Corona Learning Center Week # Class Date Week 1 9 - 17 Week 2 9-24 IEW US History-Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 Weekly Topics with pg. #s In Class Activities Homework Due Next Class Period Unit 1: Keyword Outlines Structure Style Lesson 1 Intro to the Class What is structure and style Review of a Keyword outline Intro to the vocabulary Explain how to turn KWO into a paragraph writing in your own words Unit 2: Writing from KWO Style: fun with –ly words Dress-ups Lesson 2 Share oral reports of chosen paragraph Vocab words Style: what are –ly words Playing and Practice with –ly words Using your KWO from last week…begin to write into paragraph into own words Go over Checklist on page 21..what is expected Intro lesson 3 vocab and challenge words Play vocab around the world KWO for pg. 24 “The Lost Colony” Brainstorm –ly words pg. 25 Go over the checklist on pg. 27 for what is expected Explain the CHALLENGE on page28 (for all IEW students that were in class last year) .Week 3 10-1 Fall 2015 Unit 2: Writing from KWO -ly words Challenge vocabulary and writing Lesson 3 Create KWO using paragraph of pg. 16 Choose 1 paragraph to present oral paragraph in your own words Finish writing your paragraph that you began in class Your paragraph should be typed and include all items on checklist Parents should review your essay before bringing to class Study vocab words for quiz next week (Lessons 1-3) Finish writing your paragraph on “The Lost Colony” in your own words Don’t forget to type it and underline or highlight the items Corona Learning Center IEW US History-Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 Week 4 10-8 Unit 2: Writing from KWO Lesson 4 Who/which clause Adding –ly words Creating title Final clincher Week 5 10-15 Unit 2: Writing from KWO Lesson 4 continued Vocab quiz 1 Review vocab lesson 4 Intro to the who which clause Practice who/which clause pg 34 KWO pg 34-35 Pg 36 brainstorm/practice who which clause, adding –ly words If time begin writing your paragraph Peer edit paragraph 1 Did you add vocab words? Brainstorming title ideas Final Clincher KWO for 2nd paragraph pg 38-39 Fall 2015 Week 6 10-22 Unit 2: Writing from KWO Lesson 5 Five Senses Words Showing emotions in your writing How to create an intriguing title 5 senses writing KWO pg 42-43 Pg 44 brainstorming ideas for description Pg 45 showing emotion and using 5 senses in writing on the checklist you are expected to include Finish your paragraph Add your title Print out a copy of your paragraph and bring to class Edit your 1st paragraph Add your 2nd paragraph to the first Add your title and final clincher Complete your final draft and have your parent grade your essay Bring the graded essay to class with the checklist attached Using your KWO, create your paragraphs using your own words. You should include dress –ups, , no banned words, and for those that have done IEW Corona Learning Center IEW US History-Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 Fall 2015 Week 7 10-29 Unit 2: Writing from KWO Lesson 6 Strong verbs Who/which clause Banned verbs Strong verbs Review vocab words from lessons 1-5 Complete review What is a strong verb? What are banned verbs? Practice strong verbs pg. 48 KWO pg. 50-51 Brainstorming pg 52 Week 8 11-5 Unit 2: Writing from KWO Lesson 7 Action verbs poems Quiz 2 vocab words Review vocab Review (see teachers guide) Action verb poems pg 55 Review poem model on pg 56 Brainstorming ideas on pg 57 Week 9 11-12 Unit 2: Writing from KWO Lesson 8 Because clause Proof reading marks Review New vocab words Proofreading marks – what are they? KWO pg 60-61 New dress-up “because clause” pg. 62 Brainstorming pg. 63 before…your challenge is to include vocab words, 5 senses words, and show emotion in your writing Study vocab words from lesson 1-5 Create your paragraph from your KWO – using your own words and the checklist pg 53 Create your poem on explorers and the native American poem using your brainstorming ideas Make sure that you have all the important parts of the structure. Checklist on page 58 Using your KWO – create your paragraph IN YOUR OWN WORDS Review checklist on pg. 64 to make Corona Learning Center IEW US History-Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 Week 10 11-19 Unit 3: Narrative Stories Lesson 9 Story sequence chart Week 11 12-3 Unit 3: Narrative Stories Lesson 10 Elements of Story Sequence Chart Quality adjectives Banned adjectives 5-senses adjectives Week 12 12-10 Unit 3: Narrative Stories Lesson 11 Dialogue What is alliteration…CHALLENGE pg. 63 Review vocab words Review parts of a story pg. 65 KWO pg 68-69 Students practice orally telling partner the story back in their own words Brainstorming pg 70-71 Review dress ups in your writing Fall 2015 Review vocab (up to lesson 9) Complete review Quality adjectives pg 75 Banned Adjectives pg.75 KWO pg. 78-79 Brainstorm elements of style pg. 8081 Review checklist pg. 82 Review New vocabulary Decoration: Dialogue (look in SRN on page 67 explains rules for dialogue) Pg 68 of SRN to practice punctuating dialogue KWO pg 86-87 (only section 1 and 2) Brainstorming pg. 88-89 Go over rough checklist pg. 90 sure you have everything Using your KWO and brainstorming ideas…write your own story. Add PLENTY of description but do not change historical facts Each of the 3 sections should have all the dressups Using your KWO and brainstorming ideas…write your own story. Add PLENTY of description but do not change historical facts Each of the 3 sections should have all the dressups Study for vocab quiz (lesson 1-9) Using your KWO and brainstorming ideas…write paragraphs 1 and 2. Add PLENTY of description but do not change Corona Learning Center IEW US History-Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 Fall 2015 Week 13 12-17 Unit 3: Narrative Stories Lesson 12 Allitertion Vocab quiz Re read story on pg. 86 Complete KWO pg. 87 (section 3) Brainstorm style: pg 92 What is alliteration? historical facts You should have 2 paragraphs when you are finished. We will be adding a third paragraph in the next lesson This is a rough draft for this week. Bring a typed copy of your 2 paragraphs to class next week DON’T FORGET TO ADD DIALOGUE Using your KWO and brainstorming ideas…write paragraph 3. Add PLENTY of description but do not change historical facts You should have 3 paragraphs when you are finished. Edit your rough draft at home at least once. Bring a printed copy to class for peer editing Corona Learning Center Week 14 1-7 IEW US History-Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 Lesson 13 Peer editing stories Writing your own story – see example on pg. 228 of the appendix What is the clause pg. 96 Brainstorm ideas for your own story pg. 98 (work as a groups) Brainstorm ideas to add dress ups in your story (share aloud) Fall 2015 Week 15 1-14 Unit 3: Narrative Stories Lesson 14 Game with vocab words if time Bring your stories to class and we are going to have you present them to the class. Using your outline and some of your own ideas, create your own story. Make sure each element of the story sequence chart is present Make sure you have all the dressups pg. 99 Bring typed, final draft to class to share orally Review vocab words for game next week