded Fuel Aviation Overseas, Non-Bonded Fuel Federal Government State and Local Government Other End Users Highway Residential Commercial Industrial State and Local Government Federal Government Commercial Industrial Electricity Generation Vessel Bunkering Intra-State Vessel Bunkering Overseas, Bonded Fuel Vessel Bunkering Overseas, Non-Bonded Fuel Federal Government Industrial Coal Diesel Gasoline Jet Fuel Natural Gas (SNG and LPG) Residual Fuel Oil Other fuels* Total *Other fuels include: Naphtha, distillate fuel oil, waste oil, and fuel gas. Source: Hawai‘i Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism 6 Consumption ('000 mmBTU) 181.80 2.10 15,577.80 121.90 6,193.30 15,108.20 9,207.00 5.70 1,783.50 7,565.50 33.60 125.70 158.44 57,491.16 1.75 9,245.45 39,864.24 34,267.99 10,542.14 0.33 95.69 13.73 893.51 4,615.94 58.84 172.79 153.88 17.58 1,485.72 71,106.75 1,209.85 11,191.59 80.36 81.85 8,423.54 307,079.20 Emission (mtCO2e) 12.66 0.14 1,495.34 8.96 455.29 1,110.64 676.84 0.42 131.11 556.16 2.47 9.01 11.36 4,121.47 0.13 657.66 2,835.69 2,437.61 749.90 0.02 6.81 0.78 50.56 261.20 3.33 9.78 8.71 1.39 117.45 5,621.26 95.64 884.74 6.35 6.47 562.56 22,909.92 The primary economic data used in this study come from the State of Hawai‘i Input-Output Study (DBEDT 2008), which is an update of the 2002 benchmark report of input-output (I-O) studies, by including the latest available data on jobs, earnings, final demand, state taxes, components of value added, and outputs of a few industries. The 2002 benchmark report was compiled from the 1997 Economic Census and organized according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Intermediate and final demand values are provided for Hawai‘i’s economy at a disaggregation of 68 sectors, thus providing a detailed description of agricultural, manufacturing, and services production in Hawai‘i. While the model calibration uses disaggregated data, for purposes of reporting, we present the findings at an aggregated 38-sector level. Table 2 decomposes production costs into total output costs, employee compensation and total value added. Hawai‘i is a services-oriented economy, with very little manufacturing activity. Real estate (accommodations), government, business and professional services, trade, and health are key economic sectors in terms of output and employment. The visitor industry is a major employer, as reflected in job counts in hotels, restaurants, retail trade, and various entertainment services. Government employment accounts for 20% of jobs and 34% of employee compensation. Table 2: Output, Employment, Value Added, and Job Count, 2005 Output Crops production Fruits, vegetables, and flowers Animal production Aquaculture, forestry, and logging Commercial fishing Mining Construction Petroleum manufacturing Clothing manufacturing Food processing Other manufacturing Air transportation Water transportation Ground transportation Trucking Warehousing and storage Scenic and support activities for transportation Information Electric Natural gas Wholesale trade Retail trade Rental, leasing, and others Accommodations Hotels Restaurants Fin., bus., prof. services Travel reservations Waste management services Education Hospitals Other health services Arts and entertainment Personal and laundry services Repair and maintenance Organizations State and local government Federal government Total $ million 208 377 68 31 43 129 7,178 2,426 81 1,305 1,353 2,148 1,677 163 362 59 685 2,338 1,928 85 2,809 6,222 936 13,074 4,891 3,473 11,352 703 250 935 2,756 3,471 820 883 657 1,119 5,693 7,608 90,296 Source: DBEDT (Anon. 2008) 7 Employee Compensation $ million 92 132 19 7 10 32 2,284 78 20 266 337 563 171 51 154 30 320 706 285 12 923 2,132 148 458 1,729 1,142 4,377 262 80 480 815 1,894 344 266 200 470 4,421 6,803 32,512 Value Added $ million 161 234 34 13 18 36 3,157 196 37 274 425 623 262 68 209 41 466 1,334 718 31 1,311 2,875 470 8,437 2,653 1,469 6,612 345 121 525 877 2,544 536 360 271 636 5,097 7,406 50,883 Job Count 4,315 8,038 1,022 339 1,970 569 44,332 423 1,808 7,510 8,772 10,198 3,550 4,420 3,589 912 7,360 14,260 2,873 126 21,856 88,747 5,391 36,980 40,112 59,147 120,309 8,696 1,682 17,147 14,220 54,787 21,903 22,462 11,565 14,671 88,128 84,400 838,588 3 Model Using the same I-O data, described in section 2, a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model is developed. CGE models solve for the equilibrium in the Arrow-Debreu Equilibrium framework (Arrow and Debreu 1954), based on the Walrasian general equilibrium structure. Hence, the convexity of the production and expenditure sets implies existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium price vector, which clears the market. In this model specifically, Hawai`i is assumed as a small and open economy, in which visitor expenditures generate a significant share of foreign exchange. Visitors’ consumption bundle consists of goods and services, most of which are not importable such as transportation, hotel, and restaurant services. Production is assumed to be perfectly competitive using constant returns to scale technologies. Households, visitors, various government entities, and exports are sources of final demand, and prices are calibrated to clear markets. A schematic representation of Hawai‘i’s general equilibrium is shown in Figure 1. Endogenous Variables Federal Military Inflow (IFM) Exogenous Variables Federal Civilian Inflow (IFC) State & Local Government (SL ) Federal Military Gov’t (FM) Federal Civilian Gov’t (FC) SL Consumption (piGSLi) Sales Tax (piYiτi) Lump -Sum