Agricultural Technology Commercialization: Stakeholders, Business Models and Abiotic Stressors Stephen Suffian, Arianna De Reus, Curtis Eckard, Amy Copley, Khanjan Mehta Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) Program The Pennsylvania State University Abstract A wide range of innovative and affordable technologies have emerged to facilitate the creation, expansion, and streamlining of Food Value Chains (FVCs) in developing countries. These technologies target various value chain activities including agricultural production, processing, storage, marketing, distribution, and consumption. Low-cost greenhouses, solar food dryers, threshers, grinders, storage containers, and packaging equipment are examples of technologies that have the potential to improve the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers and agricultural workers while making FVCs more efficient and bolstering food security. Successful commercialization of these technologies will require entrepreneurs to develop sound business strategies that will disseminate and sustain these products in the marketplace. At the same time, entrepreneurs need to demonstrate to potential customers how they can afford, maintain, and profit from the technology product. This article presents a typology of systemic multistakeholder business models to assist technology entrepreneurs in commercializing and integrating their agricultural technologies into FVCs. For each of these business models, the impact of diverse abiotic stressors like access to capital, supply chain resiliency, trust issues, and ownership dynamics are discussed. Collectively, these business models and analyses of stressors are meant to help entrepreneurs develop strategies for their own agricultural technology ventures. Introduction Growth in the world population has increased demand for food and threatened global food security, which is characterized by the accessibility, usability, and availability of food. An array of other factors, including the worldwide expansion and changing dietary preferences of the middle class, urbanization, diminishing natural resources, food price volatility, and inefficient labor and land use have exacerbated the problem (World Health Organization, 2012). Despite these challenges, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations ascertains that our planet has the capacity to sustain the expanding population. This requires the optimization of land use productivity in terms of labor, crop yield, water conservation, and waste reduction (OECD-FAO, 2011). Global food security needs are currently being addressed through agricultural policies that focus on promoting more sustainable farming practices, reducing food waste and losses — one of the foremost impediments to food security — and fostering greater commercial and technical innovation in agricultural systems. Approximately one-third of the world’s food produced for human consumption (1.3 billion tons) is wasted by consumers or lost along the supply chain each year (Gustavsson, Sonesson, Cederberg, Otterdijk, & Meybeck, 2011). In developing countries, nearly 40% of food losses occur after harvest and are caused by premature 1 harvesting, unsafe handling and processing, a lack of processing capabilities, or poor storage facilities (Ibid). Sub-Saharan Africa alone suffers from almost $4 billion of post-harvest grain losses every year. If effective processing and storage technologies could be utilized to prevent these losses, the saved food would have the potential to feed 48 million people (World Bank, 2011). Improving land use productivity and reducing food waste can be accelerated by the adoption and use of agricultural technologies that improve the processes comprising Food Value Chains (FVCs). These processes can be divided into the following phases: agricultural production, processing, storage, marketing, distribution, and consumption. There are 3.7 billion people in the world today that earn US $8 a day or less, 70% of who depend on agricultural activities for their livelihoods (World Economic Forum, 2009). Successfully tapping into the smallholder market with affordable technologies fosters the growth and sustainability of FVCs. Numerous businesses, non-profit organizations, and academic programs have emerged to develop innovative technologies that both improve the livelihoods of farmers and promote food security. Yet these entities face enormous obstacles as they attempt to put their products in the hands of people who need them most (Contractor & Lorange, 2002). These challenges can be financial, socio-cultural, environmental, or political in nature. They manifest in different forms depending on the geographic and cultural context of the customer base. One way to overcome these challenges is for technology entrepreneurs to develop, pilot, and refine business models until they identify a series of successful strategies for commercialization that are resilient, sustainable, and scalable in particular regions and nations. A typology of business models for the commercialization of agricultural products and services can help entrepreneurs identify potential partners, develop business strategies, and consider different methods of market insertion and growth (Copley, Eckard, DeReus, & Mehta, 2013). In this article, the viability of each model is assessed based on its resilience in a FVC. Before an entrepreneur chooses a business model, he or she must conduct the due diligence to determine which model is most likely to succeed. Each of the models discussed in this paper is uniquely suited to accommodate different stressors within a FVC. Stressors are defined as elements of pressure that act upon a FVC, either reinforcing or mitigating value along the chain. Some examples include socio-economic issues, stakeholder relationships, and environmental impacts. Evaluating these models relative to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in response to a series of stressors will inform the entrepreneur’s decision making process and devise sustainable business models that strengthen FVCs and improve livelihoods. Food Value Chain Technologies Figure 1. Simplified Food Value Chain with Examples of Relevant Technologies 2 Agricultural Production There are many technologies that can improve the timing, quality, and yield of agricultural goods including greenhouses, drip irrigation systems, treadle pumps, sand dams, and rainwater harvesting systems. For example, low-cost greenhouses allow farmers to control the temperature, light, and harvest cycle of plants and enable them to grow crops year-round (Pack & Mehta, 2012). When paired with drip irrigation systems, greenhouses can reduce farmers’ water consumption by more than 30% (Shock, 2006). Treadle pumps, rainwater harvesting systems, and sand dams also assist in securing water for crop cultivation. This is particularly important in semi-arid and arid climates where food scarcity is especially acute and a successful crop depends on economizing water. Rainwater harvesting systems (RHSs) and sand dams also assist in securing more water for crop cultivation. While RHSs collect water from roofs, roads, and temporary water sources to store for future use, sand dams collect water by extracting it from dams built across seasonal river beds (Excellent Development, 2012). All of these technologies help farmers optimize their production to meet consumer demand for agricultural products. Processing Processing occurs when raw agricultural materials are altered into new, more valuable states (International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, 2009). Post-harvest processing technologies reduce the risk of food spoilage by extending the shelf life of products. Applying heat, replacing natural raw ingredients of food, and using aseptic packaging are all methods of increasing shelf stability. This increase in value allows farmers to extract higher rates from their customers (World Bank, 2011). Solar dryers, grain mills, pedal threshers, small-scale rice drying, tarpaulins, and solar heaters are all examples of processing technologies. Solar dryers are a fast, safe way to trap heat from the sun and evaporate the water inside of food (Gregoire, 1984). Tarpaulins made of polyester or polyethylene are used to dry maize and other goods on the ground or hanging from a rope (Nandudu, 2011). Solar heaters for grain made from plastic or corrugated galvanized iron are held down to the ground with rocks, allowing their hot micro-climate to reduce moisture; this process mitigates both mold growth and insect infestation (World Bank, 2011). Processing can increase shelf life, reduce post-harvest waste, improve nutrition density, increase fiber and phenol antioxidant content, and reduce the volume and weight of the food (Vinson, Zubik, Bose, Samman, & Proch, 2005). Storage Storage of agricultural products is essential after processing. Technologies that enhance food storage protect food from pests and moisture and provide a means of safe preservation for long periods of time. Insect pests and grain pathogens are responsible for ruining 20-30% of grain if kept in traditional storage granaries made from dung, sticks, or mud (Tafera, et al., 2011). These technologies include hermetically sealed bags, super bags, plastic drums, and metal silos, among other technologies. For smaller storage solutions, hermetically sealed bags are triple-layered to protect against insects. Larger super bags made of polythene material act as liners inside of traditional woven grain storage bags (World Bank, 2011). Super bags can be 3 designed to hold up to three tons of grain with a gas barrier that restricts oxygen and water vapor from entering. Plastic drums can also be used as granaries. These storage methods significantly