Additions to Basic Kit

Open the Book website resources
Year 2 Master Resources
Additions to the Basic Costume Kit
Storytelling teams have been sending in their creative ideas for adding visual impact
through costumes – here are a few simple but very effective ideas.
Blanket Tabard
This simple popover requires little sewing, especially if you use a tough woven fabric
which doesn’t fray.
Visit your local charity shop and ask for the blankets that they would sell as
dog blankets. Take them home and wash them on a very hot wash. They
might come out looking a bit stained but they will be clean!
Cut them in half lengthways which will give you 2 tabards. Still working with
them lengthways, cut a ‘T’ shape in the centre (making sure that you don’t go
all the way to the edge). The horizontal top part of the “T” forms the shoulder
opening while the vertical cut makes a front opening for your garment.
Bind the edge to stop fraying either on a sewing machine or with a simple
blanket stitch.
This can then be slipped over the head and worn with a simple tie round the
waist. It will fit pretty well any size.
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Open the Book website resources
Cotton Throw over
This versatile garment can be used for both men and women roles.
Take any suitable long length of cotton material (stripes always look
particularly Biblical!)
Lay it down lengthways and make a cut halfway up the material.
You can bind the rough edges but if you’re too busy it will still be useable!
Wear it with the cut edges at the front of the body and either throw one strip
over the shoulder or use a scarf or belt to tie it round the waist.
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used without prior written consent from Bible Society.
Open the Book website resources
Soft Armour
Soldiers and guards seem to regularly pop up in Open the Book stories ! Here
are some effective quilted pieces which really look the part. The breastplate is
made of soft fleece topped with a padded metallic piece. Simple oversewn
lines emphasise the solid feel. The armguards are made in the same way.
The pieces are held on at the back with elastic, ties or wide tape with Velcro
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including reproduction, storage, modification, distribution or republication, and may not be
used without prior written consent from Bible Society.
Open the Book website resources
Having some child sized versions means the pupils can join in too!
Copyright ©The British and Foreign Bible Society 2014
All our material, including that on our website, is protected by UK and international copyright
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and is the property of Bible Society. Our resource pages may only be used for Open the
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