Ricardo Flores Magón Academy Dignity. Diligence. Humility. Unity

Ricardo Flores Magón Academy
Dignity. Diligence. Humility. Unity. Solutionista.
Paper Based Policy
November 2015
Rationale of Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the recommendations of parents and staff at (RMFA/AXL)
regarding grade level assessment participation either through paper format or on the computer for the
CMAS/CoALT ELA, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies tests. This policy is being laid out pursuant
to (HB 15-1323).
Policy Statement
The administration of CMAS/CoALT, ELA, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies tests will be done on
the computer for any student in grade three or higher (3-8) for all areas. The only deviation from this
policy would be in alignment with a student’s IEP accommodations or supported through documentation
for a student receiving Tier III RtI/MTSS supports. This policy does not apply to READ Act or ACCESS
Upon adoption this policy will be translated, made public, and posted on the school’s website.
The administrator responsible for acting as the Site Assessment Coordinator (SAC) will work in
conjunction with our authorizer to ensure there is timely communication about the number of students
requiring computer assessments and those requiring paper tests.
The special education lead or director will work in conjunction with our SAC to determine and report the
number of students requiring a paper test due to written accommodations.
The RtI/MTSS lead or director will work in conjunction with our SAC to determine and report the
number of students receiving Tier III support who do not have IEPs but whose interventions include
paper-testing and who will therefore need access to a paper test.
Evaluation & Review
This policy will be reviewed before the start of the 2016-17 school year to assess its effectiveness during
its first year; thereafter it will be reviewed on an as-needed basis or pursuant to state/federal regulation.
This policy was adopted by the Board of Directors on 11/16/15.
A| 5301 Lowell Boulevard | Denver, CO 80221
P | 720-412-7610
F| 303-477-0325
W| www.magonacademy.org
Ricardo Flores Magón Academy
Dignity. Diligence. Humility. Unity. Solutionista.
Parent Refusal Policy
November 2015
Rationale of Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the recommendations of parents and staff at (RMFA/AXL)
regarding a parent’s right to opt their student/s out of one or more of the state assessments without
being penalized. This policy is being laid out pursuant to (HB 15-1323).
Policy Statement
It is a parent’s right to determine if they want their child to participate in any of the state mandated
assessments. Therefore, it is the policy of our school that a parent may provide in writing a request to opt
their child out of any/all CMAS/CoALT tests. Neither parents nor students who opt out will experience
any negative impact as a result of their decision. This policy does not apply to READ Act, ACCESS, or local
assessments (school determined ones).
Upon adoption this policy will be translated, made public, and posted on the school’s website.
Parent Opt-Out forms will be kept in the front office and upon request will be provided. There will be a
“one child-one form” standard applied to said forms to support the ease of tracking and recording. Each
opt-out form will only be good for the current school year. Parents will be required to complete a new
form for each school year.
Upon completion and submission of each form, the student’s name will be added to an excel sheet
recording the student’s name, grade, teacher, and test/s from which they have been opted-out. This sheet
will be shared with the School Assessment Coordinator to facilitate reporting to the district regarding
numbers of tests needed.
Teachers will be notified of their Opt-Out students no later than one week prior to testing and will be
asked to prepare work/lessons for these students to complete during the testing blocks.
On testing days in which the student will not participate, he/she will be relocated prior to testing to a
non-testing room being overseen by another administrator. During the testing time these students will be
expected to work on their classroom assignments or read.
Evaluation & Review
This policy will be reviewed before the start of the 2016-17 school year to assess its effectiveness during
its first year; thereafter it will be reviewed on an as-needed basis or pursuant to state/federal regulation.
This policy was adopted by the Board of Directors on 11/16/15.
A| 5301 Lowell Boulevard | Denver, CO 80221
P | 720-412-7610
F| 303-477-0325
W| www.magonacademy.org
Ricardo Flores Magón Academy
Dignity. Diligence. Humility. Unity. Solutionista.
A| 5301 Lowell Boulevard | Denver, CO 80221
P | 720-412-7610
F| 303-477-0325
W| www.magonacademy.org
Ricardo Flores Magón Academy
Dignity. Diligence. Humility. Unity. Solutionista.
A| 5301 Lowell Boulevard | Denver, CO 80221
P | 720-412-7610
F| 303-477-0325
W| www.magonacademy.org