Tax (Tr) FC Consumption (piGFCi) Labor (L), Prop Income (R), Capital (K) FM Consumption (piGFMi) SL Imports (pmGSLm) Intermediate Inputs (Zji) Residents (r) Industry (i,j) Returns to Factors of Production (p LL, pRR, pKK) Residents Consumption (piCri) FM Imports (pmGFMm) FC Imports (pmGFCm) Residents Imports (pmCrm) Balance of Payment Deficit (pfxBP) Visitors Consumption (piCvi) Exports (pxiXi) Imports (pmM) Visitors Income (Iv) Visitors (v) Visitors Imports (pmCvm) Foreign Countries Figure 1. General Equilibrium Model Of Hawai‘i’s Economy (Konan, et al. 2007) 8 The approach assumes that standard equilibrium conditions are satisfied such as no excess demand for all goods and services and that all agents’ expenditure equals income and in overall, the economy is in balance. The model is estimated numerically using the GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling Systems) software and the MPSGE platform (Rosenthal 2012; Rutherford 1999). 3.1 Production Final output in sector i (Yi) is produced according to a nested Leontief function, shown in Figure 2. In this setup, value added (Vi) is composed of capital (Ks), labor (Ls), and proprietor income (Rs) and intermediate input is made up of tradable inputs (STki) and non-tradable inputs (SNji), which include energy inputs. For the purpose of modeling efficiency in using electricity in different production technologies, electricity sector (SE) is separated from other non-tradable sectors. The remaining non-electricity non-tradable sectors (SNEji) include other energy sectors (petroleum manufacturing, and gas production and distribution) and key service sectors (hotels, restaurants, health and other services). All other sectors in the economy (agriculture, commercial fishing, clothing manufacturing, food processing, etc.) are categorized as tradable sectors. Domestic, Ds Sector S’s Output, Ys Export, Xs Intermediate Inputs Value Added, VAs Labor Prop. Income Electricity Sector, SEs (1) Non-electricity Non-tradable Sectors, SNEjs (27) Capital Tradable Goods, STks (10) Import, Ms Domestic, Dks Tradable Sectors Figure 2: Nesting Of The Production Function At the first level, a Leontief production function (zero elasticity of substitution) represents final output (Ys) in sector s: πππΈ(π½−1)π ππ1π (1−ππ )ππΈπ πππΈ1π ππ π , , … , , πΎ , … , πΎ πΎπ , πΌ π ] πΌπΈπ π½1π π½(π½−1)π 1π πΎπ ππ ππ = minβ‘[ (4) where πΌπΈπ , π½ππ , πΎππ , and πΌππ are unit input coefficients for intermediates (electricity, nonelectricity non-tradable, and tradable) and value added respectively; and ππ is the efficiency level for sector s used as a shock parameter for the efficiency scenario analysis. At the second level, tradable intermediate inputs are provided by flexible domestically produced and importable commodities represented through an Armington‡ (1969) constant elasticity of substitution (CES) production nest: ‡ Armington assumption implies goods are differentiated by country of origin. 9 (πππ π −1) πππ π ππππ = [ππ·ππ π·ππ (πππ π −1) πππ π πππ π (πππ π −1) + πππ ππ ] (5) where πππ π is the CES substitution between domestically produced good k and imports by producer s; Dks is sector k demand by producer s for domestically produced goods; Ms is imported demand in sector s; and The parameter shares are represented by ππ·ππ and πππ respectively. And, value added is formed through another CES nest: (ππ −1) (ππ −1) ππ ππ = [πΌπΏπ πΏπ ππ + πΌπΎπ πΎπ (ππ −1) ππ ππ (ππ −1) + πΌπ π π π ] (6) where ππ is the CES among value added variables and πΌπΏπ , πΌπΎπ , and πΌπ π are corresponding parameter shares. Output commodity Ys can either be consumed domestically or exported and, under the Armington assumption, is differentiated for those markets using a constant elasticity of transformation (CET) function between domestic (Ds) sales and exports (Xs). (ππ −1) ππ ππ = [π½π·π π·π (ππ −1) ππ ππ (ππ −1) + π½ππ ππ ] (7) where ππ is the elasticity of transformation; and π½π·π , and π½ππ are parameter shares. 3.2 Electricity Efficiency Electricity consumption in the benchmark data is assumed to calibrate the model to status quo production technologies, used as reference for efficiency scenario analysis. In the electricity efficiency scenarios, the production functions are assumed to be more efficient by ππ % compared to benchmark. The scenarios considered in this paper are 1) 10% efficiency in electricity consumption in the all sectors’ production, and 2) 10% efficiency in electricity consumption in each sector (except for energy sectors), keeping the rest of economy the same in order to compare the impacts of efficiency by sector. 3.3 Consumption On the demand side, the model reflects the behavior of Hawai‘i residents (r) and visitors (v), both following utility-maximizing behavior represented by a Cobb-Douglas function. π πβ = ∏ππ=1 πΆβπβπ ∑ππ=1 πβπ = 1 , (8) where Chj and bhj are consumption and income expenditure share of good i, for consumer type h (h = r, v). In addition, they consume both domestically produced goods (i = 1,…,n) and an imported composite good (m). (πβππ −1) πβππ πΆβπ = [ππ·βπ π·βπ (πβππ −1) πβππ πβππ (πβππ −1) + ππβ πβ ] (9) where πβππ is the Armington CES between domestically produced good i and imports by consumer h; Dhi is sector i demand for domestically produced goods; Mh is imported demand by consumer h; and ππ·βπ and ππβ represent corresponding parameter shares. A representative resident’s budget constraint can be written as: ∑π ππ πΆππ = ππΏ πΏ + ππ π + ππΎ πΎ + πΜ ππ₯ π΅π − ππ (10) where pi represent the market prices for imports and commodities i = 1,… ,n ,m respectively. The resident derives income from factors of production including labor (L), proprietor income (R), 10 and capital (K), with pL, pR, pK being the market price of the respective factors. The resident also pays a lump-sum tax (Tr), net of transfer payments, to the state and local government (and thus household income is not necessarily equal to labor income because of transfers). The resident also receives foreign exchange (πΜ ππ₯ π΅π) from a balance of payment deficit, described below in equation (14). A representative visitor’s budget constraint is expressed as: πΌπ£ = ∑π ππ πΆπ£π (11) where πΌπ£ represents visitor’s income, which is taken to be exogenous. 