improve grain shelf life by providing protection from pests and moisture (Ibid). Metal silos can also help farmers protect their grains from pests and reduce post-harvest waste as well as provide local employment opportunities, since they can be constructed by artisans using locally available materials and well-known construction methods. Marketing Food marketing is the process that connects agricultural goods to consumers. It encompasses a variety of tasks integral to successful FVCs, such as making investment decisions, utilizing institutions, managing resource flows, and engaging in physical and business activities (Jaffee & Gordon, 1993). Technologies that enhance food availability and consumer education serve to improve logistics for farmers, vendors, and consumers, leading to more efficient FVCs. Marketing technologies must provide suppliers with information to help them market their goods more strategically. The use of mobile technology has immense potential to provide educational opportunities in rural regions of underdeveloped countries. For example, cell phones have been used to provide real-time conditions regarding weather, soil, pests, and diseases for smallholder farmers in rural India (Patel, Chittamuru, Jain, Dave, & Parikh, 2010). In Kenya, the Kenya Agricultural Commodities Exchange (KACE) provides farmers with market price information to help them decide where and when to sell their crops. KACE provides this information via radio, phone, and resource center, helping to minimize transaction costs between all agricultural stakeholders (Mukhebi, et al., 2007). Distribution Distribution in FVCs consists of physically getting agricultural products to the consumer. Technologies that aid this process can reduce food waste and facilitate transport, providing increased access to agricultural products for consumers. For example, cold chains are the ways in which temperature-sensitive food gets from the producer to the consumer so that it does not perish in the process (Rodrigue, Comtois, & Slack, 2006). There are various technologies that keep food refrigerated such as gel packs, dry ice, quilts, reefers, and eutectic plates. Reefers are refrigerated shipping containers used to carry food between countries (Ibid). Other methods of preventing food waste during transportation are wax coatings on produce, polyethylene packing, and applying gum arabic to fruits to prevent oxygen and carbon dioxide from causing it to age. The coating is edible, water soluble, eco-friendly, and can be made from acacia trees (Ali, Maqbool, Ramachandran, & Alderson, 2010). Distribution strategies that support local sourcing of produce can drastically reduce reliance on imports, allowing communities to save money and boost local agro-businesses (World Economic Forum, 2009). Further, when companies partner to distribute bundles of products from many different suppliers, distribution costs are minimized. Cereal banks are local community warehouses where farmers bring their grain immediately after harvest and are paid for their contributions. Then when grain is scarce in the community, it is sold from the warehouse at below-market prices (World Bank, 2011). This shortens the distance that people have to travel to purchase grains, and makes grains affordable when external prices are high. 4 Consumption Consumers have a direct influence on supply and demand in a market, which affects the actions of other key players in the FVC, even though they do not directly partake in the FVC processes (Hawkes & Ruel, 2011). Certain technologies and marketing strategies have been created to assist in more nutritious and healthy food consumption (World Economic Forum, 2009). Solar cookers, fireless cookers, ceramic stoves, and biogas digesters are technologies that provide the consumer with a safer cooking environment while decreasing fuel costs. Solar cookers are stoves designed to trap heat from the sun with reflectors using metal sheets (Cuce & Cuce, 2013). They enable people to cook without wood or charcoal, saving forests from logging and providing safety to women who have to walk long distances to find firewood for cooking. Fireless cookers are low-cost devices that are used as a secondary form of cooking. They can be used for food preparation or to keep food warm for extended periods of time, with the potential to reduce waste and alleviate smoke (Okello, 2009). Ceramic Jiko stoves are another technology that aid in food consumption. These stoves are portable, more eco-friendly than open-fire cooking, and can reduce fuel expenditures for a family by 18% over a 5-year period (Vaccari, Vitali, & Mazzù, 2012). Farmers who have significant amounts of animal waste can utilize anaerobic digestion to produce natural gas for cooking. Low-cost biogas digesters eliminate the need for charcoal, leading to a substantial reduction in environmental and health impacts from cooking (Mehta & Mehta, 2011). Challenges to Technology Commercialization Even though a variety of technologies have been developed to improve each phase of a FVC, many of these technologies have failed to reach the target customer segments. Traditional dissemination methods such as donating technologies to developing countries have not been consistently successful since donors often overlook how the technology will fit into the specific social, political, geographic, economic, and cultural context of its users (Polak, 2008). If the technology’s design is inappropriate for the context and the product fails to create value for the user, the user will not continue to utilize or promote the product within his or her social network, especially when the user feels no sense of ownership over the donated product. Additionally, the user will not invest adequate time, labor, or money in maintaining the product and it will ultimately be abandoned (Conley & Udry, 2003) Commercialization has proven to be a more successful method for technology dissemination because of the sense of ownership that stakeholders have in the technologies they purchase (Polak, 2008) (USAID, 2011). If the user identifies a clear business model for generating profit from the outset and the technology yields successful results, the user will want to capitalize on its economic value and continue operating and maintaining the technology. Nonetheless, commercialization still has its own unique challenges that can impede and disrupt nascent technology ventures. Many ventures do not wish to invest the time and capital into designing, researching, validating, and manufacturing products to meet consumer demand in a developing country context (London & Hart, 2004). These ventures may also doubt whether their standard business models will be profitable in an environment where uncertain economic conditions, weak governance, and poor infrastructure pose significant risk to fledgling businesses (World Economic Forum, 2009) (USAID, 2011). 5 Several stressors along the FVC can impact the success of commercializing technologies. It is vital to address these stressors when developing a business strategy, as most occur outside of the realm of the manufacturing facility. For instance, poor economic circumstances in rural areas lower the profit that a farmer can receive from value addition. Agro-ecological heterogeneity also may require regional design changes for certain products (Jack, 2011). Implementation of a disruptive technology could be met with cultural resistance that can best be addressed with localized manufacturing, partnerships with community groups, and sufficient marketing. For example, fireless cookers that were introduced to western Kenyans were met with resistance due to the high cost of their insulating material and poor contextual marketing. When a workshop was conducted where women were able to bring their own designs and use local staple foods for demonstration purposes, the stigma against this product was greatly reduced (Okello, 2009). In essence, product design, implementation strategy development and steady-state business strategy development must be undertaken in a concurrent and integrated fashion. Business Models for Technology Commercialization Typically, an entrepreneur will enter a new market by manufacturing a product and selling it at a higher cost to reap a profit. During this process, he will efficiently and effectively manage cash flow, engage in marketing activities and provide after-sales support and maintenance. This process is fairly linear for low-cost products that can be easily purchased and owned by individuals or businesses. The entrepreneur will develop a business model for this enterprise to function effectively and profitably. However, several of the technologies discussed in this paper are too expensive for smallholders to buy outright in an independent fashion. For example, a solar dryer manufacturer hoping to expand sales to rural areas will find difficulty reaching customers who can afford to purchase their product without a financing plan. For the technology to reach the intended customers, a second-level business strategy must be developed. This model must, from the customer’s perspective, explicitly delineate how they will buy, profit from, and sustain the product. It must also explain how capital costs will be recovered, and how profits or losses will be shared amongst partners. The two-level business model conceptualization addresses this need for detailed business models of collective ownership (Mehta & Mehta, 2011). Collective ownership models might be employed for the entire lifecycle of the product or only initially, as one individual may acquire all equity over time. The secondlevel business model may also address other stressors that impact the success of commercialization, such as providing capital, supply chain consistency, or finding new markets and sales channels. 