FAQS for new starters:
How do I manage the paperwork for a client who is allocated one of my green slots but then
cancels before I get their registration form?
You don’t have to! Trudy deals with this at her end.
What do I do if a new client, for whom I have their registration form, DNAs without contacting the
Allocate a client code, complete a top sheet, and put this straight in your ‘Closed files’.
Fill in their details on your Annual Client List and tick the box ‘1st DNA’.
Fill in their details on your Statistics Spread sheet putting ‘1’ in the ‘DNA uninformed’ column
and ‘na’ in the columns where required.
Pass the registration form back to Trudy.
An SEQ is not required.
What do I do if a new client, for whom I have their registration form, cancels their first
Allocate a client code, complete a top sheet, and put this straight in your ‘Closed files’.
Fill in their details on your Annual Client List and tick the box ‘1st DNA’.
Fill in their details on your Statistics Spread sheet putting ‘1’ in the ‘DNA informed’ column
and ‘na’ in the columns where required.
Pass the registration form back to Trudy.
An SEQ is not required.
What counts as a ‘returning client’ on the excel spread sheet?
If the client is using the UCS after 6 weeks of their initial registration, they will count as a returning
client (and have a new code allocated). A return time of less than 6 weeks would not require a new
registration and would not be counted as a ‘returning client’ on the spread sheet.
What should I put in the ‘session schedule’ in the annual client list?
This is a space for you to record what pattern of sessions you have set up with the client, ie it may be
1 - you saw them once and that was sufficient or you referred them on elsewhere
1+1 - you saw them once then booked in a follow up session
1+B - you saw them once and left them with 1 session ‘in the bank’ that they could cash within a
certain time, maybe 5 weeks hence, or whatever is therapeutically appropriate
OG (n) - you booked them in a course of ‘n’ number of on-going (OG) sessions
This can help you to keep an overview track of your patterns of sessions to aid your diary