3.4 Government The IO table represents government activity through three branches: the state and local government (SL), the federal military government (FM), and the federal civilian government (FC). Federal military and civilian governments are then aggregated to form the federal government (FG) for the purpose of this analysis. Each government type purchases domestic commodities (Ggi) and imports (Ggm) according to a Leontief utility function to assure a constant level of public provision, where g = SL, FG. The state and local government depends entirely on the economy for the tax base. ∑π ππ πΊππΏπ + ππ πΊππΏπ = ∑π ππ ππ ππ + ππ (12) A primary source of revenue is the State’s goods and services tax (ππ ) on the sales (Yi) of commodity i. The state and local government also impose a variety of taxes, such as property and income taxes, on residents. Federal government inflows are assumed to adjust endogenously to assure neutral levels of federal government provision (i.e., unaffected by the shock). The federal public sector budget constraint is given by: ∑π ππ πΊπΉπΊπ + ππ πΊπΉπΊπ = πΌπΉπΊ (13) where the sum on the left-hand side represents the cost of public expenditures; and IFG represents federal revenue inflows into the State. 3.5 Balance of Payments A balance of external payments (BP) is maintained under the assumption of a fixed (to the dollar) exchange rate (πΜ ππ₯ ), where πΜ ππ₯ is the exchange rate with the “rest of the world.” The quantity of imports (M) are constrained by the inflow of dollars obtained from visitor expenditures (Iv), federal government expenditures (IFG), and Hawai‘i exports (Xj). Because Hawai‘i is a small open economy and thus a price taker, import and export prices are perfectly inelastic. πΜ ππ₯ π΅π = πΜ π π − πΌπ£ − πΌπΉπΊ − ∑π πΜ π₯π ππ (14) 3.6 Supply Demand Balance Constant returns to scale and perfect competition ensure that the producer price (pj) equals the marginal cost of output in each sector j. In addition, the state and local government collects a general excise tax (ππ ) on sales. This implies that the value of total output (supply) equals producer costs, where pL, pR, and pK equals the market price of labor, proprietor income, and capital respectively. ππ ππ (1 + ππ ) = ∑ππ=1 ππ πππ + ππΏ πΏπ + ππ π π + ππΎ πΎπ + ππ πππ 11 (15) In addition, sector j output, which supplied to the domestic market (Dj), is demanded by consumers β ∈ {π, π£}, government agencies π ∈ {ππΏ, πΉπΊ}, and industries l = 1,…, n. π·π = ∑β πΆβπ + ∑π πΊππ + ∑π πππ (16) In equilibrium, the value of output balances the value of inter-industry, consumer, represent exogenous and government agencies demand. 3.7 Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions Energy demand by various industries and by households and visitors (demand by final consumers) are estimated by using standard techniques. The total estimated energy demand (Di) can be expressed as follows: π·π = ∑ππ=1 πππ + ∑π¦ πππ¦ (1) where i = type of energy, n = number of industry sectors, πππ = demand for energy type i by the kth industry sector, and πππ¦ = demand for energy type i by the the final sector, y = residents, visitors, gov., etc. The total estimated energy demand (πππ and πππ¦ ) are then calculated as follows: πππ = π·π × πππ and πππ¦ = π·π × πππ¦ (2) where πππ = share of kth industry sector in total consumption of energy type i, πππ¦ = share of the final sector y in total consumption of energy type i, and ∑ππ=1 πππ + ∑π¦ πππ¦ = 1. Shares are either assigned based on the energy source characteristic or are estimated based on the sectors’ expenditure on three energy sectors (petroleum manufacturing, gas production and distribution, and electricity). For example, as aviation gasoline is only consumed by the air transportation sector, we will have: πππ£πππ ,ππππ‘πππ π = 1; πππ£πππ ,π = 0;β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘∀π ≠ ππππ‘πππ π; However, for gasoline as another example, the shares have been estimated based on sectoral expenditure on petroleum manufacturing: ππ,πππ‘ ππππ πππππ,π = ∑π (3) π=1 ππ,πππ‘ where ππ,πππ‘ = kth industry sector’s expenditure on petroleum manufacturing sector’s output. Based on the above method, estimates for petroleum products (aggregating individual fuels), natural gas, and electricity consumption are derived, allowing for both the estimate of overall aggregate levels of demand for energy as well as estimates of per capita levels. As described in section 2, the GHG emissions are then calculated by using standard methods established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Eggleston et al. 2006) for the computation of greenhouse gas emissions. This study achieves tier 2 accounting for stationary and mobile energy sources. 