6 Figure 2. Two-Level Business Plan The two-level business plan is founded on the premise that equity from and between all stakeholders in a venture will yield the most successful results (Ibid). It prevents social tensions from arising and affecting the use of the product, while promoting pride and ownership over the product and increasing the likelihood of its maintenance. If the entrepreneur cannot propose a practical Level Two business plan, he might not be successful in engaging his customers and increasing his sales and profits. For example, An entrepreneur who develops an innovative solar dryer and wishes to enter a new market must first establish local manufacturing operations or establish a partnership for manufacturing, assembling, or importing the product. The entrepreneur (and manufacturer) will develop a business model that delineates how the product would be manufactured, distributed and sold, how revenues would be utilized, how costs would be minimized, and how customer relations would be maintained from awareness to after-sales support services. These activities would constitute the Level One business plan for the venture. Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas provides a compelling framework for developing this business model. Next the manufacturer would consult with diverse entities to determine how the solar food dryers could reach their target customers. The customers might lack access to capital to purchase the solar dryers, lack market linkages for dried food products, or have difficulties sourcing high-quality produce for drying. The manufacturer must develop and validate business models that demonstrate how diverse entities can collaborate to reap benefits from the solar dryer. These business models must be developed from the customer’s perspective with clearly articulated flows of money, value and agricultural products – raw and processed. For example, one model could involve marketing agencies purchasing large numbers of solar dryers and leasing them to farmers in rural areas to dry their produce on site. Another model might revolve around financing agencies providing low-interest loans to farmers to purchase solar food dryers 7 with a marketing agency partnership guaranteeing the purchase of processed (dried) food products. A third model might involve a farmer’s cooperative purchasing several solar dryers and renting them to members at a low-cost. The manufacturer must analyze these different multistakeholder models in the backdrop of the contextual realities. These customer-centric concept of operations are referred to as the Level Two business models. Level Two business models are extremely varied because they depend on the unique characteristics of the manufacturer’s product as well as the established modes of generating revenues and providing services. The manufacturer can choose to establish business relationships with a wide array of actors including agro-enterprises, community centers, cooperatives, marketing agencies, micro-loan institutions, local governments, NGOs, informal lending systems. Typically one institution will act as the lead risk taker with others playing supporting roles in the value chain. Each of these partners has its own specific motivations and desired outcomes for its engagement in the venture. These motivations and expectations must be clearly articulated and validated to make the venture successful. If the manufacturer is not able to demonstrate how these multi-stakeholder systems would work, the business venture is unlikely to be successful. The manufacturer must consider the impact of relevant abiotic stressors on the business model. An example provided by many farmers in Kenya is the Amiran Farmer’s kit. This kit includes the installation, training, and continued agro-technical support for an 8’ x 15’ greenhouse. By providing training and extended support, Amiran alleviates several stressors related to the farmer’s ability to maintain and optimize a product. Amiran has partnered with the Kenyan government to showcase these kits at farm shows and vocational institutions to boost marketing and enhance reputation of its product. However, this kit is cost prohibitive to smallholder farmers with limited income. Amiran does not directly provide any method of financing, which has limited their customer base. However, they have developed partnerships with financing agencies to facilitate access to capital. A manufacturer should consider how customers will access capital in order to broaden its potential market share. The strategy of the manufacturer must also be dependent upon the characteristics of each individual product. More mobile products can be shared or rented. Complex products may require customer training or a separate entity to operate. Supply chain resiliency is another stressor that greatly affects the commercialization of a technology. Seasonal goods must be treated differently than those that grow year-round. Weather can greatly disrupt road conditions and halt less developed supply chains. The regional availability of the valueadded market is also important to consider. These value-added goods may even need to be sold in entirely different markets from the original goods, potentially by leveraging export markets. 8 Table 1. Commercialization Stressors by Stakeholder This paper presents a typology of Level Two business models that would enable the integration of agricultural technologies into FVCs. A case study of how each business model could apply to a hypothetical solar dryer manufacturing enterprise is discussed. We describe how certain abiotic stressors impact the viability of the business models and implicate the manufacturer, customers, end-users and other supporting entities. This typology will help inform entrepreneurs on possible strategies for creating economically sustainable and socially equitable technology-based ventures in developing countries. The overarching goal is to develop win-win propositions for all stakeholders connected to FVCs in a manner that optimizes the FVC and makes it more sustainable and equitable. Data regarding these stressors was refined over three years of developing and commercializing various agricultural technologies in East Africa. From May through July 2012, primary data was collected from detailed interviews with over 100 stakeholders (including farmers, vendors, and traders) from various regions of Kenya. Their concerns regarding a FVC were organized using STEEP (Social-Technical-Economic-Environmental-Political) criteria. A model was constructed of the FVC with feedback loops utilizing a systems thinking approach in order to better understand the relationship between the listed concerns and how they impact each stakeholder (Meadows, 2008). This system was then evaluated for each Level 2 business model, where commercialization stressors were identified. A Guide to the Typology The following typology is comprised of business models that demonstrate how a manufacturer can best collaborate with different actors to install, sustain, and scale a technologybased venture. The typology proposes a series of strategies designed to maximize the success of a venture and then classifies these strategies based on the most prominent actors in the model. This serves to provide some clarity and structure to the vast number of diverse strategies that can be employed to commercialize agricultural technologies. These models can be combined in 9 various ways to yield richer and more equitable multi-stakeholder models. As a reference, the manufacturer is the originator of the technology and is the entity trying to develop Level Two models that can be sustained by the marketplace. The manufacturer seeks customers to purchase its products, and then must work with these customers to find consumers who are the ultimate users of the products. While the business models generically refer to the end-user of the technology as a “farmer,” the end-user could be engaged in any other role – value addition, distribution, storage, depending on the nature of the technology product in question. In other words, let us assume that a company comes across an innovative solar food dryer technology. This technology may have been licensed by a larger organization, developed by an educational institution, imported from a different market, or designed and manufactured internally. This company is now the manufacturer trying to develop different Level Two business strategies for the various stakeholders to convey the potential of their solar food dryers. This typology is a reference for the solar food dryer company in its quest to enter the marketplace or expand their share. These scenarios are not supposed to be replicated by manufacturers since every operating context is diverse and necessitates an independent and comprehensive analysis. At the same time, the scenarios provide a pliable medium for the manufacturer to bring back diverse considerations into his own venture. To further explain what types of entities are involved in these models, this section will briefly define the actors included in the business models and describe their motivations and goals for developing a technology enterprise. 10 Table 2. Stakeholder Analysis. 11 Table 3.Other Potential Stakeholders. 