Carolina Economic Recovery Corps


Carolina Economic Recovery Corps


Summer 2009

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has launched a summer internship program for 2009 with funding from the Vice Chancellor of Research and Economic

Development and directed by its Office of Economic and Business Development. Called the Carolina Economic Recovery Corps (CERC ), eight graduate students at Carolina will spend ten weeks working full time with Councils of Government (COGS) across the state. The main thrust of their work will be the economic recovery.

Over seventy highly qualified candidates from across the university applied, from which eight were chosen from the following disciplines: City and Regional Planning (DCRP),

Law, and Social Work. The interns will be expected to work full time at the location of the COGS beginning the week of Memorial Day and will receive a stipend from the university.

Following is a list of Corps members and their respective COGS:

Christian Brill (Law)

Alison Gillette (DCRP)

Triangle J COG (RTP)

Isothermal Planning and Development Commission


Piedmont Triad COG (Greensboro) Carynne Hardy (Social Work)

Julie Lawhorn (DCRP)

Meredith Ritchie (Law)

Land of Sky Regional Commission (Asheville)

Cape Fear COG (Wilmington)

Charessa Sawyer (Social Work) Mid-East Commission (Washington)

Andrew Spiliotis (DCRP)

Ashley Yingling (DCRP)

Centralina COG (Charlotte)

Upper Coast Plain COG (Wilson)

A day of intensive training occurred at the School of Government (SOG) on May 19 from the COGS, the League of Municipalities, and faculty of the School of Government. All eight COGS had staff members present for the entire day and got to know their respective

Corps members. The League will be instrumental in helping provide technical assistance and a clearinghouse for federal grants and economic recovery activities generally.

The principal partners in putting together this program were Jesse White, Director, and

Josh Levy, Assistant Director of OEBD with support and funding from Tony Waldrop,

Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development. Other key partners were

Bill McNeil, representing the COGS, Will Lambe of the SOG, and Charles Archer and

Erin Wynia of the League. SOG faculty included Shannon Tufts, Jeff Hughes, and Kelly


Contact: Josh Levy at

or 919-843-5453.