12 4 Simulation and Results This section presents the results of the analysis. The macroeconomic measures of Hawai‘i’s economy are calculated and analyzed using a CGE model. The change in energy demand and associated energy intensities are calculated. Also, the GHG emissions and associated GHG intensity of sectors are computed as an aggregation of greenhouse gases in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent global warming potential over a 100-year time horizon following the methodologies established by the IPCC (Solomon et al. 2007). Before looking at the results from the efficiency shock scenario, the levels and intensities of energy demand and GHG emissions by sectors are presented in Table 3 and Table 4, providing a pre-shock (or status quo) analysis of the Hawai‘i’s economy. Table 3. Energy Intensity By Economic Activity, mmBTU and Rank (1) Final Energy Demand Sector Crops production Fruits, vegetables, and flowers Animal production Aquaculture, forestry, and logging Commercial fishing Mining Construction Petroleum manufacturing Clothing manufacturing Food processing Other manufacturing Air transportation Water transportation Ground transportation Trucking Warehousing and storage Scenic and support activities for transp. Information Electric Natural gas Wholesale trade Retail trade Rental, leasing, and others Accommodations Hotels Restaurants Fin., bus., prof. services Travel reservations Waste management services Education Hospitals Other health services Arts and entertainment Personal and laundry services Repair and maintenance Organizations State and local government Federal government Total indirect + Final direct Total demand - Total electricity consumption Total energy consumption mmBTU Rank 178,166 654,327 67,761 41,709 426,175 145,474 3,651,537 4,804,254 192,601 1,487,715 869,399 43,920,890 4,417,048 727,006 848,069 84,146 1,000,261 420,227 108,824,673 2,101,805 962,115 3,679,074 612,021 5,980,690 4,876,428 2,531,920 2,289,564 731,813 667,913 266,592 2,903,116 1,189,054 383,050 937,972 330,027 1,082,608 2,892,221 11,205,004 218,384,425 124,655,018 343,039,443 35,960,254 307,079,189 34 26 37 38 28 35 9 6 33 15 21 2 7 24 22 36 18 29 1 14 19 8 27 4 5 12 13 23 25 32 10 16 30 20 31 17 11 3 (2) Energy intensity (per $m output) (3) Energy intensity (per job) mmBTU mmBTU 856 1,738 995 1,325 10,009 1,128 509 1,981 2,374 1,140 643 20,450 2,633 4,456 2,341 1,437 1,461 180 56,448 24,862 343 591 654 457 997 729 202 1,041 2,671 285 1,053 343 467 1,062 502 967 508 1,473 Rank 24 11 22 15 4 17 29 10 8 16 27 3 7 5 9 14 13 38 1 2 35 28 26 33 21 25 37 20 6 36 19 34 32 18 31 23 30 12 41 81 66 123 216 256 82 11,358 107 198 99 4,307 1,244 164 236 92 136 29 37,878 16,683 44 41 114 162 122 43 19 84 397 16 204 22 17 42 29 74 33 133 (4) Energy intensity (per $m value added) Rank mmBTU Rank 31 24 26 16 9 7 23 3 19 11 20 4 5 12 8 21 14 33 1 2 27 30 18 13 17 28 36 22 6 38 10 35 37 29 34 25 32 15 1,108 2,799 1,996 3,176 23,687 4,041 1,157 24,511 5,206 5,429 2,046 70,499 16,859 10,691 4,052 2,067 2,147 315 151,665 66,799 734 1,280 1,301 709 1,838 1,724 346 2,121 5,520 508 3,309 467 715 2,602 1,220 1,702 567 1,513 30 15 21 14 5 12 29 4 10 9 20 2 6 7 11 19 17 38 1 3 31 27 26 33 22 23 37 18 8 35 13 36 32 16 28 24 34 25 Source: Author’s estimation. Table 3 presents direct and indirect energy required to produce final demand output levels by sector. Total energy used to produce, for example, health services would include direct fuel 13 combusted (for transportation or in generators) as well as indirect energy demand from intermediate purchases of other goods and services. Thus, intermediate demand for energy is attributed to the sector responsible for final demand as an indirect energy use. Total final demand includes residential demand, visitor demand, state and local government demand, federal government demand, and exports. The most significant final demand for energy is in the form of direct demand, 124.6 trillion BTU, which includes exports of fuel (mostly jet fuel for international air transport), residential purchases of gasoline, and military fuel. Indirect final demand for electricity implies energy demand of 108.8 trillion BTU. Domestic air transportation final demand uses 43.9 trillion BTUs. Federal government (11.2 trillion), accommodations (6 trillion), hotels (4.9 trillion), petroleum manufacturing (4.8 trillion), and water transportation (4.4 trillion) are among the highest sources of final energy demand measured in BTUs. Table 4. GHG Intensity By Sector, Metric Tons CO2 Equivalent (mtCO2e) And Rank Sector Crops production Fruits, vegetables, and flowers Animal production Aquaculture, forestry, and logging Commercial fishing Mining Construction Petroleum manufacturing Clothing manufacturing Food processing Other manufacturing Air transportation Water transportation Ground transportation Trucking Warehousing and storage Scenic and support activities for transp. Information Electric Natural gas Wholesale trade Retail trade Rental, leasing, and others Accommodations Hotels Restaurants Fin., bus., prof. services Travel reservations Waste management services Education Hospitals Other health services Arts and entertainment Personal and laundry services Repair and maintenance Organizations State and local government Federal government Total GHG emissions mtCO2e 10,220 35,434 3,571 2,335 31,489 5,360 156,227 253,476 12,940 87,065 40,140 3,235,795 229,224 51,909 61,784 4,805 71,908 19,849 6,834,605 139,757 45,489 139,833 34,203 262,143 78,718 41,837 76,528 19,287 40,453 4,571 99,788 43,233 3,834 29,991 11,250 9,152 132,692 805,956 GHG intensity per $m output mtCO2e Rank 49 18 94 13 52 17 74 15 740 4 42 19 22 27 105 