1. Agricultural Venture Model Figure 3. Agricultural Venture Model Diagram The manufacturer sells the product(s) to the agricultural venture. The agricultural venture uses the product(s) in its business operations that relate to the FVC. The agricultural venture typically buys goods from farmers, adds value and sells it in the market place. This model requires an agricultural venture with enough capital to purchase the product(s) and directly market its processed foods. Example: An agricultural venture purchases 50 solar dryers from the manufacturer. It also purchases vehicles to transport raw goods from farms to the company’s factory/warehouse and ultimately to the market. Once it contracts enough suppliers of fresh produce, it begins drying the goods to sell in the market. As it refines its business operations, it can scale up by contracting more suppliers and purchasing more solar dryers from the manufacturer. The agricultural venture has its own (easy access to) capital and the manufacturer does not need to pro-actively work with the manufacturer to make the Level Two Business Model work. Access to Capital: This is the most basic model of technology commercialization because it involves the manufacturer selling a product outright to an agricultural venture that will then use the product in its operations. In contrast to the rest of the models, this model is focused on 12 ventures that have the capital outlay to directly invest in the manufacturer’s technology. Since agricultural ventures usually engage in processing-related activities, they might also purchase goods from local farmers and then sell it in the market place. The agricultural venture therefore manages quality control, marketing, shipping of goods, etc. The agricultural venture is constantly looking for goods so that it can process and sell them. Therefore, it might be inclined to incentivize farmers to supply year-round. This model works well with products that require high capital costs but have large profit margins compared to the raw goods. For example, mango juice is significantly more profitable than mangos sold on the open market. However, the capital costs of industrial juice-making machinery are high and quality control is a must. A cold chain might be necessary and hence a centralized manufacturing facility would be most appropriate. An independent venture with sound financial backing would be able to alleviate several stressors while creating value for the mango farmers as well. It is fairly common to find such high-capital organizations to be completely or partially owned by the government. Supply Chain Resiliency of Goods: This model is also suitable for products that add value by improving distribution networks. Transporters can struggle with heavy rains, leaving them trapped at a farm for long periods of time, delaying their shipments and causing significant losses. For example, mangoes have a very short shelf-life and mango juice requires cold-storage transport. A stronger supply chain network organized by an independent entity could utilize bulk transportation, supply chain management, and dedicated marketing to decrease price volatility due to road conditions and increase access to optimal suppliers. Product Characteristics (Complexity): This model is a good choice for products that may be too complex for individual stakeholders to operate without significant training. The agricultural venture would be able to afford dedicated and trained staff for maintenance of the product, reducing the need for the manufacturer to train individual users. An example might be a largesize sunflower-seed oil electrical generator, which is a complex device that involves significant maintenance. An agricultural venture would have the capital and on-site support to ensure that this electrical generator is functional at all times. 2. Informal Group Model 13 Figure 4. Informal Group Model Diagram The manufacturer sells the product(s) to an informal group of farmers. Farmers share the product(s) equitably based on the amount of capital they have invested in the product(s). One individual in the group will be in charge of routine maintenance. Others will compensate for that labor by giving the individual additional use of the product. This job can rotate among the group so that every farmer has the opportunity to fulfill this role. Farmers can use the product(s) to complete their FVC activities and earn profits. Example: Four farmers who have lived in the same community for years decide to collectively purchase a single solar dryer. They equally share the initial cost of the solar dryer and take turns using it throughout the harvest seasons. Although these farmers were willing to invest in a solar dryer together, they find it difficult to share the dryer during certain seasons of the year when many crops are harvested and need to be dried at the same time. They also have trouble deciding who will fix the solar dryer when it breaks, especially if multiple parties are to blame for the damage. The lack of an effective coordination and maintenance plan for the solar dryer leads to social tension within the group. With the additional revenue generated from the solar dryer, the farmers might consider purchasing more solar dryers to facilitate sharing and prevent strains on their relationships. Collective Ownership/Product Characteristics (Mobility, Complexity): In areas where different stakeholders live and work very closely to one another, it is natural for groups to selforganize in support of one another and their ventures. They will often share best practices, market information and even tools or machinery to facilitate their work. A farming tool, like a scythe or new plough technology, would be much easier to share than an infrastructure product like a greenhouse or drip irrigation system. The geographical distance between partners at the agricultural production phase may make sharing difficult, especially under adverse weather conditions or high-demand periods. Trust and Social Capital: When these groups are created, they there are typically no legal entities or contracts that dictate how they must cooperate with one another. An operating structure evolves from the social dynamic of the group to promote mutual gain for all members. At the same time, the fact that no legal agreement binds the group together enables a member to take advantage of the group with no legal repercussions. It is very important that members trust one another before they start an informal joint venture. This model would be well-suited for products related to distribution as long as transporters operate in the same markets. This would allow them to frequently interact with each other to make collective decisions regarding maintenance and sharing details. For example, transporters can take turns using reefers, a coldstorage technology, to transport quickly perishable goods (Rodrigue, Comtois, & Slack, 2006). When they return to the market they will be accountable to the other members of their group. Problems could arise since these partners are direct competitors. The trust between members must contend with their competitive nature. This is an important note for the manufacturer, as social issues that arise from the implementation of a product have the potential to create a permanent negative stigma. For example, interviews with over 100 consumers have indicated an overwhelmingly negative attitude towards greenhouse tomatoes, with claims that they have 14 significantly reduced quality and short shelf lives. These characteristics are applicable only to one of the earlier seed varieties used in greenhouses. While new varieties are being used that alleviate these concerns, the stigma associated with these tomatoes will be much more difficult to remove. A manufacturer may have an easier time marketing a product to a small informal group of retailers. Retailers typically have strong relationships with each other, are often in the same location, and sell similar products. This would allow them to share a value-added storage product with ease. Interviews with over 60 retailers in several markets in Kenya have shown that wastage at the market is the most important factor in turning a profit. This waste can be caused by a lack of demand, volatile prices, or produce quality. A manufacturer selling low-cost storage units could seek out a small group of produce retailers who would be willing to pool resources to purchase the product. Since they work in close proximity and typically have strong social relationships, they would be more easily able to share until their increased profits allow them to purchase individual units. This low-cost, easy to share solution would allow the manufacturer to access a dense and socially-connected client base. Product success among a small group of retailers could very quickly lead to utilization by entire markets. Value-Added Market Availability: Despite an informal group’s interest in purchasing agricultural technologies, a manufacturer would find it more difficult marketing their product to this audience as opposed to a more structured organization. Informal groups will likely begin using a product as a result of successful branding and word-of-mouth marketing, requiring the benefits of the product to be well-known and sufficiently advertised. This model will work best if the primary innovation of the product is cost-savings of a previously successful product, allowing smaller stakeholders access to a market they previously couldn’t afford to participate in. This model would also be suitable for virtual products that may relate more to marketing than physical changes to the product. An example would be a smartphone application that provides agricultural information and real-time pricing to farmers and helps them increase profits. The web developer could sell this application on a per-phone basis. As farmers begin to rely on this information, they will be more inclined to purchase personal access to garner competitive advantage by having this information always available. 