
0 – The Elf Lord Gastan arrives on Nordyra with a fleet of four hundred elven ships and one
hundred Goblin ships. They make the settlement of Rief.
10 – The Elves and Goblins have spread out across the western shore of Nordyra. Rief has
become a city
25 – Gastan leads and exploration which extends their lands to the western Mountains (at the
time called the Eastern Mountains.) and declares the land Iluemor. Gastan and his brothers Kàdin
and Tyrith form the council of Iluemor. It is a democratic council of one hundred representatives.
27 – Gastan is chosen as the first king of Iluemor.
40 – In order to make restrictions in his power, he formed the council of the King, a group of
seven elected Elves (and Goblins).
150 – A Goblin named Trai speaks out against inequalities in the treatment of Goblins compared
to Elves such as the Kings council (at the time) only having one Goblin.
152 – In the new election, there are no Goblin’s in the King’s Council and only twenty in the
Council of Iluemor.
153 – Trai rose a group of three hundred radicals and stormed the King’s Council and kills them
all (the King was not there) and places seven goblins in the council (including himself). Gastan
arrives in Rief and learns of Tray’s deceit. He gathers together his guards and defeats Tray’s
soldiers and removes the Goblins from the King’s Council and places them into prison.
154- Seven new elves enter the King’s Council. Gastan delivers a speech in which he talks about
a rift between the elves and the goblins and that he will fund an expedition into the East for the
goblins so that they can establish their own country.
170 – A Goblin named Drilûr steps up and accepts Gastan’s funding. He and a group of two
thousand goblins sail west.
171 – Drilûr and his goblins reach the western shores of Nordyra and found New Rief.
181- The rest of the remaining Goblins in Iluemor migrate to the new Goblin country. It was then
named after Drilûr and called Drelûra but would later be called Trìluera.
320 – Gastan’s brothers Kàdin and Tyrith and his sister Nala head to the north and east into the
northern part of the Relnarem Forest along with one thousand others.
321 – Gastan and King Drilûr of the Goblins make a trading and military alliance.
322 – The group led by Kàdin encounter an old, bearded elf. He reveals himself to be Thandrin,
(also known as either Daudrin or Daeodrin). He gives unto them a great speech for thirty days in
which he gives them the true religion and also unveils the first secret of magic. Nala writes down
his every word in what would be called the Val Daudrin. Kàdin proclaims the group to be the
Enadaeodrin (Enavren). Upon the rock which sat Thandrin as he delivered unto the people the
Speech of Wisdom is built the Temple of Thandrin. Around it they make a village which they
name Düelesia.
346- The humans arrive at the southern most point of Nordyra. There they make a settlement
called Fort Sorco named after their king, Don Sorco. Gastan hears of the arrival and sends a boat
of diplomats over to meet with the human King.
347 – The the boat reaches Fort Sorco and they humans meet with the elves and right up an
alliance including trade rights.
348 – The Goblins start trade with the humans.
350- The Humans prosper greatly an expand northwards into a great forest. There, they make the
settlement Grend.
355- Grend becomes a huge city holding more than half of the human population in Nordyra.
Many villages spring up around the forest.
380- The elves start moving east, past the mountains and make the city Dhelin. King Gastan and
his government official move there and make it the new capital in order to be closer to the
humans and elves.
400 – In an attempt to bring together the humans, the new King Varth creates the country he
names Vartha. Its border extend west the the Atroen River, North the edge of the Forest, and east
to the Prodansa River (at the time called Varth River). Unlike Gastan, he does not let the people
have any say in the government.
410 – Varth, being as ambitious as he is, send an army into Trailura in order to obtain the
Goblin’s fertile farmland. The western portion of Trailura is pillaged an burned.
411 – The Goblin King Agrin quickly assembles the first army of Trailuera and sends them to
the eastern bank of the Trailuera River. They settle themselves into a defensive position in the
small city Broen. A large human army of 100,000 attacks Broen and the Goblins (only 50,000)
defeat them. The Humans retreat down the river to Bloed where they wait out the winter.
412 – King Varth sends 100,000 more soldiers to join the weakened army in Bloed. King Agrin
sends 75,000 goblins to Bloed and a month long battle ensues with the Goblins being the victors.
413- The Goblins start moving west into the Human’s lands and burning down their villages.
King Varth gives up to King Agrin’s terms which are: King Varth must step down from the
throne and allow a human picked by Agrin to take his place, and that a human work force must
be sent to rebuild all that was destroyed in Goblin lands. Agrin picks a human noble who
opposed war with Goblins to take the throne. His name was Gelek.
420 – King Gelek is not a strong ruler and as a result, his nation crumbles. Many small tribes
form. The Dark Ages of Nordyra begin.
507 – The Dark God Morvan sends down to the world his evil minion Dûrneld. Dûrneld spreads
to the World many plagues.
530 – Dûrneld creates an army out of dead bodies. They become faceless, grey-skinned puppets
known as the Grey Walkers or the Methel-Vegra (Methra). They number in the hundred
532 – A council of Enavren elves decides to give unto the world knowledge of magic in order to
battle the Methra. The Wizard Delnor goes to Dhelin and starts training people to become
533 – The Methra start destroying the humans, tribe by tribe.
534 – A man named Geldon from the Furth tribe starts uniting tribes under his rule to stand up
against the Methra. He restores Grend as the Capital of his new country which he names Arcan.
535 – The Methra reach Grend and lay waste to it. Geldon escapes with a great number of people
and they go north out of the forest to escape the Grey Walkers.
536 – Delnor with a group of 500 trained magicians ride into the plains north of the Southern
Forest. There, they find Geldon and his survivors. They leave Geldon behind and head east
where they encounter a huge army of three hundred thousand Walkers. They defeat many Methra
but almost all of them die, only thirty (including Delnor) escape back to Dhelin.
537 – The Goblin’s, Elves, and the remaining humans form one huge army of almost one million
and attack the Walkers, almost completely destroying them. The goblins build a new city for the
Humans to be their capital in the Northern Plains called Arcana. Geldon once again is King and
unites all the humans.
540 - Dûrneld once again raises an army. It is twice as big as the original.
541 – The Walkers start to siege Arcana and the Goblin city Broen. The god Feladon created
with all his power the Ilacain. The Ilacain were were-dragons. They were men who could turn
into Dragons. Feladon sent them down to earth. Their leader was named Dyrian. The Ilacain
swept across the land destroying the Walkers and stopped the siege at Arcan.