12 160 8 67 16 30 23 1,507 3 137 9 318 5 171 6 82 14 105 11 8 34 3,545 1 1,653 2 16 30 22 26 37 20 20 28 16 31 12 33 7 36 27 24 162 7 5 37 36 21 12 32 5 38 34 22 17 29 8 35 23 25 106 10 GHG intensity per job mtCO2e Rank 2 24 4 21 3 23 7 17 16 8 9 13 4 22 599 3 7 14 12 10 5 20 317 4 65 5 12 9 17 7 5 19 10 11 1 30 2,379 1 1,109 2 2 26 2 28 6 18 7 15 2 27 1 34 1 35 2 25 24 6 0 37 7 16 1 33 0 38 1 31 1 32 1 36 2 29 10 12 GHG intensity per $m value added mtCO2e Rank 64 23 152 14 105 19 178 12 1,750 4 149 15 49 25 1,293 5 350 8 318 10 94 20 5,194 2 875 6 763 7 295 11 118 16 154 13 15 34 9,525 1 4,442 3 35 28 49 26 73 22 31 29 30 30 28 31 12 36 56 24 334 9 9 37 114 17 17 33 7 38 83 21 42 27 14 35 26 32 109 18 Source: Author’s estimation based on direct and indirect emissions Column (2) in Table 3 provides an estimate of energy intensity, which includes direct purchases and indirect consumption of intermediates, required to produce $1 million of output for final demand. The power generation sector requires the highest intensity, with one million dollars of electricity requiring 56 billion BTU and utility gas stands next in line requiring 25 billion BTU. 14 Other highly energy intensive sectors include air transport (20 billion BTU) and commercial fishing (10 billion BTU). In terms of jobs, the most energy intensive sectors are electricity, natural gas, and petroleum manufacturing. Intensity per Hawai‘i value added and respective rankings are also provided. Table 4 provides similar information presented in Table 3, but for greenhouse gas emissions as the variable of interest. Overall, major greenhouse gas emitting sectors include electricity at 6.8 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent (mmtCO2e), and air transport at 3.2 mmtCO2e. It is important to note that air transport emissions exclude those generated for ‘export’ of jet fuel for travel to foreign destinations. Normalizing GHG emissions on a value basis provides quite a different ranking of relative impact. Per million dollars of final demand, the top three emitters include electricity, utility gas, and air transportation. Surprisingly, commercial fishing activity ranks fourth out of 38 economic sectors in GHG intensity and tops petroleum refining. A million dollars of commercial fishing demand requires CO2 equivalent emissions of 10 thousand metric tons. This is owing to high fuel costs to power ships as well as the onboard and onshore (for their storages) refrigeration. Low carbon intensity sectors include government services, performing arts, and finance and professional services. Table 4 also reports the carbon intensity of an average worker. Electricity production results in 2.4 thousand metric tons of CO2e per job. Utility gas generates 1.1 thousand metric tons of CO2e per job. Other high emitting employment sectors include petroleum manufacturing (599 metric tons), air transport (317 metric tons) and water transportation (65 metric tons). The education sector together with art and entertainment sector share the position of lowest carbon intensity, with less than a metric ton of CO2e per worker. The GHG intensity of value added is highest in electricity, air transportation, natural gas, commercial fishing, and petroleum manufacturing. Now, let us analyze the impacts of an efficiency shock on Hawai‘i’s economy. The efficiency shock, as explained in section 3, assumes the production of local goods becoming more efficient in using electricity as an input, a one-off step change in the production technology. It is worth to mention that as the energy efficiency improvement is assumed at no cost in this analysis, the results would only reflect the gains (benefits) that would come about from this improvement as well as the distribution of the overall gain across economy. Table 5. Macroeconomic Measures’ Changes, Under 10% Electricity Efficiency Scenario a) Economy-wide Impacts Macroeconomic Indicators Domestic Output, nominal Gross State Product, nominal Exports, nominal Consumer Price Index Wages, real Proprietors Income, real Capital Cost, real Visitor Expenditures, real Visitor Price Index Lump Sum Transfer Value Added Resident Welfare Source: Author’s estimation. % Change -0.03 -0.03 +0.06 -0.00 +0.25 +0.25 +0.17 +0.08 -0.08 +0.01 +0.23 +0.29 b) Sectoral Change In Output And Employment Employment Output Level Change Sector $ Million* % New Jobs’ Count 2.74 0.38 51 Agriculture 3.90 0.14 24 Manufacturing 0.74 0.03 3 Air Transportation 8.83 0.28 14 Other Transportation 1.07 0.13 25 Entertainment 0.64 0.22 77 Hotel 22.20 0.17 38 Real Estate Rental 8.45 0.24 135 Restaurants 10.89 0.12 133 Trade 11.76 0.04 160 Services 0.07 0.03 0 Waste 1.18 0.01 4 Government 0.09 0.11 0 Natural Gas -22.74 -0.94 -4 Petroleum Manufacturing -102.56 -5.32 -154 Electricity * In 2005 dollars. Hence, as it would be a positive supply-side disturbance, the energy prices would be expected to decline, therefore generally lowering the price of outputs, which supposedly stimulates economic activity. Tables 5, 6, and 7 present the post-shock results. 