3. Co-operative Model 15 Figure 5. Co-operative Model Diagram The manufacturer sells the product(s) to the co-operative. Farmers rent the product(s) for a certain number of days. The co-operative charges its members a low rental fee to use the product(s), whereas it charges non-members a higher rental fee. The co-operative pays for routine maintenance on the product(s) out of its own budget. Farmers are charged a penalty for damage due to negligence. The farmers are solely responsible for all profits and losses associated with their use of the product(s). Example: Farmers affiliated with a co-operative grow tomatoes for the local market. The cooperative purchases 50 solar dryers from the manufacturer. Since the co-operative purchased a bulk order of solar dryers, it was given a ten percent discount off their total cost. The farmers then use the co-operative’s dryers to dry tomatoes for personal consumption or sale at the local market. Farmers that are part of the co-operative can rent and use these solar dyers at a discounted rate (or for free) while other farmers who are not part of the co-operative may use the solar dryers at a higher price. These rental fees supplement the co-operative’s membership dues, providing it with funds to maintain the current solar dryers, invest in future solar dryers, or purchase new technologies that complement the solar dryers. Collective Ownership: Similar to the informal lending model, the co-operative model shows how a group can work together to collectively own and manage a product. Yet those in the cooperative differ from the informal group because the members of the co-operative work within an official framework that ensures equitable asset-sharing. Unlike the Informal Group Model, which evolved from social ties, the co-operative is equipped with formal mechanisms that prevent members from monopolizing or abusing group assets. So while members of an informal group might be able to borrow an asset for longer than they have requested at no additional cost, members in a co-operative will have to adhere to the co-operative’s rules if they wish to reap its collective benefits. While rules are formalized, the relationships between members are much less developed than in the Informal Group Model, which could intensify social dynamic issues. This could manifest if the product has limited time spans of profitability. For example, a solar dryer for tomatoes may only be profitable for a few months each year. Tensions are more likely to arise when sharing the dryer if the members are not socially accountable, as they would be in the Informal Group Model. Trust and Social Capital: The formation of the co-operative provides a formal organization that has potential for marketing value-addition. These co-operatives are able to build trust with consumers that could allow them to streamline their supply chain and build a more resilient network (Mehta, Maretzki, & Semali, 2011). Products don’t need to be mobile, since they will typically stay in one location that all members can access. An example of this business model is a tea co-operative that shares drying and grinding machinery between tea growers. The machinery remains at a central location, with the growers bringing their tea to be processed. In this scenario, members typically also use the co-operative to market as a single entity. In products that are shared but not mobile, it is imperative that an individual is designated to take primary care of the product. A greenhouse, for example, requires daily maintenance. A single day of neglect could lead to destructive pest infestations. Issues may arise if the caretaker is not 16 properly chosen or must relinquish duties. Access to Capital: Since co-operatives have more structure and a larger number of members, they have more capital for purchasing existing products and investing in new products. The manufacturer would benefit from keeping a close business relationship with similar cooperatives. Also, if these co-operatives have confidence in the manufacturer’s products they would be likely to invest in any new lines of technologies the manufacturer would bring to market. Supply Chain Resiliency of Goods: While the larger, formalized nature of this model allows for greater leveraging of resources for marketing and sharing, co-operatives must adhere to certain structures and have group consensus on new ventures. As a result, working with this entity from the manufacturer’s perspective can be slow and painstaking. Delays also have the potential to affect the use of the product, complicating sales in volatile markets. A grain storage facility, for example, may be more difficult to access than with a more informal model. This risks impacting the speed and reliability of the value chain, especially in response to sudden events such as weather conditions or changes in government regulation. The manufacturer should assess the probability of this risk based on the characteristics of its product before proceeding with this model. 4. Rental Agency Model Figure 6. Rental Agency Model Diagram The manufacturer sells the product(s) to the rental agency. The rental agency rents the product(s) to customers who pay to take the product(s) to their properties for a pre-determined length of time. The rental agency may be able to charge a fee to deliver and pick up the product(s). 17 The rental agency may hold customers financially accountable if damages occur while in their possession. Over time the rental agency can reinvest profits and grow their business. This will provide more farmers with access to the product(s). Example: A rental agency purchases ten solar dryers from the manufacturer. Farmers pay daily rent for the solar dryers to the agency. The rental agency offers its customers incentives so that if they rent two or more solar dryers at a time, they will receive a discount and have their pick-up and delivery fees waived. Farmers realize that using a solar dryer to increase the value of their goods would increase their profit potential and provide greater revenue stability. The word begins to spread among other farmers, and then the rental agency experiences a higher demand for their service. The rental agency begins to charge a higher price for renting the solar dryers, generating more profits for the company. It can reinvest these profits into purchasing more solar dryers, thus growing the venture and increasing its economic gains. The rental agency also has the option to allow farmers to use the product at a specific venue where they can dry their foods for a usage fee. By keeping the products in one location, the agency reduces its transportation costs and can keep its usage fees lower for the customer. Product Marketing/Product Scaling: As the rental agency generates its profits from a small number of products, it can reinvest those profits and continue to scale-up operations. This model is different from the Informal Group and Co-operative Models in the sense that it works to expand its customer base, rather than concentrating on a constrained subset of customers. While the manufacturer maintains a healthy relationship it could continue to sell new or upgraded products to the rental agency. Product Characteristics (Mobility): For processing-based value-addition, products that are best for the Rental Agency Model have some similar characteristics to those for the Informal Group Model. The manufacturer should consider the size and mobility of its product when considering this model. If a product is not mobile, the rental agency could offer a usage fee to each customer. This would work well for products or services with inconsistent demand, like a laboratory that provides soil quality testing. Farmers, suspecting soil problems are resulting in decreased yields, would pay to have their soil analyzed using high-tech equipment and trained agricultural professionals. With more mobile products, offering delivery and pick-up services for a fee would allow the rental agency to generate additional revenue and further incentivize product use. This will also provide farmers with limited transportation options the ability to access bulkier products. Therefore, the manufacturer should consider finding a rental agency with access to a vehicle. Farming tools that require maintenance could be easily rented, such as a hay baler. Since hay baling is a periodic form of work, a manufacturer would have much more success in a market where farmers could rent products for small periods of time every few months. Product Characteristics (Durability)/Environmental Impact: Since the immediate owner will not use the equipment, asset protection will be a primary concern. Typical users will not care for the rental agency’s property as they would care for their own. For this reason the manufacturer should make sure that any products sold to the rental agency are extremely durable and can be repaired easily with interchangeable parts made available by the manufacturer. Product durability is also important in the global context of combating climate change. Products and services need 18 to be made more ecologically efficient to foster a more sustainable world. Ecologically efficient designs are those that satisfy human needs, reduce ecological impacts, and reduce resource intensity throughout the life-cycle in line with the Earth’s estimated carrying capacity (WBCSD, 2000). This model allows the manufacturer to sell products that may have high manufacturing costs but also have short, repetitive use periods and long product lifetimes. This reduces material intensity and increases material productivity, two key eco-efficiencies defined by the WBCSD. By following eco-efficient design criteria, the manufacturer will reduce risk, cut costs, improve reputation, and fuel growth (Corporate Eco-forum and The Nature Conservancy, 2012). Value-added Market Availability: Similar to the Agricultural Venture model, value-added marketing can be partially conducted by the rental agency, allowing for quicker inception of the product. The rental agency has the option to differentiate their payment options. They can receive cash, processed goods, or both as payment from their customers. Consumers that do not have the cash can still rent the products for a percentage of their earnings; however, they will only seek to rent a product if they also have access to these value-added markets. For example, a manufacturer could provide a new method for cold-storage transportation for flower growers. Farmers would not be able to afford to purchase transportation themselves, but may lose bargaining power if they rely on their customers for transport. A separate agency that would provide cold-storage transportation to markets they identify in return for a percentage of the shipped flowers could allow farmers better access to markets and larger profit margins. Supply Chain Resiliency of Goods: This model is also more adaptable to changes in supply than the previous models, and can handle more seasonal goods, since products don’t need to be shared amongst stakeholders. If the manufacturer’s product is intended for seasonal produce, however, it may want to consider products to augment revenues in the off-season. The manufacturer must also be knowledgeable regarding potential seasonal demand changes of its product to ensure that the rental agency is properly stocked. 5. Marketing Agency Figure 7. Marketing Agency Model Diagram 19 The manufacturer sells the product(s) to the marketing agency. The marketing agency and farmers sign a contract. The marketing agency gives the product(s) to the farmers. The farmer periodically pays the marketing agency with value-added goods. The marketing agency becomes a supplier to the market place or other retailer. Example: A marketing agency purchases 40 solar dryers from the manufacturer. The marketing agency partners with eight farmers who have the appropriate diversification of crops that it wishes to sell in the market. It then gives each farmer five solar dryers. The farmers are only required to meet a specific quota of dried produce and may keep any surplus dried produce. The marketing agency also forms a partnership with retailers that agree to sell the dried produce. The marketing agency begins to scale up its operations as it starts to generate profits. The marketing agency would like to build its brand among consumers and over time scale up its operations. For the marketing agency to become a reputable supplier, it must obtain a sustainable supply of produce. One technique would be for the marketing agent to purchase the manufacturer’s products and give them to farmers. These farmers would agree to fulfill a quota determined by the marketing agency on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. A binding contract will outline the duties of both parties for a finite amount of time. It is then to the marketing agency’s discretion how it should source its products to market, whether through selling directly to the marketplace or doing business with a retailer or wholesaler. The manufacturer would choose to work with the marketing agency in order to provide quality control over the sale of the product, and the marketing agency would profit from selling the value-added produce without having to invest the time, capital and labor in establishing manufacturing facilities of its own. Meanwhile, the farmers would directly benefit from the solar dryers at minimal risks. Value-added Market Availability: The manufacturer should consider this model if its valueadded goods have a limited market due to severe barriers to entry that only a designated marketing agency can surpass. If so, a marketing agency might start by finding high-paying international customers to provide more revenue (particularly if marketed as performing a “social good”) and help ease global food security challenges. However, the international effort may also negatively impact regional development and exacerbate local food insecurity (Murray, 2001). To avoid this, the manufacturer and agency should also further develop the local market, easing food insecurity and lowering their transportation and distribution costs. This model may be less attractive than others if the manufacturer is offering products related to agricultural production. This model would instead be most viable with products related to value-addition or storage, especially with price-volatile goods. The marketing agency would be able to optimize profits by sourcing the appropriate goods to markets according to relative price differences. This can be done by using storage methods to hold goods through short-term periods of low prices, and selling them when and where it will be more profitable. The capital cost of the product should be low. The knowledge of the benefits of value-addition should be high, but this is not as important as it is in previous models because there is an agency with a focus of finding markets and optimizing profits based on daily pricing. An example of this model would be a produce waxing machine. Applying a layer of wax extends the shelf-life of produce. A farmer working with a marketing agency could hold produce during days of low-prices, providing more 20 time to seek markets with the greatest demand. This would also improve the overall resiliency of the food value chain in that region. 6. Financing Agency Figure 8. Financing Agency Model Diagram The manufacturer sells the product(s) to the financing agency The financing agency and the farmer negotiate a contract. The financing agency gives the product(s) to the farmer. The farmer pays the financing agency periodically. Farmers must find their own way to sell goods and generate revenue. The financing agency assumes the risk of the farmers defaulting. Example: A financing agency approves six farmers to receive loans for solar dryers. The farmers agree to the terms of the loans and to make periodic payments back to the financing agency. They then purchase solar dryers from the manufacturer to dry and increase the value of their produce. The farmers sell their dried produce in the marketplace and use a portion of the proceeds to pay the financing agency. As the financing agency receives payments from these farmers, they are able to finance more loans for other ventures. The farmers have the responsibility of choosing how they wish to generate revenue from their acquired products. Access to Capital: An integral aspect of disseminating these technologies to the market is ensuring the consumers have the capital to invest in these products. Capital is particularly a problem when a manufacturer is selling a product related to agricultural production. The manufacturer must ensure that consumers have a means of accessing funds if they lack the personal resources necessary to purchase a product. Micro-finance and informal-lending mechanisms are becoming increasingly available for farmers in developing countries as a way to address this challenge. Larger, international microfinance institutions are socially conscious and may be interested in partnerships with products that help smallholder farmers. The farmers will have to repay their loans according to a contractual agreement. Such a partnership would provide credibility for the manufacturer on a global scale, and may open avenues for relationships with other large governments or NGOs. For example, a manufacturer could partner with the Grameen Foundation to provide greenhouses to farmers in Tanzania. The Grameen Foundation is an experienced micro-lending institution that would be able to find reliable farmers and develop a 21 customer base. After establishing a presence in Tanzania, Grameen could use its extensive international network to help the manufacturer find farmers in other regions of the world. Supply Chain Resiliency of Goods: The manufacturer would have most success in partnering with a financing agency with a strict payback agreement if there is consistent production within the payback period. Problems may arise in agriculture such as long rainy and dry seasons, inhibiting consistent production. As a result, this payment period could extend beyond several crop cycles for seasonal produce, and months could pass with limited or no profits for the customer. The manufacturer should consider the local estimated ROI of the product and the produce season length when considering this model. For example, low-cost greenhouses can typically recoup their costs within two to three crop cycles due to increased yields (Pack & Mehta, 2012). The ability of greenhouses to extend growing seasons would also contribute to providing the farmer with more consistent income. Profits are also susceptible to changing weather conditions, government regulations, and other factors that cause volatile revenue streams. Coconuts, for example, can be grown yearround in coastal areas. A coconut milk processing center could reap consistent, monthly profits that would allow for reliable payment to the Financing Agency. 