15 Table 5 presents both economy-wide and sectoral macroeconomic impacts of 10% electricity efficiency. As panel a of Table 5 suggests, the energy efficiency will have an overall positive impact on almost all macro measures as expected, except for a small shrinkage in total output (-0.03%), which is due to major declines in the electricity (-5.3%) and the petroleum manufacturing (-0.9%) sectors’ output. All other sectors, however, would have their output increases between 0.01% and 0.38%. Hawai‘i will see an increase of 500 in total jobs, 0.3% in residents’ welfare, 0.25% in real wages and proprietors income and 0.23% in total value added. Also both consumer (i.e., resident) and visitor price index would decline. Panel b of Table 5 presents sectoral change in output and employment. The highlight in sectoral indicators is that both output and employment will increase in all sectors except electricity and petroleum manufacturing. However the change differs across sectors as the efficiency improvements increase the competitiveness of electricity intensive sectors more than others through a reduction in their relative price. Table 6. Energy Demand And GHG Emission Reduction Sector i Crops production Fruits, vegetables, and flowers Animal production Aquaculture, forestry, and logging Commercial fishing Mining Construction Petroleum manufacturing Clothing manufacturing Food processing Other manufacturing Air transportation Water transportation Ground transportation Trucking Warehousing and storage Scenic and support activities for transp. Information Electric Natural gas Wholesale trade Retail trade Rental, leasing, and others Accommodations Hotels Restaurants Fin., bus., prof. services Travel reservations Waste management services Education Hospitals Other health services Arts and entertainment Personal and laundry services Repair and maintenance Organizations State and local government Federal government Total 10% electricity efficiency; all sectors (1) (2) Electricity Energy demand reduction demand reduction in sector i in sector i mmBTU Rank mmBTU Rank 3,275 29 2,966 29 13,824 23 11,103 26 1,587 33 1,444 32 823 36 716 35 38 27 36 8,407 28 12,753 24 128,585 5 128,770 7 124,487 6 158,767 4 1,459 34 1,391 33 24,528 19 20,458 19 27,406 16 27,595 16 10,680 26 -4,466 38 103,683 8 86,016 11 2,043 31 1,762 30 1,000 35 1,336 34 1,603 32 1,612 31 2,283 30 3,013 28 12,757 24 12,899 23 102,905 9 5,026,353 1 140 37 -2,145 37 27,003 17 26,786 17 137,564 4 133,894 6 11,813 25 11,801 25 192,961 2 186,132 3 295,281 1 291,226 2 151,800 3 149,415 5 99,010 10 99,910 9 36,445 15 35,572 15 9,518 27 9,367 27 16,103 20 16,019 20 118,127 7 110,966 8 47,131 13 45,946 13 25,929 18 25,771 18 40,789 14 38,929 14 13,955 22 13,761 22 73,637 12 72,538 12 91,260 11 90,855 10 14,348 21 14,319 21 1,974,151 6,865,577 10% electricity efficiency; by sector i (3) (4) Total energy Total GHG demand reduction emission reduction (intermed. and final) (direct and indirect) mmBTU Rank mtCO2e Rank 13,390 26 753 26 56,635 20 3,224 19 6,543 30 370 30 3,096 34 173 34 0 35 0 36 12,196 27 634 27 500,318 5 27,457 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,635 32 244 32 98,129 17 5,468 17 105,906 15 5,856 15 29,247 25 1,355 25 361,019 8 18,993 9 7,780 29 421 29 3,777 33 205 33 5,032 31 257 31 8,745 28 478 28 52,583 21 2,945 21 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 102,169 16 5,550 16 563,478 4 31,192 4 47,134 23 2,595 23 797,597 2 44,195 2 1,203,541 1 66,773 1 614,453 3 33,918 3 393,244 7 21,846 7 141,835 13 7,723 13 29,674 24 1,493 24 64,217 18 3,535 18 489,711 6 27,079 6 198,557 11 11,046 11 107,175 14 5,961 14 166,057 12 9,149 12 52,292 22 2,821 22 302,412 10 16,718 10 353,040 9 19,323 8 57,740 19 3,173 20 6,405,810 331,693 Source: Author’s estimation based on direct and indirect emissions Comparing the energy demand after applying the efficiency shock with the benchmark demand, we calculated the energy savings potential. Using the energy consumption reduction amounts and 16 applying the same methodology for estimating the baseline greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas emission reductions of those scenarios are calculated and reported in Table 6. Columns 1 and 2, provide electricity and energy (total of electricity, natural gas, and petroleum products) demand reductions associated with 10% electricity efficiency in all sectors; and each row in columns 3 and 4 present the total economy-wide energy saving (in mmBTU) and greenhouse gas emission reduction (in metric tons CO2e) associated with 10% electricity efficiency in the corresponding sector. Considering that column is 2 inclusive of column 1 implies that in most sectors, the total electricity saving is slightly offset by a marginal increase in oil and gas demand. Among few exceptions, energy sectors (i.e. electricity and petroleum manufacturing) save both electricity and petroleum products as they use energy to produce energy and so lower output implies lower input. 60,000 Total GHG Emission Reduction (by sector) due to 10% Electricity Efficiency in all sectors 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Hotels Accommodations Restaurants Retail Trade Construction Hospitals Fin., Bus., Prof. Services State and local government Water transportation Organizations Other health services Personal and laundry services Travel reservations Arts and entertainment Other manufacturing Wholesale Trade Food processing Education Fruits, Vegatables and… Federal government Information Repair and maintenance Rental & leasing and others Waste managementt services Air transportation Crops production Mining Scenic and support… Ground transportation Animal production Warehousing and storage Clothing manufacturing Trucking Aquaculture, Forestry &… Commercial fishing GHG Emission Reduction (mtCO2e) Comparing Sectoral results in column 3 with those of column 2 basically reflects how the petroleum product saving as a result of fewer electricity generation is distributed across sectors. In other words, difference between column 3 and column 1 is approximately equal to the indirect petroleum products’ demand reduction due to electricity efficiency in sector i. Note that energy sectors are excluded from sectoral analysis, as they are unique in terms of energy consumption behaviors that make them exclusive from other sectors in terms of electricity efficiency. Figure 3. GHG Emission Reduction (By Sector), mtCO2e The carbon emissions associated with 10% electricity efficiency are shown in Figure 3. By far, the most significant opportunities for greenhouse gas emissions reductions from electricity conservation are in four sectors: hotels (51 thousand metric tons), accommodations (34 thousand metric tons), restaurants (26 thousand metric tons), and retail trade, followed by construction and hospitals. Figure 4 demonstrates total energy demand reduction potential by source, associated with 10% electricity efficiency in each sector. Interestingly, 10% electricity efficiency will save a bigger portion of petroleum products than electricity. Note that the petroleum products savings are indirect saving, the majority of which coming from the reduction in electricity sector’s demand for power generation. That would then makes the petroleum products savings inclusive of the energy savings in electricity consumption and the difference in the electricity and oil demand reduction bars in Figure 4, which shows much larger petroleum product saving compared with electrical energy saving, equals the avoided energy conversion loss in the power generation 17 sector. In the hotels sector, for example, 10% electricity efficiency will save three times as much petroleum (905 thousand mmBTU) as electricity (300 thousand mmBTU), implying a 33% efficiency of Hawai‘i’s generation system, which corresponds to the typical efficiency of thermal power generation systems. In case of 10% electricity efficiency in all sectors, a total of 6.4 trillion BTUs energy will be saved, of which 4.5 trillion BTUs comes from petroleum and 1.9 trillion BTUs from electricity. Total Energy Demand Reduction due to 10% Electricity Efficiency in sector i, by sector 1,400 ('000 mmBTU) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 0 Gas Hotels Accommodations Restaurants Retail Trade Construction Hospitals Fin., Bus., Prof. Services Water transportation State and local government Organizations Other health services Personal and laundry… Travel reservations Arts and entertainment Other manufacturing Wholesale Trade Food processing Education Federal government Fruits, Vegatables and… Information Repair and maintenance Rental & leasing and others Waste managementt… Air transportation Crops production Mining Scenic and support… Ground transportation Animal production Warehousing and storage Clothing manufacturing Trucking Aquaculture, Forestry &… Commercial fishing 200 Petroleum Electricity Figure 4. Total Energy Saving Potential Due To 10% Electricity Efficiency By Sector Table 7 summarizes and provides a comparison of rankings for the energy and GHG intensity, as well as the energy and GHG saving potential under the efficiency scenario. Sectors use fuels in different ratios, and emissions factors differ across fuels, as reported in Appendix I. Practicing energy efficiency by Hawai‘i’s consumers is an important tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Demand-side management incentives may be considered for users of energy intensive sectors like electricity, utility gas, or transportation. Konan and Chan (2010) provided detailed analysis of the energy and greenhouse gas intensity of Hawai‘i resident and visitor expenditures. Energy Consumption Reduction ('000 mmBTU) a. Total Energy Reduction (‘000 mmBTU) b. Total Energy Reduction (%) Energy Demand Reduction due to 10% Electricity Efficiency (all sectors) by source Energy Demand Reduction due to 10% Electricity Efficiency (all sectors) by source 12.00% 6,000 10.1% Total Final demand 5,000 4,895 4,000 Total Final demand 8.00% Total Intermediate Demand Total Demand 6.00% 3,000 4.00% 2,000 1,974 2.00% 1,000 0 (61) -1,000 Total Intermediate Demand 10.00% Electricity 1.6% 0.00% (3) (3) (405) Petroleum 2.7% 1.6% (2.00%) Gas (0.4%) (0.4%) Electricity Petroleum (0.1%)(0.3%)(0.1%) Gas Figure 5. Total Energy Reduction Due To 10% Electricity Efficiency In All Sectors, By Source 18 Figure 5 summarizes the energy saving results in a different and interesting way. The 10% electricity efficiency in all sectors saves some 6.4 trillion BTUs of energy demand in the State, due to 6.9 trillion BTUs cut in intermediate demand (by producing sectors), being offset by 0.5 trillion BTUs increase in final demand (by consuming agents). As electricity efficiency is only assumed as technological change for the producing sectors, the final demand for all energy sources (i.e., electricity, petroleum and gas) increases with increase in residents’ demand for energy as well as increase in jet fuel exports due to larger number of visitor arrivals corresponding to the observed growth in sectors associated tourism industry. Table 7. Summary Of Industry Ranking By Energy And GHG Intensity And Saving Potential Due To 10% Economy-wide Electricity Efficiency Sector Electric Natural gas Air transportation Commercial fishing Ground transportation Waste management services Water transportation Clothing manufacturing Trucking Petroleum manufacturing Fruits, vegetables, and flowers Federal government Scenic and support activities for transportation Warehousing and storage Aquaculture, forestry, and logging Food processing Mining Personal and laundry services Hospitals Travel reservations