7. Educational/Vocational Institution Figure 9. Education/Vocational Institution Model Diagram The manufacturer sells the product(s) to the vocational school. The vocational school offers classes to farmers that will teach them how to use, maintain, and make a profit using the product. The vocational school can continue to update its curriculum as new technologies arise to attract former students and recruit new students to the school (Basant & Chandra, 2007). Example: A vocational school purchases ten solar dryers and hires one instructor to teach a course on their use, maintenance, and optimization. The school holds three classes each week, for which students pay a small fee to attend. These fees are then reinvested into the school so that it can purchase more solar dryers and accommodate bigger classes. The manufacturer is also 22 given the opportunity to educate the community on the importance and potential of its product through the support of a well-known local institution. This model facilitates concurrent technology and knowledge transfer that is beneficial to farmers while the manufacturer benefits by the farmer’s increased probability of success and the vocational school’s reputation. Product Marketing/Product Characteristics (Complexity): Customers who purchase technologies must know how to operate and repair their product. This knowledge transfer is crucial to the success of the venture. A vocational school can provide classes that teach interested farmers how to successfully manage their new equipment. This model promotes technology dissemination through technical education in communities. As community members gain trust in the technology, self-perpetuating advertisement will ensue, creating more demand for the manufacturer. This model is unique as it is best suited for products that have very low visibility in the marketplace. In this case the value-addition can be little-known, the technology can be new, and training can be complicated. For example, a manufacturer in Kenya that has developed a low-cost coconut shell briquette maker could partner with a government research institution to teach farmers about their product. As these briquette makers prove to be profitable, more farmers will be interested. This will create more demand for the manufacturer. In the case with the briquette makers, the Educational/Vocational Institution model alleviates the stressors related to knowledge transfer rather than those related to financing or market stability. In another instance, a manufacturer may produce innovative water harvesting technologies, such as steel channels. It could partner with a vocational institution to teach farmers how to properly capture and utilize runoff using this new product. The manufacturer would use this as an opportunity to expand its customer base while at the same time disseminating important cost-saving and environmentallyfriendly techniques to farmers. It is important that the manufacturer ensures that the product is not cost-prohibitive for those being educated on its use at the institution. This model also fosters entrepreneurship by providing community members with methods of creating their own livelihoods and connecting with others who share a similar spirit. By creating a space for this collaboration, the institution contributes to creating a more sustainable community. Trust and Social Capital: This model strengthens the trust between people and large educational institutions, which is vital for the development of a vibrant knowledge economy. As new global learning options become available, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), institutions will be able to more quickly disseminate information. A MOOC is a course, typically taught by a leading professor at a prestigious college, available free of charge on the internet. Manufacturers could potentially use this platform to provide further training or updates in regards to their product using technology available at the institution. Furthermore, strong connections with educational institutions will provide necessary credibility for the manufacturer. This credibility is vital for government approval, international funding, and creating a sustainable business venture. By partnering with an established and well-known institution, the manufacturer has greater flexibility in early product design and implementation. Many international development organizations, such as USAID, prefer to work with formalized institutions when setting up projects. The manufacturer could leverage the partnership to acquire resources that may meet the goals of these organizations. Product Characteristics (Popularity): The educational institution allows for less profitable products to be pursued, since the institution inherently has less of a profit-driven motive. 23 Therefore, products that may yield high impacts, but only affect a small portion of the population, are best developed through an educational institution. For example, fishing villages that may be dealing with decreasing stocks due to changing climates could be taught innovative methods for fish farming. This could potentially revitalize villages that rely on fishing alone for their livelihoods. While the economy of an individual village might not greatly impact the national market, institutions that provide educational opportunities could significantly improve the livelihood of the farmers engaged in these practices. A critical mass of customers is not needed for this model to be effective. 8. Distribution Network Centric Model Figure 10. Distribution Network Centric Model Diagram The manufacturer sells products to an entity that already has the necessary infrastructure for distributing products (a retailer). The retailer (shop or person) purchases the product from the manufacturer in bulk at a lower-than-market price. The retailer takes ownership of product placement and marketing. This minimizes business functions for the manufacturer. Example: A manufacturer produces 30 solar dryers a week and contracts with a local department store. The department store places an order of 120 solar dryers a month for three months to test the solar dryers in the market. After the first three months, the department store has developed a deeper understanding of the customer demand for these solar dryers and enters a six-month contract with manufacturers. While the manufacturer might be compelled to sell the solar dryers in bulk at a lower cost, the larger volume of the order makes up for the lost per-unit profit. Product Supply Chain Resiliency: Once the manufacturer’s products have a high enough demand, distributors and retailers will see value in carrying the product. For start-ups in developing economies, supply chains are often difficult to implement quickly and inexpensively. If the manufacturer can capitalize from an already established supply chain, it can quickly reach potential customers. Also when the manufacturer can sell large amounts of product to one entity, it can optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations by focusing primarily on production. At the same time, in order for these entities to do business with the manufacturer the product must be designed in a way that the distribution network can adequately ship and manage the product effectively through all in-house logistics. The manufacturer may want to design a specific “kit” for this reason. Supply chain delays related to weather and road conditions are 24 minimized with this model. Furthermore, product mobility and durability are less important factors. For example, if the manufacturer is selling a new form of pesticide and a pest outbreak occurs in a certain region, the product must ship to that region before the customer chooses a different brand. By utilizing an existing supply chain network, the risk associated with this problem would be very low. Product Marketing: This model has the potential for the manufacturer to connect with particularly isolated customers. This is important in reaching customers that may have the greatest needs, but can’t reach traditional markets for the product. An existing extremely powerful distribution model, run by non-profit as well as for-profit entities, involves traveling salesmen going door to door selling their products. Rural Urban Distribution Initiative (RUDI) in India is an example of such a distribution network. RUDI provides a means for farmers to improve their production through warehousing, processing technologies, bulk procurement, and a well-organized sales distribution network (Cheng, 2012). It is seen as a way to eliminate the middle man and maximize profits for farmers. RUDI operates through a network of local distribution centers where farmers can bring their produce for storage or processing. Processed goods can then be resold to the farmers or brought to market. RUDI-bens are saleswomen who are involved in every stage of the RUDI supply chain. Some go door-to-door to sell the valueadded goods, reaching markets that would be otherwise difficult to access. Product Characteristics (Popularity): The manufacturer will find success for this model if there is already demand for both the value-added goods and the product itself amongst its customer base. Well known products, like higher-yielding seed types or cooking stoves, would be more suitable than disruptive technologies. Similar to the Financing Agency model, success is less dependent on the type of value-addition, and more on the characteristics of the product. This model does not help stakeholders mitigate capital costs, nor does it provide opportunities for collective ownership or cost-sharing. Innovation should focus on either price or quality. The manufacturer must design a product that adds value in a proven, short-term method. The commissions paid to the retail sales agents directly influence the sales of the product as well. This model should be considered for high-volume products that require large amounts of inventory. There may be several competing products in a store, so the manufacturer must find a way to stand out amongst competition. Brand recognition is also an important factor. Consumers will typically stick with a brand they trust until given a reason otherwise. 9. Localized Manufacturing Facilities 25 Figure 11. Localized Manufacturing Facilities Model Diagram The manufacturer partners with location-specific entities for manufacturing. The partner companies are typically entities that have the necessary capital and trust to operate in the specific location. The manufacturing facilities sell the product(s) to local entities (i.e. farmers, marketing agencies, retailers…) Example: A manufacturer decides that transporting solar dryers is not cost efficient, and it can sell a greater volume of products at a lower cost by setting up regional manufacturing facilities. Establishing localized manufacturing facilities allows the manufacturer to utilize locally-sourced materials. For example, the solar dryers can be built from the most widely-available, inexpensive and appropriate timber in each region. The manufacturer still retains quality control and branding over its product, giving it a competitive advantage. At the same time, protection of the intellectual property (solar dryer designs) is a challenge for the manufacturer. Trust and Social Capital: In this model, the manufacturer would identify partners to set up local manufacturing and sales operations. Since the manufacturer would be partnering with external entities there must be a screening process before the partnerships are formalized. These manufacturing facilities need to guard their intellectual property to minimize unjust competition. Communities would be more involved with sourcing the product to market which would create ownership and trust in the technology, thus bolstering the product’s reputation. The local manufacturing entity might then sell the product directly to the end-users or to other intermediaries. Product Characteristics (Contextual Appropriateness, Mobility): For some products (very bulky, heavy, hazardous) and business environments (governmental regulation, tariffs, restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment) this model is more appropriate. This model also 26 addresses regional manufacturing and cultural stressors. This is especially important for products related to agricultural production, which typically meet needs that relate to local weather conditions and practices. Certain products may be manufactured differently depending on contextual factors including road access, proximity to water sources, changes in elevation, climate, regional cultures, and local market size. A solar dryer would be a good choice for this model. The solar dryers can be built from local materials and designed differently depending on temperature and humidity constraints. Since they will be manufactured locally, regional differences in weather conditions can be incorporated into each design. Rural-Urban Migration: This model allows for products to be manufactured by those in the same community as the customer base. Local manufacturing and rural income-generating activities are encouraged as methods to stem global urbanization. Rural-urban migration has further stunted rural development and has led to unsanitary conditions as cities become increasingly overpopulated. This has produced large slum areas with substandard housing, excessive pollution, and growing crime rates. By providing rural livelihoods, this model can decrease crime, strengthen family ties, and directly address rural poverty (Epstein, 2001). Similar to the Financing Agency and Distribution Network Centric Models, the focus of this model is on the supply chain of the product rather than on incentives for the end-user. Governmental and international organizations may be particularly interested in this model due to its role of distributed job creation and stemming of urbanization. 10.Partnership with Franchise Figure 12. Partnership with Franchise Model Diagram The manufacturer franchises the product(s)/service(s) to franchisees. The partner company must follow particular guidelines to ensure quality control of the manufacturer’s branded product(s). The partner company will agree not to carry or service competitors’ products. Example: The manufacturer offers franchising opportunities to local entrepreneurs, who are trained by the parent company on all aspects of constructing and selling solar dryers. The manufacturer receives a royalty on each solar dryer sold by the franchisees. The intellectual property of the manufacturer is protected, and more importantly, quality control is easier to maintain than with open-market sales. The customers benefit from the quality and trust that the brand is able to build over a larger geographical area. 27 Product Marketing: This model would be appropriate if an agricultural company with a large customer base would benefit from carrying the manufacturer’s products. Both companies, as well as the consumers, would benefit from this partnership. The manufacturer and franchisee would have to standardize operations across all locations in order to develop a brand that consumers trust. A critical challenge would be determining how much to customize (for location) and how much to standardize (for quality control). Similar to the Localized Manufacturing Facilities Model, the manufacturer must screen their potential partners to ensure there will be no misuse of intellectual capital. Accountability methods must be incorporated into any partnership to ensure that the franchisee is following appropriate procedures and properly conveying the brand. Product Characteristics (Complexity, Contextual Appropriateness): For complex technologies, manufacturers would benefit from partnering with a local franchisee to provide context-appropriate marketing and training on the product. If the product goes against a longheld practice, even if designed to be harmless and in the end helpful, it is very difficult to achieve community acceptance. Franchisees could be business leaders and respected members of the community. They would be most fit to address cultural norms that may be affected by new technologies. For example, Envirofit International, a company that sells efficient, low-cost, wood cook stoves, could seek this model as a way to lessen the “fear of the unkown” of their product and provide a better understanding of how to change certain cooking techniques. The stove may affect cooking times and temperatures, altering commonly practiced methods regarding food preparation. A local franchisee would be able to navigate these cultural impacts in a way that the manufacturer would not be able to. This model empowers entrepreneurs and gives greater business ownership to locals. Model Combinations These models should not be considered in isolation. While the manufacturer would typically find a lead risk-taker to execute the Level 2 Business Model, it may find greater success by using certain models in tandem to strengthen its business case. Certain business models lend themselves to be utilized in conjunction with others as they only address certain stressors when taken independently. For example, the Educational/Vocational Institution Model mostly helps with knowledge transfer related to product operation and maintenance. The Distribution Network Centric Model facilitates product reach in geographically-dispersed and hard-to-reach markets. The Financing Agency Model helps with access to capital. The Marketing Agency Model enables market linkages and access to capital. When these models are paired together, multistakeholder business environments can be established to alleviate a broader array of stressors. Two examples of such models are presented here with the sole purpose of elucidating the hybrid model concept. Educational/Vocational Institution & Distribution Network Centric Models 28 Figure 13. Educational/Vocational Institution & Distribution Network Centric Models Diagram For higher-yield seed products, companies will typically use the Educational/Vocational Institution Model as a marketing tool, then use widespread distribution networks for access to the seeds. An example of these models in tandem can be seen in Kenya by local seed companies. Each year the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture holds a farm show at their Wambugu Farm facility in Nyeri, Kenya. They invite several companies to plant their different seed varieties months in advance, so that those in attendance can see which seeds have the best yield and quality. Farmers can purchase this seed at the farm show or at their nearest agricultural store, in a method similar to the Distribution Network Centric model. Since the seeds are readily available, sales are dependent upon proving to farmers that their product is superior. Financing Agency/Marketing Agency Models Figure 14. Financing Agency & Marketing Agency Models Diagram Another combination that can prove successful is a Financing Agency/Marketing Agency model. A greenhouse manufacturer can sell a greenhouse to a local farmer through a loan from an international bank that has agreed to provide the funds with relatively lower interest. The greenhouse manufacturer also forges a partnership with a marketing agency that exports highvalue products like strawberries to Europe. The farmer can use the greenhouse to grow highvalue crops such as strawberries that will increase his profits and accelerate the payback period. The farmer would sell the strawberries to the marketing agency without worrying about market linkages for his products. This setup would allow for all stakeholders to achieve success, as well as increase the supply of a small but growing strawberry market. Conclusion 29 The business models in this typology serve as a guide for entrepreneurs working to establish sustainable, lucrative, and scalable strategies for disseminating agricultural technologies in developing countries. Manufacturers can choose aspects from any model based on which stressors they may find most important to address. These stressors are not comprehensive; the manufacturer must consider all potential impacts of each business model based specifically on the characteristics of the product and the target market. 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