Hotels Animal production Organizations Crops production Restaurants Rental, leasing, and others Other manufacturing Retail trade Construction State and local government Repair and maintenance Arts and entertainment Accommodations Other health services Wholesale trade Education Fin., bus., prof. services Information Energy intensity per $m output mmBTU Rank 56,448 1 24,862 2 20,450 3 10,009 4 4,456 5 2,671 6 2,633 7 2,374 8 2,341 9 1,981 10 1,738 11 1,473 12 1,461 13 1,437 14 1,325 15 1,140 16 1,128 17 1,062 18 1,053 19 1,041 20 997 21 995 22 967 23 856 24 729 25 654 26 643 27 591 28 509 29 508 30 502 31 467 32 457 33 343 34 343 35 285 36 202 37 180 38 GHG intensity per $m output mtCO2e Rank 3,545 1 1,653 2 1,507 3 740 4 318 5 162 7 137 9 160 8 171 6 105 12 94 13 106 10 105 11 82 14 74 15 67 16 42 19 34 22 36 21 27 24 16 31 52 17 8 35 49 18 12 33 37 20 30 23 22 26 22 27 23 25 17 29 5 38 20 28 12 32 16 30 5 37 7 36 8 34 Energy saving potential Rank 13 36 26 37 30 25 8 33 34 38 21 20 29 32 35 18 28 12 6 14 1 31 10 27 3 24 16 4 5 9 23 15 2 11 17 19 7 22 GHG saving potential Rank 14 36 26 37 30 25 9 33 34 38 20 21 29 32 35 18 28 12 6 13 1 31 10 27 3 24 16 4 5 8 23 15 2 11 17 19 7 22 Source: Author’s estimation based on direct and indirect emissions This analysis only takes into account the increased efficiency in using electricity as an input in production functions. Hence, we cannot do a full rebound effect discussion here, but a similar effect can be seen in the results presented in panel b of Figure 5. It highlights the role of final demand for electricity (by consuming agents) in total demand conservation under this scenario. In other words, although 10% electricity efficiency in each sector generates a 10.1% decline in intermediate demand for electricity, but the final demand increase offsets part of that and brings the total demand reduction ratio down to only 1.6% (due to the very large share of final demand in total demand for electricity). 19 5 Conclusions This study analyzes the economic impacts of an assumed 10% electricity efficiency in Hawai‘i’s economic sectors. The efficiency is assumed as a one-off step change at no cost in the production technology. Hence, the results would only reflect the gains (benefits) that would come about from this improvement as well as the distribution of the overall gain across economy. A CGE model is developed and a methodology is advanced to estimate greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential of such technological change through the estimated energy demand reductions, using data on the input-output structure of the economy, detailed fossil fuel use (in BTUs). The results provide sector-level analysis for energy and greenhouse gas emissions saving potential, as well as change in macroeconomic measures under the assumed electricity efficiency scenario. Energy and GHG intensity indices are also developed, based on which economic sectors are ranked and analyzed. The energy intensity index measures total direct and indirect energy measured in millions BTU (mmBTU) required to produce one million dollars in total output. Electricity production is the most energy intensive, requiring 56.5 billion BTU to produce one million dollars of output. Utility gas, air transportation, and commercial fishing follow, requiring 25 billion, 20.5 billion, and 10 billion BTUs per million dollars, respectively. As expected, the rankings of sectors are almost the same in terms of greenhouse gas emissions intensity with a few exceptions, though none of those exceptions are among top 10. However, when it comes to energy and GHG emission saving potential, the rankings are totally different, with hotels, accommodations, and restaurants standing in top three places, respectively, followed by retail trade, construction, and hospitals. This clearly shows the high GHG emissions elasticity of technological change in the tourism industry. Especially considering the ratio of residents’ versus visitors’ population, this result implies that the visitor expenditures are more energy and carbon intensive than that of Hawai‘i households on a per person basis, which verifies the result obtained by Konan and Chan (2010). These results indicate directions for greenhouse gas emissions reduction policies in serviceoriented economies like Hawai‘i. First, visitors are likely to experience the largest welfare impact of any increase in the price of carbon, whether through a cap and trade, carbon tax, or other policies. And second, the scope to use electricity demand-side management efforts to lower carbon emissions is limited to resident use and a handful of economic industries (particularly hotels and restaurants, retail trade, and health services). As this analysis only analyzes the gain distribution of a free energy efficiency improvement throughout the Hawai‘i’s economy, further research is needed to look into the costs of the energy efficiency improvement in order to understand how benefits compare to costs in overall and by sector. 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Emission Factor for Petroleum Product Use Fuel SNG (propane) Refinery Gas Residual Diesel Waste Oil (Assume: blended with Residual) Aviation Gasoline Gasoline Jet Fuel Kerosene Coal GWP Unit kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU kg/mmBTU 23 CO2 56 64 79 73 66 69 71 71 95 1 CH4 0.0009 0.003 0.003 0.007 0.003 0.01 0.01 0.003 0.001 25 N2O 0.0001 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0015 298 CO2e 56.587 64.454 79.054 73.513 66.784 69.619 71.689 71.134 95.992